Expedition Express

Fire and Ice: Case Study 2: Truckee Yesterday: Students have been learning from local experts about the history of Truckee. Chelsea Walterscheid, visited the classroom and shared historical photos and stories about the early years of Truckee’s downtown Commercial Row.  We also visited Truckee Fire Station 92 and learned about how fire affected Truckee’s early years from Paul Spencer and Nick Brown. These opportunities to meet with experts help bring our Expedition to life for our crew. Our next step is to continue our research on downtown historical Truckee and begin writing informational paragraphs in preparation for our Victorian Holiday tours in December.

Questions of the Month:

  • What was Truckee’s original name?
  • How did Truckee get its name?
  • What was the 1st building in Truckee? Who lived in it?
  • How did firefighters fight fires before there were fire trucks?

Top 10 Rack Cards: Our Top 10 rack cards are printed and in the process of being distributed throughout town. You can find our cards at the California Welcome Center, Donner Memorial State Park Visitor’s Center, and KidZone Museum. If you would like extras to share, please let me know and I will send them home.

Crew News

Goal Setting Conferences: Thank you for making your child’s education and social goals a priority during our Goal Setting Conferences. Remember to post the Goal Sheet at home in a place where you can see it on a daily basis. Working together as a team will help ensure successful attainment of these goals.

Library visits: We made our first trip to the Nevada County Library in October. Our crew will visit the library every 2 – 3 weeks. It is your child’s responsibility to take care of the books they have checked out and return them on the due date or before. Help foster this Responsibility for Learning at home.

Harvest of the Month: Thanks to Steve and Jeremy Anderson for preparing a delicious peach crisp for our monthly tasting. Be sure to ask your child each month about the local fruit or vegetable they tasted and add these healthy foods to your dinner table.

Successful Overnight “Clampout”:  Thank you to all parents that helped make our overnight campout in the classroom a huge success. The students showed strength, empathy, integrity, and adventure with this twist on our overnight adventure. A big shout out to Tina Bassett and Arthur Rader for braving the weather and wind and staying overnight with our crew.


Site Seminar Success/SELS Summit Day: SELS hosted its first EL Education Site Seminar last month and it was a huge success. The students were well prepared and answered impromptu questions from educators across the country. Summit Day gave us perfect weather and the students were happy to spend a beautiful day in nature.

Dates to Remember:

  • Monday, October 31: SELS Annual Bear Walk
  • Sunday, November 6: Daylight Savings Time ends. – Set clocks back 1 hour
  • Tuesday, November 8: VOTE!
  • Wednesday, November 9: Minimum Day – school dismissed at 1:00 pm
  • Friday, November 11: No School – Veteran’s Day holiday
  • Wednesday, November 16: Downtown Truckee fieldwork – Practice tours
  • Monday – Friday, November 21-25: No School – Thanksgiving Break