Expedition News
Anato-ME– Both 2/3 crews have launched a new and exciting science expedition that will carry us through the rest of the year. The Anato-ME expedition takes a close look at the human body and the 6 main systems: circulatory, respiratory, muscular, skeletal, nervous and digestive. Students will investigate how these systems interact with each other and the importance of maintaining a healthy body for a healthy lifestyle.
We are very excited to have a wealth of local experts for this expedition including:
- Tom Kidd- from UNR for Brain Awareness Week
- Tim McDermott- the skeletal system
- Amber DeFazio- the muscular system
- Daphne Nielsen- physical therapist
- P.J. Anttila– physical therapist
- And possibly more to be scheduled- Lucky us!
Crew News
Book Orders– Book orders will be due this Friday, March 15. We should be getting February orders in any day.
Daily 5 Homework– I hope that you are enjoying the new homework structure. Based on the kids’ feedback, it sounds as if everyone likes it! The bottom line is the kids are working on improving their literacy skills in a structure that provides choice and enjoyment. I hope parents take the opportunity snuggle up with their children and read some beautiful literature. Please feel free to email me with any questions.
Harvest of the Month– Thanks in advance to Steph McGarry for coming in to share zucchini and squash later this week!
SELS Adventure Program– The crew has been having a blast XC skiing the past two Mondays and we hope the snow lasts to go twice more. Cross your fingers! They have been reflecting on their adventure and setting goals for the next. Be sure to ask them what their goal is for next week.
Special thanks to our parent volunteer for making our skiing adventures possible: Jeremy and Steve Anderson, Paula Smith, Mike Staudenmayer, Kaitlin Klaussen, Melissa Williams, Anna Demm, Steph McGarry, Susanna Neave, Kerri Flaherty and Amber DeFazio.
- To secure your placement next year, re-enrollment forms must be in by this Friday.
- SELS-ebration! Family Dance Party- Get your dancing shoes ready for Friday, March 22 at 6:30pm in the SELS campus gym; $5 per person or $20 per family.
- Girl on the Run is trying to form a group that bases at SELS; to make this happen, they need a few more runners. Parents with girls in 3rd – 5th grades can sign up atwww.girlsontherunsierras.org.
Important Dates
Wed. March 20- Minimum Day- 1pm dismissal
Thurs. March 21- Walk to Library: Still in need of walking volunteers!
Mon. Apr. 1-Fri. Apr. 5- Spring Break- NO school
Upcoming Fieldwork-
- XC Skiing: Mon. 3/18 and Mon. 3/25 from 11:30-3:00
*Please remember a booster seat if your child still uses one! Also, sunglasses are a good idea- It’s been bright and sunny! We are still in need for volunteers! If you can join us, please click on the link below: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoWAurKhXrr5dHExeDd4aVlVNkpDWnRuLVA5VzhKZlE&usp=sharing
- Figures of Speech: April 19th
- Wizards Lab: May 30th
- 2/3 Spring Campout (tentative dates): Lake Tahoe Overnight- Tues. May 21-Wed. May 22. More to TBA soon.