Board Mtg March 4 5:30 pm
SELS Board Meeting, March 4 at 5:30 pm in M-3 2024-3-04 Agenda
SELS Board Meeting, March 4 at 5:30 pm in M-3 2024-3-04 Agenda
SELS Board Meeting on Feb 5 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2024-2-05 Agenda
SELS Board Workshop on Feb 3, 9-3 in M-1 2024-02-03 Workshop Agenda
SELS Board Meeting on Jan 8 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2024-1-08 Agenda
SELS Board Meeting on Dec 4 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2023-12-04 Agenda
SELS Special Board Meeting on Wed, Nov 15 at 5:45 pm. Virtual only; link in agenda: 2023-11-15 Agenda
Nov. 8 | 5:30pm at Zano's Come join the SELS Parent Teacher Crew to help plan and brainstorm ways we can create community and give back to our teachers and staff. We provide the food!
SELS Board Meeting on Monday, Nov 6 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2023-11-06 Agenda
Friday, Oct. 27 | Summit Swirl is donating 20% of all sales on Friday 10/27 to the SELS PTC! Go get your fro-yo!
Wednesday, Oct. 4 @ 5:30PM at The Lodge in Tahoe Donner. Everyone is welcome! Food will be provided.