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So far admin has created 396 blog entries.

Crew Update 10-24-2012

By |October 25th, 2012|Uncategorised|

Crew update 10/24             Wow, winter really came in a hurry!  I hope everyone enjoyed the two snow days this week.  Here is what is new in the Williams Crew:             Katie Pruski and I have been working on the San Francisco trip and we have a tentative plan: - Wednesday November 7th:  Leave school [...]

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Crew Update 10-9-2012

By |October 25th, 2012|Williams Crew|

Crew Update 10/9/2012             Fall is definitely in the air again and that means that the mornings are pretty chilly.  This morning I opened the door to two students huddled together under a blanket for warmth.  I want to remind you to layer-up when you come to school and you can always shed layers as [...]

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Crazy Early Snow

By |October 24th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Hi all, Wow, two early snow days. Hmmm... what does this say about winter? Beautiful outside, though. Some general info on Snow Days: We have 3 built into the schedule as “free” days Any snow days over 3 and we will ask all students to complete Independent Study (these will be provided as packets). This [...]

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Newsletter 10/21/12

By |October 21st, 2012|Uncategorized|

It was great to see so many of you last week during our Goal Setting Conferences! I appreciate all the work you did with your kiddos to help them prepare. They did a great job of helping to set some goals for themselves. It will be very helpful for families to keep reminding students about [...]

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Brisbin Crew News October 21

By |October 21st, 2012|Brisbin Crew|

Hooray for Fall! Congratulations to all of the wonderful, hardworking students of the Brisbin Crew, who completed their Goal Setting Conferences this week!  I am so proud of your reflection and desire to progress socially and academically.  Our crew is quite fortunate to be able to work together in an academically rigorous, thoughtful, caring, and [...]

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Conference week going well

By |October 17th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Hi all, Good week of conferences – please make sure you take advantage of this time to work with your teacher to help facilitate the most effective learning opportunities for your children. While still happening, fieldwork is winding down. Many thanks to all the help with organization, driving, and chaperoning, and to all those family [...]

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By |October 15th, 2012|Seaborg Crew|

Expedition Express Fire and Ice:  Last week our crew, along with the Welch crew, had a fantastic adventure back in Truckee's rich, historical past.  Here is a snapshot of our overnight fieldwork: Visited downtown businesses and interviewed business owners Toured the Truckee Cemetery and learned first hand about the people that put Truckee on the [...]

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Welch Crew News: October 9, 2012

By |October 10th, 2012|Welch Crew|

Expedition Express Fire and Ice:  Last week our crew, along with the Seaborg crew, had a fantastic adventure back in Truckee's rich, historical past.  Here is a snapshot of our overnight fieldwork: Visited downtown businesses and interviewed business owners Toured the Truckee Cemetery and learned first hand about the people that put Truckee on the [...]

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Wonderful fall colors right now

By |October 10th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Hi all, Hope everyone is enjoying what may be our final stellar week of warmth. Its been a nice long run since April. A few things to share this week: We are starting our second block of electives on Friday. Looking forward to some new activities and parent volunteers. REMINDER: Next week is Minimum Week [...]

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Crew Update 10-1-2012

By |October 5th, 2012|Williams Crew|

Wow, what a great trip to Grouse Ridge we had!  If you haven’t seen the pictures yet, I posted a few of the best pictures on our crew website.  We enjoyed great weather, practiced our navigation skills in a beautiful area, and had a lot of fun in the meantime.  The trip would not have [...]

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