DN Nov 12, 2014
Director’s Notes Nov 12, 2014 Hi all, Gratitude Evening this Friday. Looking forward to seeing all of you. November is a really quick school month; lots of days off. Please make sure your children are here as much starts happening in preparation for the December Celebration of Learning. Our Girls on the Run Program will be starting in March 2015. Even though it is still months away, we are trying to generate interest now, as well as recruit some coaches. We can’t run it without your help! The 10 week program, for girls in 3rd through 5th grade, will run March 16, 2015 through June 6, 2015. The practices run 2 days per week, immediately after school, with 2 coaches at each practice. Please contact Anna Demm (ademm@truckeecharterschool.org) if you think your daughter might be interested in participating and/or you are interested in being a coach. Here is some more info on this amazing program: […]