Crew update 10/24

            Wow, winter really came in a hurry!  I hope everyone enjoyed the two snow days this week.  Here is what is new in the Williams Crew:

            Katie Pruski and I have been working on the San Francisco trip and we have a tentative plan:

– Wednesday November 7th:  Leave school at 8:00am, drive to Oakland and park at the BART station.

– Take BART into the city.  Once in the city, we will take a bus to the Exploritorium to enjoy one of San Francisco’s finest museums.

– Following museum exploration, we will take a bus to the Radisson Hotel in the Fisherman’s Wharf.  We will be staying at the Radisson Hotel, therefore student’s will not need a sleeping bag or pillow.

– Thursday November 8th:  We will eat a quick breakfast and head out to the wharf at 8:30am.

– Set sail on the USS Alma until 12:00pm.

– Following our voyage, we will take public transportation back to the BART station, head back to Oakland to pick up the cars, and return to Truckee.

– Estimated return time at SELS will be 5pm Thursday.

Please keep in mind this is just a preliminary plan for our trip.  I will be sending a more detailed itinerary next week.  I will be sending home permission slips for the trip tomorrow.  There will be multiple permission slips to sign (boat waiver and SELS permission slip).  Parent chaperones will also need to fill out boat waivers.  Please fill everything out in its entirety. 

Goal Setting Conferences:  It was a pleasure to meet with all of you last week to discuss your child’s goals.  I will be checking on the student’s progress periodically during the year.  The more you include your child’s goals in your conversations, the more likely they will be achieved.  Thank you in advance for your help and support at home.

Writing: The students are finishing a Medieval narrative this week.  Following the completion of that narrative we will be working on the basics of good paragraph and essay writing.  I hope that these skills will improve their writing in all genres.

Math: We will be taking the test for the “Stretching and Shrinking” unit early next week.  Following that test, we will be moving on to “Comparing and Scaling” in which the students will be working with ratios, fractions, and percentages.  I will post the results of the test after I pass them out.

With the onset of winter weather, please have your child bring a pair of class shoes/slippers to leave at school.  They need to have a rubber soul and function outside (in case of an emergency).  These slippers allow students to wear snow boots to school without spreading snow all over class.   

As always if you have any questions, please just let me know.

