Expedition Express

We are well into the 2nd Case Study of our Expedition which takes a closer look at the economic impacts of the Transcontinental Railroad during the late 1800’s.  Students are reading about the lumber mills and ice production companies that prospered in Truckee once the railroad was complete.  My plans to visit the Truckee-Donner Historical Society have not been successful so far.  If anyone has a contact (I have called and emailed Chelsea Waltersheid with no success) please send me the information so I can set up fieldwork.

Expert speakers are scheduled to visit our classroom following the Thanksgiving break.  Mark McLaughlin, a local historian will visit in early December.  I am in the process of lining up a couple of Chatauqua performances to show our crew what to expect for our final project in December.  This will give the students a first hand look at what goes in to performing.

Chatauqua Performance:  Students have chosen the person they would like to represent during our Celebration of Learning on December 15th.  We will be conducting research and writing our presentations over the next few weeks.  Some research may need to be completed at home.

Question of the Week:  What person have you chosen for your Chatauqua and why did you choose this person?

Crew News

Senior Center:  This month’s Design Principle is Sevice and Compassion.  We will continue to practice this important character trait by visiting the seniors at the Truckee-Donner Senior Apartments on November 29th and December 13.  Last year, our crew conducted interviews with the seniors in Truckee and there was a wonderful exchange between these intergenerational gatherings.  The seniors have asked to have us come back this year since they enjoyed the visits with the students last year.

Technology in the Classroom:  Zach Williams, our newly hired reading specialist, will be conducting Technology lessons in the classroom beginning this Friday.  He will help in our research for our Expedition as well as get students acquainted with computers, including basic keyboarding skills.

Dates to Remember:
Nov. 16:  Nevada County Library
Nov. 17:  Harvest of the Month – Kiwis
Nov. 21 – 25:  Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 29:  Senior Center visit