Expedition News

Fire and Ice:  Our current expedition is wrapping up as we finish our study of Truckee’s most notable historic figures.  Students have designed a poster (they are turning out so great!) with important information, and students will share their findings with the crew.  We are planning to deliver our Photo Overlays and descriptions to the Historical Society to review for accuracy on content.  Following the final revisions our plan is to send the book to print.  Information about how to purchase this product will be forthcoming.

Spring Expedition:  Our science expedition will launch following Ski-Skate Week. J

Question of the Week:
Who is your Truckee historical figure and what made him special?
Describe your poster.

Crew News

Valentine’s Day and 100TH Day of School:  It just so happens that Valentine’s Day and the 100th day of school land on the same day, so it will be an exciting day for everyone.  The 100th day of school will be celebrated mostly in math class and students can come prepared to have fun!

Please see this week’s homework statement regarding Valentine’s Day:

Our Design Principle of the month is Empathy and Caring.  As a reminder, we encourage students to show they care for each other by using kind words when communicating with their peers.  In an effort to practice our writing skills and show our crew mates how much we care about them, we will have students write individual notes to each member of our crew.  We will exchange these notes next Thursday, February 14 at the end of the day.

         Please encourage your child to create a homemade message for each member of our crew with a thoughtful note about that individual person.  Avoid generic comments like, “You’re nice.”  It is important for each student to take the time to mention something specific about each crew member.  Examples may include, “I really like when you invite me to eat lunch with you.  It makes me feel happy inside.”  Or “You make me smile everyday when you come to school and share your funny stories.”

If you need any help with ideas or paper supplies, please have your child ask me for help.  I love getting crafty!  Be sure to get a head start and don’t wait until the last minute!

 Library: This Thursday we will be walking to the Nevada County Library to renew and check out more books.  As responsible as we think our students are they are still young and would benefit from more adult walkers on our visit.  If you are available to join us, PLEASE come.  I would prefer at least 3 adults on our walks.

*Please note, that if I feel it is not safe, we will not go and parents will be responsible for renewing books. (I will send a friendly reminder, if this is the case.)

Upcoming Library Dates: All Thursday from 1:30-3:00-2/7/13, 2/28/13 and 3/21/13

Book Orders: February book orders will be due next Monday, 2/11/13.

Harvest of the Month: Thank you to Steph McGarry for sharing potatoes with the crew last month and to Amber DeFazio for bringing in beets this month!  The kids love having you and trying new foods! 

Important Dates

TOMORROW-Wed, Feb 6: Minimum Day 1pm dismissal
Thursday, Feb 7: Walk to Library
Friday, Feb 8: Sub- Anna Demm- Daily 5 Conference in Houston
Mon-Fri, Feb 18-22 is Ski/Skate Week – NO SCHOOL