Worlds Of Wonders Expedition

Essential Question of the Week: What did the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt accomplish and how did they do it?

In a flurry of excited activity, crew began their long-term expedition projects related to Ancient Egypt – maps are being drawn, stage sets and costumes are being designed, and models are being built.


We are wrapping up a month of decimal computation and crew are working independently to complete mastery of these learning targets:

  • I can solve addition and subtraction word problems involving decimals
  • I can multiply decimals.
  • I can divide decimals.
  • I can convert decimals to percentages and percentages to decimals.
  • I can calculate sales tax and determine how much to tip on a bill.

April will bring us into ratios, mean, median, and mode as well as probability – just in time for STAR testing!

Pi day on the 14th was a huge hit! Many McMains crew parents and students baked and brought cream pies, fruit pies and even a pizza pie for our celebration. Our Welch Crew buddies joined us for a Pi digit memorization contest. Four brave and brilliant contestants, Alonso, Sawyer, Taylor and Rebecca spouted off pi digits. Rebecca narrowly beat Taylor by one digit! Next, Welch buddies measured the circumference and diameter of the yummy pies so that McMains buddies could calculate the pi of their pie! Then we dug into the goodies while Mrs. Welch read the book, Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi. Now that’s a fun math day!



March 26 Geology of California Documentary sneak peek for students and sponsors only – 6:30pm at the Martis Camp Theater

March 28-29 Student Goal Conferences 11:30-3:30

April 1-8 Spring Break

April 18 Fieldwork: “King Tut ‘Wonderful Things’ from Pharaoh’s Tomb” at the Wilbur D. May Museum in Reno ( Drivers needed!)