SELS Weekly Newsletter
SELS Weekly Newsletter_10.15_English SELS Weekly Newsletter_10.15_Espanol
SELS Weekly Newsletter_10.15_English SELS Weekly Newsletter_10.15_Espanol
Please see attached agenda for the Oct 12 Board Mtg. SELS 10.12.15 Agenda
SELS Weekly Newsletter, October 1 {English} SELS Weekly Newsletter, October 1 {Espanol}
We are looking for persons interested in SELS to become Board Members. Please see the attached posting for more info. Interviews will start in late Sept, 2015. SELS Board recruitment
TTUSD is holding workshops for families to sign up for the Free-Reduced Lunch Program and to purchase bus passes. Please see info in Sierra Sun article.
Currently hiring substitute teachers for 2015-16. SELS is a K-8 program with class sizes from 22-24. Please contact David Manahan if interested: or call 530-414-5326.
Please see agenda for the Aug 3, 2015 Board Meeting in M-7 from 6-7:30 pm. SELS Agenda 8.3.15
Director’s Notes June 10, 2015 Hi all, What a fantastic last week of events! 8th grade art show at Moody’s, Celebration of Learning, and the Great Skate were all incredibly successful. Many thanks to the many hours of work it took to make all the events successful; big effort from students, staff, and parents. All of you should be proud of the accomplishments. First round of Passages on Tues were very successful. Students presented with poise and clarity, highlighting and reflecting on their achievements. Round two is tomorrow (Thurs) so if on campus please be respectful of noise levels; ideally keep things quiet from 8-9 am and 12:30-2 pm. Thanks. […]
Hi all, Please see agenda for the final meeting of the '14-15 school year. Next meeting will be in August. SELS 6.8.15 Agenda Thanks.
Director’s Notes June 3, 2015 Hi all, Lots going on in our final week and a half. Seems like a fast year. Been some great fieldwork lately at Lava Beds, Monterey, and Donner Lake. Sadly, we had to cancel some due to weather. Huge thanks to all you Fieldwork Coordinators, drivers, chaperones, and food shoppers. We are all very appreciative. SCHOOL EVENTS / INFO Celebration of Learning tomorrow night. Classrooms open from 6-7:30 pm. McMains Crew has the first annual Ancient World Summit from 5-6 pm in the gym. All parent volunteers please stop by the Appreciation Table at Celebration of Learning. We would like to let you know how important you are to our program’s success. Passages next week, Tues/Thurs, June 9/11: 8th graders presenting from 8-9 pm; 3Rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th graders presenting from 12:30-2 pm. You must be on time for these. Since students are presenting, we do not admit late-comers. Teachers will have notified you which room your child(ren) will be in; if you have not heard, please contact them. Final day of school, June 12. From 9:15-10ish we have our End-of-year-Ceremony in the Courtyard; families welcome. Beginning at 12:45 we will have a “carnival” style afternoon. We have a full day of school, though feel free to pick up (sign out) your students if you like; after 11:45 for middle school and after 12:45 for elementary students. […]