Building Blocks (Expedition News)


The Bell Crew is having a fantastic time on our current case study, geared towards gaining knowledge about tools and their purposes. Charlie Stein’s grandfather generously built and donated a realistic, yet child-sized, workbench that the students use regularly.  Thank you, Grandpa Bob!  Our “Construction Zone” is a popular center during Choice Time, and the students have really enjoyed experiencing first-hand how hand tools are used (I.e., hammering nails into stumps, using different types of screwdrivers, and also sanding techniques). This small-group practice and knowledge of common tools will help them on their next fieldwork experience at Home Depot (this Wednesday!), where the students will work with experts to build a take home product! The students will also be introduced to electric tools, and Home Depot experts will demo them for us! It should be very memorable for the Bell Crew and a great way for them to construct more knowledge about the craftsmanship within building.


The Bell Crew will also be inviting a local architect into the classroom the following week; we will hear first-hand what goes into the designing process. We will also be going to the architect’s office to see it all in action on November 17th. Thank you to Sutter’s mom, Jenna, for helping us organize this! Be on the look out for another permission slip soon! 🙂


A new construction project has been added to the classroom… a loft! The students will be able to use this as a dramatic play area throughout the school year, and it will be transformed to fit future units of study. The project was started this weekend and will be completed next weekend. We planned it this way in order for the students to see the whole process, as well as to help by sanding the wood, screwing in the pickets on the railing, nailing in carpet, etc. It will be exciting to see them put to use their new carpentry skills on such an authentic project!  A big thank you goes out to Jacob Resnikoff, Ms. Seaborg’s husband, for his time and effort building the loft!


Kindergarten Nuts and Bolts


Winter Clothing: Whether we like it or not, winter is here!!! Here are some updates on important information regarding the season change:

  • Students will be enjoying lunch and recess outside daily! Please send them prepared with appropriate snow clothes so they can play with their friends. 
  • Please make sure to put names in all clothes, so we can help the students keep track of them. It is hard for us to intimately know each glove, hat, etc. 🙂
  • While enjoying the snow at home, please help them practice independence by getting into and out of their snow-clothes by themselves. Of course we will be there to assist, but the more they can do on their own, the better! 
  • For the winter months, we will be using indoor shoes, like many of the other classrooms. This means that the students may change out of their snow boots and put on some kind of slip-on shoe with a sole. It is important for the indoor shoe to have a sole for trips to the bathroom and for any kind of emergency. Please let us know if you need clarification or ideas. We will have a bin in the classroom to store the slippers/shoes.


Classroom Volunteers: First, we would like to thank all of the parents who have been volunteering in the classroom, helping with the Bear Walk and driving/assisting on fieldwork days. We really appreciate all of the help and could not create the same learning environment we are providing without your support.

November is an exciting month with many projects as the students work toward creating their final product for the school. There are many available days for volunteers and we would love to see your faces in there! Please check online and send David Sick an email or sign up on the sheet in the KG room.  Also, know that there will be days when our Choice Time gets changed due to expedition projects; we thank you, in advance, for your flexibility in assisting with whatever we are working on in the classroom when you come! 


Kindergarten and First Grade: The kindergartners and first graders soon will be spending more time together to help foster a multiage environment!  The two crews will share Morning Meetings together twice a week.  We are excited to get to know the Holguin Crew through greetings, songs and activities.


Current Sight Words and Songs

The Bell Crew is moving along with reading and writing skills, and we are very proud of their hard work! We are slowly introducing sight words for them to practice reading and writing on their own. Listed below are the words and songs we have been practicing at school. Please ask your child to sing some of them with you!


Sight words: the, I, see

To be introduced this week: to, like, is




Peter Hammers

Peter hammers with (1) hammer,

Peter hammers with (1) hammer,

Peter hammers with (1) hammer,

All day long.


(Change the numbers until you get up to 5. First, hammer with 1 fist, then 2 fists, then add a foot, both feet, lastly the head to get all five parts moving! They also really like it when you use the kindergartners’ names!)


See What I Built Today 

(Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)

I just love to hammer wood,

Hammer wood, hammer wood.

I just love to hammer wood,

See what I built today.


I just love to sand wood,

Sand wood, sand wood.

I just love to sand wood,

See what I built today.


I just love to saw wood,

Saw wood, saw wood.

I just love to saw wood,

See what I built today.


I just love to drill wood,

Drill wood, drill wood.

I just love to drill wood,

See what I built today.


The Carpenter’s Tools 

(Tune: The Wheels on the Bus)

The carpenter’s hammer goes

Bang, bang, bang (3X)

The carpenter’s hammer goes

Bang, bang, bang,

All through the shop.


The carpenter’s saw goes

Shhh, shhh, shhh, (3X)

The carpenter’s saw goes

Shhh, shhh, shhh,

All through the shop.