Williams Crew Families,

Williams crew has been extremely productive this past month.  We have concluded our fall semester and our fall expedition and now we are on to science and the “What the cell?!” expedition.  To kick-off this expedition, the students investigated whether or not fire is alive.  Ask your child to give you evidence of why fire could and could not be alive.

Progress Reports: Progress reports were supposed to come home Friday but because of the power outage we will be sending them home on Monday. The students will be instructed to keep the envelopes sealed until they can open them with their parents. Because some of you may not be familiar with our 1-4 academic grading scale I wanted to provide more of an explanation of the academic grades for you.

4 = Exemplary:  This grade means the student went above and beyond what was expected on this standard.  I provide a rubric with what qualifies for a 4, but I do not require the students to achieve a 4.  It can also mean the student tested perfect or nearly perfect on a test, or above what I expect them to know for that standard.

3 = Proficient:  This grade means the student has met the required criteria.  They are at grade level for this standard.  This is my expectation for all students to be at grade level.

2 = Developing:  This grade means the students has not yet met the required criteria, or has not completed the assignments or turned them in late so I have not been able to assess their ability accurately for this standard.  Many of the 2’s on the progress reports reflect poor habits of work (organization, focus, use of time)..

1 = Beginning: This grade means the student is far below benchmark and my expectations

For the character and habits of work marks are as follows:

4 = Consistently

3 = Often

2 = Sometimes

1 = Seldom

If you have questions about the report cards please talk to your child first.  If you are still confused following your discussion with your child, please let me know and I am more than happy to meet with you.

If you have any questions let me know