Crew Update 10/9/2012

            Fall is definitely in the air again and that means that the mornings are pretty chilly.  This morning I opened the door to two students huddled together under a blanket for warmth.  I want to remind you to layer-up when you come to school and you can always shed layers as the temperature heats up during the day. 

Goal-Setting Conferences (10/15-10/17):  Next week is a minimum week (Monday through Friday middle school students are dismissed at 11:45).  SELS will have goal setting conferences after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and I am proud to say that all of the students in the Williams Crew are signed up!!!!(the final schedule is attached)  I sent home two forms today in preparation of goal setting conferences next week.  One is a “Goal Setting Worksheet” for the students to fill out about themselves and turn in tomorrow to me.  The other is a “Goal-setting Conferences – Preparation for Parents” form.  Please take some time to fill out this form with your child prior to your conference.  At the conference you, your child, and I will be choosing one Academic Goal and one Social/Character goal with ways your child can work on their goals this year.  At the conference I will work with you and your child to create a “S.M.A.R.T.” goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound). The students will work on crafting “SMART” goals this week.  If your goal form last year is still applicable and you would like to use it again that is alright.  The conference is only 25 minutes long so please come prepared so we can set goals and I will be able to answer all of your questions.

Independent Study:  Many students have missed school and I have given/emailed an “Independent Study” form with the required assignments.  The purpose of the independent study is our school receives money for every day that your child is in attendance.  If they are not here, we can count them for being present if they can prove that they did the work that was done in class.  If you ask for work, I will send you a pdf file that looks like the “sample IS assignment log” I attached to this email(as if a parent has filled it out).  On the independent study make sure to:

       Note on the calendar what was done that day

       Initial the “Assessment” blank (to show that you witnessed your child doing that work)

       Mark how many days of work your child completed (page 2)

       Sign and date the “Independent study teacher” page (because your were the independent study teacher while your child was not here)

       The last part is specifically what your child needs to do in reading, writing, math, and expedition.

It is essential that the student turns in the independent study form and all of the work they did the day they return from their absence.  An independent study form/work that is not turned in will count against your child’s attendance and their grade.  If you have been absent and have not turned in your work with the independent study please do so as soon as possible.

            I look forward to seeing all of you next week for Goal-Setting!!
