SELS Board Mtg March 3 5:30 pm
SELS Board Meeting in M-3 March at 5:30 pm. SELS Board Agenda 3-3-25
SELS Board Meeting in M-3 March at 5:30 pm. SELS Board Agenda 3-3-25
The Board of Directors will be holding their annual Board Workshop Saturday February 8th from 9am to 3pm at the Truckee Airport Conference Room B. The agenda can be found here
SELS Board Meeting in M-3 Feb 3 at 5:30 pm. 02.03.2025 Board Meeting Agenda
SELS Board Meeting at 5:30 pm on Jan 6 in M-3. 2025-01-06 Agenda
2015-16 Documents are listed and linked below. All documents are available on the left-hand sidebar of the site as well. Family Handbook Manual de la Familia (Español) Commitment to Excellence Comprometida a la Excelencia (Español) Chaperone Code of Conduct Chaperone Código de Conducta (Español) Auto Transport Automovil de Voluntario (Español) Walking Excursion Autorizacion Para Excursióne [...]
Hi all,Sorry I am a little late on this. Spent yesterday afternoon, evening,and today with the Connolly Crew on Mt Rose. We had a wonderful hike up today (especially since there was no smoke – beautiful skies up there).As many of you have noticed, we had some landscaping last weekend. Riley Welch (Diane’s son) completed his Eagle Scout project with the help of many volunteers. They built wonderful stairs leading up to the office, put in some plants, and laid out wood chips and a rock “stream”. Also thanks to Seamus Gallagher for all his help with the project. Looks great, and the steps are fantastic!Picture day is Tues, Sept 23. Order forms are going home this week.The makeup day is Oct 16 (this is also the all school picture day). […]
Hi all,Hope the transition back to school has gone well for everyone. Things are going smoothly here on campus. Fieldwork season is kicking in and we have a new gear shed to help with that. Many thanks to Seamus Gallagher for building it and to Susanna Neave, Tina Bassett, and Sonja Martin for taking on the lovely task of organizing and inventorying all the camping supplies. […]
Hi all, Welcome to school year 2014-15! Off to a great start; students are excited to be here and are really demonstrating excellent learning and behavior skills. Some students have already been out on fieldwork; we have many great learning adventures lined up for fall. Please sign up to help out – really nice time to get to know your children’s crews (and hopefully learn something new as well). […]
Parents, All 2014-15 documents have been loaded to the website (See the 'For Parents' section on the left sidebar and below). There are english and spanish version for all documents. All documents should be printed, signed, and returned to your child's crew. 2014-15 Documents: Family Handbook Manual de la Familia (Español) Commitment to Excellence Comprometida [...]
Director’s Notes Hi all, Final Director’s Notes of the the ’13-14 school year. Where did it go? Exciting to be heading into summer, especially after this past week of a superb Celebration of Learning and the past 2 days of wonderful Passages. […]