Hope everyone had a nice holiday break. Many thanks to all for your kind words and gifts; staff very much appreciate your recognition of their efforts.
Lots to share in this new year. First, we would like to welcome back Ms Brisbin to the 4/5 classroom after her leave of absence; please help her feel welcome as she re-integrates into our community. Second, we are trying to streamline our information so lines of communication are more clear and email clutter is reduced. An overview:
We will be rolling out a new website in later January; when this happens we will send out navigation tips. We plan to have the website as our primary information location. Emails will generally link to the information on the website.
Access to classroom crew email lists are now restricted to only those families who are members of that classroom crew
Please refrain, unless absolutely necessary, from “reply all” to emails; send only to teacher or selected individuals when you can
Information which needs to get to the whole school (this includes PTC information) needs to come to me (dmanahan@truckeecharterschool.org) first and I will consolidate it all into the Director’s Notes.
Director’s Notes will go out on Tuesdays, so any information needs to be to me by Monday noon
Tuesday was chosen since K-3 have folders which go home on that day; we will make sure any hard copy information is in those folders, so please be checking
** There will be occasions when all school information needs to be communicated at times other than Tuesdays. Please know we will try to keep this to a minimum. Classroom crews may have a few more of these, especially around planning fieldwork.
** This process may take a couple of weeks to become efficient, so please bear with us.
Other information to share:
Mon, Jan 9 from 5:30-8:30 pm is our next Board Meeting. The first 1-2 hrs will be a workshop on school configuration; in other words, how do we want our classrooms/mixed-grades to look, including our middle school, and how do we want to expand over the next two years. All are welcome to attend; we encourage community participation in this process
Wed, Jan 11 is a Minimum Day
Mon, Jan 16 is a holiday; NO SCHOOL
Thurs, Jan 26 from 6-7:30 pm we will be holding a workshop on Expeditionary Learning (EL); the workshop will provide more insights/information on EL in general and more specifically on the implementation of EL in our program
** Reminder: every Friday from 9:15-9:45 am is Community Meeting, with Coffee House staring at 8:45 am.
Lets all hope for some snow soon.