
The Legacy of the Gold Rush is our final Case Study for our Expedition. The students are learning about the many different mining techniques used both then and now. We will explore the substantial effects of the Gold Rush both in the environmental aspect and growth of California into a state.

The students are hard at work creating our final project, a silent filmed about the Gold Rush based the art of Charlie Chaplin. The film will be a three part piece showing the different routes people took to California: the Overland, Cape Horn and Panama Route. Get ready for drama, dance and humor all rolled into one exceptional film! Coming Soon! We will keep you posted on the premier of our film.

Spring Expedition:  The Kick-off to our Spring Expedition will happen in early February.  For your planning purposes, we have booked our campsites at Yosemite and Mono Lake for Sunday, June 1st through the 5th– Please save the dates!

Math: The fourth graders have started a fractions unit. We are using clocks, egg cartons, and rulers to demonstrate the many ways fractions can be presented with the use of everyday items. We are continuing to practice 2 times 2 digit multiplication and getting those single digit multiplication facts memorized. The students enjoy our center time where they work on projects, games, and math concepts related to our fraction unit.

The 5th graders are studying geometric relationships in symmetry and congruence by exploring reflections, translations, and symmetry.  At the moment, students are classifying polygons and learning specific characteristics that polygons share.  They will then write a polygon riddle to share with others in the class, who will narrow down the varied geometric shapes in their envelopes until they find a match and solve the riddle.

ELA:  Students are working on concrete sensory detail (learning to use words that evoke emotion) and the Voice writing trait.  We completed a Writer’s Workshop/ Jigsaw/ Tableau protocol on different genres of writing, and invited an expert in to teach a poetry workshop.  Students will then write creatively through the genres and explore the different types by choosing between a few options. 

States Exploration:  Students are exploring our great country and embarking on a quest to send our SELS mascot, the American Black Bear, on a tour!  Our goal is to collectively receive a postcard from every state our bear visits in the US.  We will then map out the postcards and then add them to our research we are collecting on our states study.  Students have sent and are in the midst of sending out their letters this week and next week.  Thank you for your participation!

Progress Reports: We are currently working on mid-year assessments and progress reports. Can you believe that Friday, January 24 marks the halfway point of the school year? This year is Mid-year Progress Reports will be sent home on Monday, February 3rd with the students.

Harvest of the Month:  Our crew will be tasting Mandarins this week for our January Harvest of the Month tasting…..YUM!  Thanks Amber DeFazio for bringing the delicious mandarins.


Family Dance:  Put on your dancing shoes and get ready go dance the night away at the SELS Family Sock Hop on Friday, February 7th in the school gym.  The PTC is looking for volunteers to help with this dance.  If you can spare some extra time (or need a break from dancing) contact the PTC to sign up for position.

Dates to Remember:

Monday, January 20:  NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

Friday, January 24:  Last day of Fall Semester

Monday, February 3:  Progress Reports go home

Friday, February 7:  ALL school Dance

June 1-5: Spring Expedition Field Work

Thank you to all of the parents for their efforts in obtaining campsites for Yosemite, organizing fieldwork, and volunteering in the classrooms!
