Welcome to the Seaborg Crew!

The first days of school have gone so quickly!  The crew has been settling into their new classroom and learning the daily routines nicely.  They have been doing an exceptional job using eye contact when speaking to each other, and friendships are quickly growing within the crew.


Expedition News

After many rounds of guessing the expedition theme, the students came to the conclusion as we analyzed old photos of Truckee and their captions. 


During our fall expedition we will be studying Truckee history through the lens of “Fire and Ice” and how they have shaped our community over the years.  We will be looking at Truckee in present day and in the past, focusing on how people made/make a living based on our geographical resources.  The students will discover how ice harvesting and logging played a big role in early settlement, as well as how the historic fires shaped Truckee.


We will be officially kicking-off the new expedition tomorrow, on our Downtown Truckee Scavenger Hunt.  The crew will take the TART bus to the Train Station, where they will break off into small groups (with chaperone) and cameras to capture key historical buildings.  It’s going to be an exciting day and I’m sure your child will come home with some many stories to share.


Please remember:

  • Good walking shoes
  • Sunscreen, hat, layers
  • Extra snacks and water


Crew News

  • Thank you to all who sent the supplies into class.  If you have not, you can bring them in at a different time of the year (we are overflowing at the moment!).  The only things that I would like now are the 2 composition notebooks and 2 pocket folders.
  • Back to School Night Forms
  1. oI sent home a checklist of the forms I need for each student. Forms are also attached in this email, so you can print the ones you need.
  2. oPlease send in the following, if you haven’t already:
  • §Independent Study Master
  • §Handbook Signature Page
  • §Walking Fieldwork Form
  1. oIf you plan of chaperoning/driving, please return:
  • §Chaperone Code of Conduct
  • §Driver Form
  • §Copy of Drivers License- Many have not yet
  • §Copy of Car Insurance (proof)
  • Thank you in advance for volunteering on fieldwork!  Your children love having you apart of the action.  To sign-up, please look for Kerri Flaherty’s emails guiding you to a Google Doc spreadsheet.  This makes life easier for all of us, as we can all access the same sign-up sheet. J
  • Priority Spelling List
  1. oSorry for not providing written explanation forTo clarify, the list of words was given to practice and study.  They are high frequency words and it would be ideal if your child could read and write them with ease.  We will also be practicing them at school in a variety of ways.  If your child is not there yet, it’s okay!  We will get there eventually.  Please keep the list where your child does homework.
  • Planners
  1. oStudents will be bringing home their plannersPlease look over for any new entries and initial.  Some nights may have more info than others.  Students should find correct page/date and bring you a pen to sign.  Help them develop a system, so they are the responsible for getting the signature.
  • Snacks and Water
  1. oPlease make sure to send plenty of food, including snacks. The students should bring a water bottle to stay for the week, as we do not have drinking fountains, only water coolers in the classrooms.
  • Afterschool Plans
  1. oPlease make sure you bring a written note (with a parent phone number) if there are any changes to the regular afterschoolIf you unexpectedly pick up your child, please be sure to tell me, so I don’t worry!  Thank you!
  • Classroom Wish List
  1. oThere are a couple items that would help make our room more comfortable, if anyone can help!
  • §Throw pillows for independent reading time
  • §A large area rug for morning and closing circle




Please be sure to read David Manahan’s Director’s Notes each week.  There is a lot of important all-school information that goes out.



Important Dates

Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012: Downtown Truckee Scavenger Hunt- by TART

Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012: Trails and Vistas (Student edition) at Donner State Park- Walking with chaperones

 *We will be attending the special student edition, along with other local schools.  Trails and Vistas will be holding a different event at Donner Ski Ranch.  Sorry for any confusion!

Tuesday, Oct. 2: Overnight Fieldwork at Boca