Every year at roughly the same time, SELS holds events that honor student learning and/or our school community. As a community-based school, we design these to highlight student work and build a stronger school culture and community. Examples include:
SELS Summit Day: in October of each year, the entire study body and staff, along with 2-3 dozen parents, hikes up a nearby peak as a character and community building day. The event started as part of a 1st grade expedition, with students prepping other classrooms and then leading activities once on the summit.
Student-led, goal-setting conferences: twice per year (October and March) students and families meet with teachers and talk about student goals, accomplishments, and/or specific issues/topics. These are important connection times between students and their parents/guardians and the teacher.
All-school Picnic: this event brings together all SELS families for the only time during the year. We hold a giant Community Meeting at a local park, possibly have a few student performances, feast on great food from local food trucks, and enjoy each other’s company.
Celebrations of Learning: twice per year we have an open house style evening highlighting student work. Crews spend extensive time preparing for these, whether getting ready for performances or gathering work to show. Individual students lead their families and friends through an array of their learning, explaining the processes and strategies required, and highlighting the work and projects of which they feel most proud.
Bear Walk / Dia de los Muertos: around Halloween we hold a themed community meeting and a costumed walk-a-thon on our track. Students collect pledges for distances walked/run, and funds go directly to each classroom. Parents help with snack tables and tracking laps; a fun gathering for many in our community.
Dia del Ninos: each spring, our community gathers for music and dance performances, speakers, and food to celebrate Mexican students and heritage.
Passages: at the end of the year, all students who will be switching crew teachers the following year present exemplars of their work. These presentations occur in small groups to an audience of other students, parents/family members, and staff.
The Great Skate: The Great Skate is one of our biggest school events (organized by our Parent Teacher Crew), open to all district students and families! We come together and celebrate the end of the school year. The evening includes roller skating, DJ music, raffle prizes, and a silent auction.