Expedition Express
Unfortunately we will be pushing our build day to the spring. As soon as the snow melts we will build a play structure for our school community. More info to come.

We are wrapping up investigations of pushes and pull and have our final challenge during the first full week in February. Students will be solving a problem with a partner: I can use the design process to build a marble roll that will make a marble change speed and change direction and move an object. They will present their final design to the crew with their partner.

We will be starting our next expedition on weather & climate during February. We will be answering questions like:
What is weather?
How can we predict weather?
How does weather influence our clothing and activity choices?

I would love your help if you know any local weather experts.

Questions to Ask Your Child:
How can you make a marble change speed, direction and move an object?
What is weather (mid-February)
What observations have you made about the weather? (mid-February)

Important Dates
For all school dates, please refer to the calendar on our website: https://truckeecharterschool.org/calendar/

Tuesday, Feb. 14- Celebration of empathy and caring, in the class at 2:30.
Feb. 20-24- Ski Skate Week, no school.

Happy February birthdays to: Carolina (9)

Thank you Jenna for continuing to educate us about new foods with your Harvest of the Month presentations. We are a lucky crew to taste such good food!

Tahoe SAFE Alliance came in Jan. 30 to talk to us about being safe. Ask your child how they can keep themselves safe.

Winter is here! Please make sure your child comes to school with boots, jackets, snow pants, gloves, hats, etc. We go outside every chance we get and I want to make sure they are warm. Bring slippers to keep here over winter. The kids can take off their wet winter boots and keep their feet toasty warm.

Also, please make sure book bags are returned daily. Books bag are coming back more frequently, but we are still having the left home some days.