Expedition Express

FIRE and ICE:  As we look more closely at the FIRE aspect of “How Truckee was formed by Fire and Ice” and  complementing our monthly Design Principle: Service and Compassion, students will conduct a family service learning project by designing and creating a family fire escape plan.  This is part of your child’s weekly homework and an information checklist is included in your child’s weekly yellow folder.

Community Interviews:  On Wednesday, November 14, the Welch and Seaborg crews will be heading out into the Truckee community to interview people about why they visit or have settled in Truckee.  We will be walking to various locations nearby (Wild Cherries, Mountain Hardware, and Safeway) gathering data to support our long term learning targets.

Question of the Week:  What are some main interviewing skills that your will use on our fieldwork next week? (Examples:  Introduce yourself/Good eye contact).

Downtown Truckee Photo Day:  Continuing our work towards our Final Product, we will be heading back downtown to take photos of historical builidings in modern times.  Although this fieldwork is close by, we will need parent drivers to accompany the students.

Crew News

Arts for the Schools:  Our crew will be heading to watch Lula Washington Dance Theater perform on Wednesday, November 7th.  These culturally based programs are brought to Truckee through the Arts for the Schools organization in an effort to give students exposure to the performing arts.  We have discussed contemporary modern dance in class and the students are excited to see the story Lula Washington will be sharing with us during their performance.

Nevada County Library:  Our crew will be heading back to the Nevada County Library on Thursday, November 15.  Remember to encourage your child to read at home every night.  The best way to improve reading is by READING.  Thanks to Carolyn Gallagher, Fernando Lopez, and Jen Wilkin for joining our crew last week on their trip to the Nevada County Library.

Scholastic Book Orders:  Students received the November Scholastic Book Order forms in their yellow folders.  All orders are due on Tuesday, November 13.  If you would like to order books as a holiday gift, this is a great time to do so.  Let me know and I will hold the books aside and give them to you in a descrete manner.  


Bear Walk money due:  Last week, on Halloween, the SELS students and staff particpated in the 3rd annual SELS Bear Walk around the track.  What a great event.  All students that received sponsored donations need to collect pledges and bring them to school this week.  Thanks to all the parents that made this event a HUGE success.

Dates to Remember:

  • Wed. Nov. 7: Lula Washingtion Dance Theater – Arts for the Schools performance
  • Mon. Nov. 12:  NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day
  • Tues. Nov. 13:  Scholastic Book orders due
  • Wed. Nov. 14:  Community Interviews with Seaborg Crew
  • Thurs. Nov. 15:  Nevada County Library
  • Mon. – Fri. Nov. 19-23:  NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
  • Tues. Nov. 27:  Fieldwork to Downtown Truckee – photo shoot