Coffee Cart
March 17 | 8:30-9:00am - Come chat with other parents, enjoy hot coffee, and purchase SELS spirit wear!
March 17 | 8:30-9:00am - Come chat with other parents, enjoy hot coffee, and purchase SELS spirit wear!
February 15 | 5:30pm You're invited to come to the SELS Parent-Teacher-Crew meeting on Wednesday, February 15 at 5:30 pm at FiftyFifty Brewing Co. Get involved in fun SELS events, learn about volunteer activities, and enjoy some delicious snacks! Hope to see you there. Está invitado a asistir a la reunión de padres, maestros y [...]
February 10 | 6-8pm - Come out to the SELS Gymnasium for the SELS Family Dance! This is a free event with a live DJ, pizza, and dessert. Please bring your own water bottle. The theme is Beach Party!
SELS Board annual workshop / strategic planning Sat Feb 11, 9-3 in M-1 (Office) 2023-02-11 Workshop Agenda
SELS Board Meeting Monday, Feb 6 at 5:30 pm in M-3 (or virtual, link in agenda) 2023-02-06 Agenda
RFP 23-107 Wireless Equipment - E-rate YR 2023 (YR26)
SELS Board Meeting, Jan 9 at 5:30 pm in B-3, weather permitting. If not, virtual link in agenda. 2023-01-09 Agenda
SELS Board Meeting Dec 5, 5:30 pm in M-3 (or virtual if snow issues) 2022-12-05 Agenda (1)
SELS Board Meeting, Monday Nov 7 at 5:30 pm SELS campus, M-3 unless snow issues, then virtual 2022-11-07 Agenda
The Bear Walk is a fun and festive school-wide walk-a-thon! Students use the SIERRA norms (Strength, Integrity, Empathy, Respect, Responsibility, and Adventure) as they walk (or run!) around the track, completing as many laps as they can in the allotted time - all while wearing costumes, having fun and encouraging each other to do their [...]