Jose Rivero
Jose RiveroChair
John Killen
John KillenVice Chair
Aaron Rothschild
Aaron RothschildTreasurer
Kelly Vickers
Kelly VickersPTC rep
Caroline Regan
Caroline ReganSecretary
Tal Fletcher
Tal Fletcher
Jenny Parvin
Jenny Parvin
Dave Cohen
Dave Cohen

The SELS Board generally meets the first Monday of each month (excepting July) at 5:30 pm on the SELS campus (or virtual if circumstances warrant). Agendas and exact times/dates are posted at least 72 hours before the meeting.

Board meetings are open to the public (excepting closed sessions), and public comment is accepted. If you have interest in joining the board as a Trustee, please email your interest to the address below, and look at the information on the commitment and responsibilities: SELS Board recruitment

If you have questions or comments for the board, and/or would like to see a topic addressed at a board meeting, you can email:

SELS budget ’23-24, 2nd Interim Alternative Submission

Board Information: Meeting Agendas & Minutes

SELS Board Mtg March 3 5:30 pm

March 1st, 2025|Comments Off on SELS Board Mtg March 3 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting in M-3 March at 5:30 pm. SELS Board Agenda 3-3-25

Board Workshop, Feb 8

February 8th, 2025|Comments Off on Board Workshop, Feb 8

The Board of Directors will be holding their annual Board Workshop Saturday February 8th from 9am to 3pm at the Truckee Airport Conference Room B. The agenda can be found here

SELS Board Mtg Feb 3 5:30 pm

February 1st, 2025|Comments Off on SELS Board Mtg Feb 3 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting in M-3 Feb 3 at 5:30 pm. 02.03.2025 Board Meeting Agenda

SELS Board Mtg Jan 6 5:30 pm

January 4th, 2025|Comments Off on SELS Board Mtg Jan 6 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting in M-3 Jan 6 at 5:30 pm. 01.06.2025 Board Meeting agenda

Board Meeting Jan 6 5:30PM

January 3rd, 2025|Comments Off on Board Meeting Jan 6 5:30PM

SELS Board Meeting at 5:30 pm on Jan 6 in M-3. 2025-01-06 Agenda

Special Board Mtg Wed Dec 4

December 4th, 2024|Comments Off on Special Board Mtg Wed Dec 4

SELS Special Board Meeting on Wed, Dec 4 at 5:30 pm. Virtual only. 2024-12-04 Special Agenda

Board Mtg 12.2.24

November 30th, 2024|Comments Off on Board Mtg 12.2.24

SELS Board Meeting at 5:30 pm on Dec 2 in M-3. 2024-12-02 Agenda

Board Meeting Nov 4 5:30 pm

November 2nd, 2024|Comments Off on Board Meeting Nov 4 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting on Nov 4 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2024-11-04 Agenda

Board Mtg Oct 7 5:30 pm

October 6th, 2024|Comments Off on Board Mtg Oct 7 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting on Oct 7 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2024-10-07 Agenda

Board Meeting Sept 9 5:30 pm

September 6th, 2024|Comments Off on Board Meeting Sept 9 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting in M-3, Sept 9 at 5:30 pm 2024-09-09 Agenda

Board Mtg Aug 12 5:30 pm

August 10th, 2024|Comments Off on Board Mtg Aug 12 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting on Aug 12 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2024-08-12 Agenda

Board Mtg June 10 5:30 pm

June 8th, 2024|Comments Off on Board Mtg June 10 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting on Monday, June 10 at 5:30 pm in M3. 2024-06-10 Agenda

Board Meeting May 6 5:30 pm

May 5th, 2024|Comments Off on Board Meeting May 6 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting, May 6 at 5:30 pm in M-3. Prior, at 5 pm in M-2, an LCAP workshop/feedback session. 2024-05-06 Agenda

Board Mtg on April 8 at 5:30 pm

April 5th, 2024|Comments Off on Board Mtg on April 8 at 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting on April 8 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2024-4-08 Agenda

Special Board Mtg March 19 5:30 pm

March 18th, 2024|Comments Off on Special Board Mtg March 19 5:30 pm

SELS Special Board Meeting on Tues, March 19 at 5:30 pm. Virtual only - link in agenda. 03-19-2024 Special Agenda

Board Mtg March 4 5:30 pm

March 1st, 2024|Comments Off on Board Mtg March 4 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting, March 4 at 5:30 pm in M-3 2024-3-04 Agenda

Board Mtg Feb 5 at 5:30 pm

February 2nd, 2024|Comments Off on Board Mtg Feb 5 at 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting on Feb 5 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2024-2-05 Agenda

Board Workshop Feb 3 9 am

January 31st, 2024|Comments Off on Board Workshop Feb 3 9 am

SELS Board Workshop on Feb 3, 9-3 in M-1 2024-02-03 Workshop Agenda

Board Mtg Jan 8 5:30 pm

January 6th, 2024|Comments Off on Board Mtg Jan 8 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting on Jan 8 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2024-1-08 Agenda

Board Mtg Dec 4 5:30 pm

November 30th, 2023|Comments Off on Board Mtg Dec 4 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting on Dec 4 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2023-12-04 Agenda

Special Board Meeting Wed Nov 15

November 14th, 2023|Comments Off on Special Board Meeting Wed Nov 15

SELS Special Board Meeting on Wed, Nov 15 at 5:45 pm. Virtual only; link in agenda: 2023-11-15 Agenda

Board Meeting Nov 6 5:30 pm

November 3rd, 2023|Comments Off on Board Meeting Nov 6 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting on Monday, Nov 6 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2023-11-06 Agenda

Board Meeting Oct 2

September 29th, 2023|Comments Off on Board Meeting Oct 2

SELS Board Meeting, Oct 2 at 5:30 pm in M-3 2023-10-02 Agenda

Special Board Mtg Sept 17

September 16th, 2023|Comments Off on Special Board Mtg Sept 17

SELS Special Board Meeting, Sunday Sept 17 at 5:30 pm. Virtual only. 2023-09-17 Special Agenda

Board Mtg Sept 11 5:30 pm

September 8th, 2023|Comments Off on Board Mtg Sept 11 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting on Sept 11 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2023-09-11 Agenda

Special Board Meeting Aug 30

August 28th, 2023|Comments Off on Special Board Meeting Aug 30

SELS Board, Special Meeting on Aug 30, 5:30 pm in M-3. 2023-08-30 Agenda

Board Meeting, Aug 7 5:30 pm

August 5th, 2023|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Aug 7 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting, Monday Aug 7, 5:30 pm in M-3. 2023-08-07 Agenda

Special Board Mtg July 24

July 22nd, 2023|Comments Off on Special Board Mtg July 24

SELS Board Special Meeting, Monday July 24, 5:30 pm in M-3. 2023-07-24 Agenda

Special Board Mtg July 10

July 7th, 2023|Comments Off on Special Board Mtg July 10

SELS Board is holding a Special Meeting, closed session only, on July 10 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2023-07-10 Agenda  

Special Board Mtg June 27

June 26th, 2023|Comments Off on Special Board Mtg June 27

SELS Board is holding a Special Meeting at 5:30 pm in M-3. This is a closed-only session.  2023-06-27 Agenda

Special Board Mtg June 21

June 20th, 2023|Comments Off on Special Board Mtg June 21

SELS Board Special Meeting 2:45 - 4:00 pm Wed, June 21 Virtual only; link is in the agenda 2023-06-21 Agenda

Special Board Meeting Mon 5:30 pm

June 18th, 2023|Comments Off on Special Board Meeting Mon 5:30 pm

SELS Board Special Meeting, closed session only Mon June 19, 5:30 pm in M-3 2023-06-19 Agenda

Board Mtg June 5

June 2nd, 2023|Comments Off on Board Mtg June 5

SELS Board Meeting June 5, 5:30 pm in M-3 2023-06-05 Agenda

Board Mtg May 1

April 28th, 2023|Comments Off on Board Mtg May 1

SELS Board Meeting, Monday May 1, 5:30 pm in M-3 2023-05-01 Agenda

Board Mtg April 10

April 7th, 2023|Comments Off on Board Mtg April 10

SELS Board Meeting on April 10, 5:30 pm in M-3. 2023-04-10 Agenda

Board Mtg Mon March 6

March 3rd, 2023|Comments Off on Board Mtg Mon March 6

SELS Board Meeting on Monday, March 6 at 5:30 in M-3, weather permitting. If needed, virtual link in the agenda. 2023-03-06 Agenda

Board Workshop Feb 11

February 10th, 2023|Comments Off on Board Workshop Feb 11

SELS Board annual workshop / strategic planning Sat Feb 11, 9-3 in M-1 (Office) 2023-02-11 Workshop Agenda

Board Mtg Feb 6

February 3rd, 2023|Comments Off on Board Mtg Feb 6

SELS Board Meeting Monday, Feb 6 at 5:30 pm in M-3 (or virtual, link in agenda) 2023-02-06 Agenda

Public Notice

January 24th, 2023|Comments Off on Public Notice

RFP 23-107 Wireless Equipment - E-rate YR 2023 (YR26)

Board Mtg Jan 9

January 7th, 2023|Comments Off on Board Mtg Jan 9

SELS Board Meeting, Jan 9 at 5:30 pm in B-3, weather permitting. If not, virtual link in agenda. 2023-01-09 Agenda

Board Meeting Dec 5

December 2nd, 2022|Comments Off on Board Meeting Dec 5

SELS Board Meeting Dec 5, 5:30 pm in M-3 (or virtual if snow issues) 2022-12-05 Agenda (1)

Board Meeting Nov 7

November 5th, 2022|Comments Off on Board Meeting Nov 7

SELS Board Meeting, Monday Nov 7 at 5:30 pm SELS campus, M-3 unless snow issues, then virtual 2022-11-07 Agenda

Board Mtg Mon Oct 3

September 30th, 2022|Comments Off on Board Mtg Mon Oct 3

SELS Board Mtg on Monday, Oct 3 at 5:30 in M-3 or virtual: 2022-10-03 Agenda

Special Board Mtg Fri Sept 16

September 15th, 2022|Comments Off on Special Board Mtg Fri Sept 16

SELS Board is having a Special Mtg, closed session with public comment Sept 16, 2 pm - virtual (link in agenda) 2022-09-16 Special Meeting Agenda

Board Meeting Sept 12

September 9th, 2022|Comments Off on Board Meeting Sept 12

SELS Board Meeting on Sept 12 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2022-09-12 Agenda (1)

Board Mtg Aug 16

August 12th, 2022|Comments Off on Board Mtg Aug 16

SELS Board Meeting, Aug 16 at 5:30 pm in M-3. 2022-08-16 Agenda

Board Meeting Mon June 20

June 17th, 2022|Comments Off on Board Meeting Mon June 20

SELS Board Meeting on Monday, June 20 at 5:30 pm in M-1. 2022-06-20 Agenda

Board Meeting, May 9 5:30 pm

May 8th, 2022|Comments Off on Board Meeting, May 9 5:30 pm

SELS Board Mtg on Monday, May 9 at 5:30 pm; ** CHANGE ** Apologies, but meeting has shifted to virtual for several reasons. Please use this link to access. 2022-05-09 Agenda

Board Mtg April 4 5:30 pm

April 1st, 2022|Comments Off on Board Mtg April 4 5:30 pm

SELS Board Mtg, Monday April 4 at 5:30 pm. On-site, portable M-3. 2022-04-04 Agenda

Board Mtg Mon March 7

March 4th, 2022|Comments Off on Board Mtg Mon March 7

SELS Board Meeting, Monday March 7, 5:30 pm; virtual link in agenda: 2022-03-07 Agenda  

Board Meeting Mon Feb 7

February 4th, 2022|Comments Off on Board Meeting Mon Feb 7

SELS Board Meeting on Mon, June 7 at 5:30 pm; virtual link in the agenda. 2022-02-07 Agenda (1)

SELS Board Retreat Sat Jan 22

January 21st, 2022|Comments Off on SELS Board Retreat Sat Jan 22

SELS Board annual retreat, Sat Jan 22 from 9am - 3pm. SELS Campus - Office. 2022-01-22 Retreat Agenda

Board Mtg Jan 10 5:30 pm

January 8th, 2022|Comments Off on Board Mtg Jan 10 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting, Monday Jan 10, 5:30 pm Virtual link in agenda: 2022-01-10 Agenda

12.13.21 Snow Day No School – Día de nieve No hay escuela

December 13th, 2021|Comments Off on 12.13.21 Snow Day No School – Día de nieve No hay escuela

TTUSD has called a Snow Day today. Forecasts call for rain turning to heavy snow and blizzard conditions. No school today. El TTUSD ha convocado un Día de Nieve para hoy. Los pronósticos indican que la [...]

Board Meeting Dec 6 5:30 pm

December 4th, 2021|Comments Off on Board Meeting Dec 6 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting - virtual (link in agenda) Dec 6, 5:30 pm 2021-12-06 Agenda

SELS Board Meeting Nov 1 5:30 pm

October 29th, 2021|Comments Off on SELS Board Meeting Nov 1 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting, Monday Nov 1 at 5:30 pm - virtual only. 2021-11-1 Agenda

Oct 25 SNOW DAY – No School

October 25th, 2021|Comments Off on Oct 25 SNOW DAY – No School

Board Meeting, Mon Oct 4

October 1st, 2021|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Mon Oct 4

SELS Board Meeting, Monday Oct 4, 5:30 pm. Virtual only; link is in the 2021-10-04 Agenda.

Board Mtg, Mon Sept 13 5:30 pm

September 10th, 2021|Comments Off on Board Mtg, Mon Sept 13 5:30 pm

SELS Board Mtg, Monday Sept 13 beginning at 5:30 pm. Public comment is welcomed. Please see the Agenda for topics and virtual link.

Board Mtg Mon Aug 9 5:30pm

August 6th, 2021|Comments Off on Board Mtg Mon Aug 9 5:30pm

SELS Board Mtg, Mon Aug 9, 5:30 pm; M-3 SELS campus or virtual. Agenda

Board Meeting Mon June 7

June 5th, 2021|Comments Off on Board Meeting Mon June 7

SELS Board Meeting, Mon June 7 at 5:30 pm - virtual, link in agenda. 2021-06-07 Agenda

Board Meeting May 3, 5:30 pm

April 30th, 2021|Comments Off on Board Meeting May 3, 5:30 pm

SELS Board Meeting, Mon May 3 at 5 pm. Virtual meeting - link in agenda: 2021-05-03 Agenda

Board Meeting 5 pm Mon April 5

April 3rd, 2021|Comments Off on Board Meeting 5 pm Mon April 5

SELS Board Meeting, Monday April 5 at 5 pm. Virtual - link in agenda: 2021-04-05 Agenda

Board Mtg Monday March 22 (closed mtg)

March 18th, 2021|Comments Off on Board Mtg Monday March 22 (closed mtg)

SELS Board Meeting Monday March 22 - Closed session only, though public comment open at beginning of meeting. 2021-03-22 Agenda

Board Meeting March 1

February 26th, 2021|Comments Off on Board Meeting March 1

SELS Board Meeting, March 1 at 5 pm - virtual (link in agenda) 2021-03-01 Agenda

Board Meeting Feb 1

January 30th, 2021|Comments Off on Board Meeting Feb 1

SELS Board Meeting, Feb 1 at 5 pm. Virtual link in agenda. 2021-02-01 Agenda

Jan 28 is DL day – El 28 de enero es el día DL

January 28th, 2021|Comments Off on Jan 28 is DL day – El 28 de enero es el día DL

Regular DL schooling today. Please have students in virtual class by 9 am. Educación DL regular hoy. Tenga a los estudiantes en clase virtual antes de las 9 am.

Jan 27 is DL day – El 27 de enero es el día DL

January 27th, 2021|Comments Off on Jan 27 is DL day – El 27 de enero es el día DL

Regular DL schooling today. Please have students in virtual class by 9 am. Educación DL regular hoy. Tenga a los estudiantes en clase virtual antes de las 9 am.

Board Meeting Jan 4, 5 pm

January 1st, 2021|Comments Off on Board Meeting Jan 4, 5 pm

SELS Board Meeting, Jan 4 at 5 pm - virtual, link in agenda: 2021-01-04 Agenda

SELS Board Mtg 5 pm Dec 7

December 4th, 2020|Comments Off on SELS Board Mtg 5 pm Dec 7

SELS Board Meeting at 5 pm on Dec 7 - all virtual (link in agenda). Strategic Plan Workshop to begin immediately following completion of Board items. 2020-12-07 Agenda

SELS Board Workshop

November 6th, 2020|Comments Off on SELS Board Workshop

SELS Board workshop for new Board members; Thurs, Nov 17 at 6 pm; Virtual, link on agenda: Board Mtg 11.17.20

Board Mtg, Mon Nov 2, 6 pm

October 30th, 2020|Comments Off on Board Mtg, Mon Nov 2, 6 pm

SELS Board Meeting, Monday Nov 2 beginning at 6 pm. All virtual, Zoom link in agenda. 2020-11-02 Agenda

Board Meeting Oct 5 6 pm

October 2nd, 2020|Comments Off on Board Meeting Oct 5 6 pm

SELS Board Meeting on Oct 5 at 6 pm - VIRTUAL only, link in the agenda. 2020-10-05 Agenda

Special Board Meeting, Sept 2

September 1st, 2020|Comments Off on Special Board Meeting, Sept 2

Special Board Meeting for approval of '19-20 Unaudited Actuals and '20-21 LCAP. Thurs, Sept 2 at 4:30 pm - virtual: link in agenda. Special Meeting Agenda 2020-09-03

Board Mtg and LCAP Workshop, Mon Aug 31

August 29th, 2020|Comments Off on Board Mtg and LCAP Workshop, Mon Aug 31

SELS LCAP Workshop and Board Meeting at 4:45 and 6:00 pm, respectively, on Monday, Aug 31. All virtual; links on agenda: 2020-08-31 Agenda (1)

Board Meeting Aug 6

August 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on Board Meeting Aug 6

SELS Board Meeting Thurs, Aug 6 at 5 pm Virtual link embedded in Agenda: 2020-08-06 Agenda

Board Meeting, June 8 4 pm

June 5th, 2020|Comments Off on Board Meeting, June 8 4 pm

SELS Board Meeting on June 8 at 4 pm - all virtual, links in agenda: 2020-06-08 Agenda

Emergency Board Meeting, May 8 1 pm

May 7th, 2020|Comments Off on Emergency Board Meeting, May 8 1 pm

Special Board Meeting, May 8 at 1 pm Virtual only, link in agenda: Agenda 5/8/2020

Board Meeting, May 4

May 1st, 2020|Comments Off on Board Meeting, May 4

SELS Board Meeting, May 4 at 4 pm. Virtual only via Zoom: Meeting ID: 810 0432 8132 Password: 5823701 2020-05-04 Agenda

Board Meeting Mon April 6 – Virtual

April 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on Board Meeting Mon April 6 – Virtual

SELS Board Meeting, Monday April 6 at 4 pm. Due to the current community conditions, the meeting will be held virtually. However, if anyone wants to appear in person they can access the meeting in [...]

Board Meeting, March 2 at 6 pm

February 29th, 2020|Comments Off on Board Meeting, March 2 at 6 pm

SELS Board Meeting in M-3 at 6 pm on March 2. 2020-03-02 Agenda

Board Meeting Feb 3, 6 pm

February 1st, 2020|Comments Off on Board Meeting Feb 3, 6 pm

SELS Board Meeting, Monday Feb 3 at 6 pm in M-3.

Board Retreat/Meeting Jan 10

January 7th, 2020|Comments Off on Board Retreat/Meeting Jan 10

SELS annual Board Retreat and Meeting on Jan 10, 3-8 pm at the Truckee Tahoe Airport, 10356 Truckee Airport Rd, Conf Rm A. 2019-01-10 Agenda

Board Meeting Dec 2, 6 pm

November 30th, 2019|Comments Off on Board Meeting Dec 2, 6 pm

SELS Board Meeting on Dec 2 at 6 pm in M-3. 2019-12-02 Agenda

SELS Board Mtg Nov 4, 6 pm

November 1st, 2019|Comments Off on SELS Board Mtg Nov 4, 6 pm

SELS Board Meeting Nov 4, 6 pm in M-3. 2019-11-04 Agenda

October 11th, 2019|Comments Off on

SELS Board Meeting, Monday Oct 14, 6 pm in M-3. 2019-10-14 Agenda

SELS Board Mtg Sept 9, 6 pm

September 8th, 2019|Comments Off on SELS Board Mtg Sept 9, 6 pm

SELS Board meeting, Monday Sept 9 at 6 pm in M-3. Agenda 2019-09-09

Job Openings for ’19-20

July 1st, 2019|Comments Off on Job Openings for ’19-20

We have several part-time job openings for the 2019-20 school year. Please submit resume and cover letter and/or contact David Manahan at if questions: Morning Program Coordinator - 4 (Mon-Thurs) or 5 days/wk, 7:20-9:15 [...]

Board Mtg, LCAP workshop June 3

May 31st, 2019|Comments Off on Board Mtg, LCAP workshop June 3

From 5:30-6 pm in the Office we will hold a workshop on our 2019-20 LCAP and July 1 budget. All are welcome to attend. LCAP & Budget Workshop June '19 At 6 pm in M-3 [...]

Board Meeting May 6

May 6th, 2019|Comments Off on Board Meeting May 6

Board Meeting May 6 in M-3 at 6 pm 2019-05-06 Agenda

Board Meeting Monday April 1 6 pm

March 29th, 2019|Comments Off on Board Meeting Monday April 1 6 pm

SELS Board Meeting, Monday April 1 at 6 pm in M-3. LCAP Workshop at 5:30 pm; public encouraged to attend and provide input. 2019-04-01 Agenda

Board Meeting March 4, 6 pm

March 4th, 2019|Comments Off on Board Meeting March 4, 6 pm

SELS Board Meeting on March 4 at 6 pm in M-3. 2019-03-04 Agenda

Board Mtg Feb 11 6 pm

February 8th, 2019|Comments Off on Board Mtg Feb 11 6 pm

SELS Board Meeting Monday, Feb 11 at 6 pm in M-3. 2019-02-11 Agenda

Board Meeting and Workshop, Jan 12

January 9th, 2019|Comments Off on Board Meeting and Workshop, Jan 12

We are holding our annual board retreat, meeting, and workshop. The beginning will cover standard board meeting topics, after which we will move into updating/revising the Strategic Plan. Will be at the Truckee Airport starting [...]

Board Meeting Monday Dec 3

December 1st, 2018|Comments Off on Board Meeting Monday Dec 3

SELS Board Meeting Monday Dec 3, 6 pm in M-3. All are welcome. 2018-12-03 Agenda

Board Meeting Mon Nov 5 in M-3

November 5th, 2018|Comments Off on Board Meeting Mon Nov 5 in M-3

SELS Board Meeting in M-3 on Nov 5, 2018 at 6 pm. 2018-11-05 Agenda

Board Meeting Monday Oct 8

October 5th, 2018|Comments Off on Board Meeting Monday Oct 8

SELS board meeting Mon Oct 8 at 6 pm in M-3. 2018-10-08 Agenda

Board Member opening

September 11th, 2018|Comments Off on Board Member opening

SELS is looking to replace openings on the Board. If interested, please talk to David Manahan and/or current Board Members ( and attend the Nov 5 meeting. Also please see the attached description and expectations: [...]

Board Meeting Sept 10

September 6th, 2018|Comments Off on Board Meeting Sept 10

SELS Board Meeting Sept 10 at 6 pm in M-3.

Board Meeting Aug 20

August 18th, 2018|Comments Off on Board Meeting Aug 20

SELS Board Meeting Aug 20, 6 pm in M-3 2018-08-06 Agenda

Board Meeting June 4

June 2nd, 2018|Comments Off on Board Meeting June 4

SELS Board Meeting June 4 at 6 pm in M-3. 2018-06-04 Agenda

Board Meeting May 14

May 11th, 2018|Comments Off on Board Meeting May 14

Special closed session Board Meeting, Monday May 14 at 6 pm in M-3. BoD agenda 5.14.18 closed

Board Meeting May 7

May 4th, 2018|Comments Off on Board Meeting May 7

SELS Board Meeting, Monday May 7 at 6 pm in M-3 2018-05-07 Board Agenda

2018-19 Lottery Results

April 4th, 2018|Comments Off on 2018-19 Lottery Results

Lottery results: Lottery waitlist '18-19 For more info, please see the enrollment page.

Board Meeting Mon, April 3

April 2nd, 2018|Comments Off on Board Meeting Mon, April 3

Board meeting Monday April 3 at 6 pm in M-3. 2018-04-02 Agenda

Board Meeting, Mon March 5

March 3rd, 2018|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Mon March 5

SELS Board Meeting Monday March 5, 6 pm in M-3 2018-03-05 Agenda

SELS Board Meeting, Jan 8

January 6th, 2018|Comments Off on SELS Board Meeting, Jan 8

Board Meeting Jan 8, 6 pm in M-3. SELS Agenda 1.8.18

Board Workshop, Sunday Jan 7

January 5th, 2018|Comments Off on Board Workshop, Sunday Jan 7

SELS is holding its yearly retreat to run a workshop on the Strategic Plan. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. See agenda for details. SELS Retreat 1.7.18 Agenda

Board Meeting Dec 11 6 pm

December 9th, 2017|Comments Off on Board Meeting Dec 11 6 pm

SELS Board Meeting in M-3 at 6 pm on Dec 11. SELS 12.11.17 Agenda

Board Meeting Nov 13

November 11th, 2017|Comments Off on Board Meeting Nov 13

SELS Board Meeting Monday Nov 13, 6 pm in M-3. All are welcome. SELS 11.13.17 Agenda

Dia De Los Muertos

October 24th, 2017|Comments Off on Dia De Los Muertos

Dia De Los Muertos is November 3, 5pm-8pm

Board Special Meeting Nov 20

October 19th, 2017|Comments Off on Board Special Meeting Nov 20

SELS Board is holding a special meeting on Nov 20 at 8:45 am in the SELS Office. SELS Board Agenda 10.20.17 Special Mtg

Measure A Impact Report

October 17th, 2017|Comments Off on Measure A Impact Report

Please see below for our Measure A Impact Report from TTUSD Bilingual Services: Measure A impact report SELS 2016-2017 Measure A impact report SELS 2016-2017 - Spanish

Board Meeting Oct 9

October 6th, 2017|Comments Off on Board Meeting Oct 9

SELS Board Meeting on Oct 9 at 6 pm in M-3. All are welcome. SELS 10.9.17 Agenda

Board Special Meeting, Wed Sept 13

September 12th, 2017|Comments Off on Board Special Meeting, Wed Sept 13

SELS Board is holding a special meeting to vote on 2016-17 Unaudited Actuals. Meeting is Sept 13 at 8:45 am in the Office. SELS Board Agenda 9.13.17 Special Mtg

Board position open

September 11th, 2017|Comments Off on Board position open

SELS has one Board member position opening Nov 1. Please see the attached documents for more info and the application process. Anyone applying needs to have attended at least one Board meeting: the next two: [...]

Board Meeting Mon Sept 11

September 10th, 2017|Comments Off on Board Meeting Mon Sept 11

SELS Board Meeting Monday Sept 11 6 pm in room M-3. SELS Board Agenda 9.11.17

Board Meeting Aug 14

August 11th, 2017|Comments Off on Board Meeting Aug 14

SELS Board Meeting Aug 14 from 6-9 pm in M-3. All are welcome. SELS 8.14.17 Agenda

Bell Crew News

June 20th, 2017|Comments Off on Bell Crew News

In Spring 2017, Elizabeth Bell’s first grade crew explored storytelling through imagery. Using Mayan stories, students identified types of storylines and how imagery is used to convey meaning, both directly and metaphorically. In this process, [...]

Akers Crew News

June 20th, 2017|Comments Off on Akers Crew News

Expedition Express: Bills and Gills Students in the Brisbin and Akers Crews have completed their final studies in learning “What makes a fish a fish,” and “What makes a bird a bird” by completing a [...]

Brisbin Crew News

June 20th, 2017|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News

Expedition Express: Bills and Gills Students in the Brisbin and Akers Crews have completed their final studies in learning “What makes a fish a fish,” and “What makes a bird a bird” by completing a [...]

Williams Crew News

June 13th, 2017|Comments Off on Williams Crew News

Expedition Express: What the Cell?! We are finishing up our “What the Cell?!” expedition and starting a native species project that will be displayed at Celebration of Learning. We do not really have any homework [...]

Telfer Crew News

June 6th, 2017|Comments Off on Telfer Crew News

Expedition Express: Welcome to the Kinder-Garden We are nearing the end of our expedition and school year! The kids are finishing their investigations and cannot wait to show you them at Celebration of Learning. We [...]

Board Meeting, June 5

June 2nd, 2017|Comments Off on Board Meeting, June 5

SELS Board Meeting, June 5, 6 pm in M-3. SELS 6.5.17 Agenda

McMains Crew News

May 22nd, 2017|Comments Off on McMains Crew News

Expedition Express: Worlds of Wonders We are studying Ancient Civilizations: Egypt, Greece, China, and India. Case studies explore each civilizations’ achievements in arts and architecture, social and political structures, and science and technology. Our Essential [...]

MinBorg Crew News

May 5th, 2017|Comments Off on MinBorg Crew News

Expedition Express: Anato-ME Our crew is in full swing with our spring expedition on ANATO-ME. We have covered three of the five major systems, the SKELETAL SYSTEM, the MUSCULAR SYSTEM, and the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. We [...]

Williams Crew News

May 5th, 2017|Comments Off on Williams Crew News

Expedition Express: What the cell?! We had an awesome fieldwork experience in the bay. The students did a fantastic job of being professional at all of the stops and kept a great attitude, even during [...]

Telfer Crew News

May 5th, 2017|Comments Off on Telfer Crew News

Expedition Express: Welcome to the Kinder-Garden We are in the middle of our first expedition, How does your garden grow. “I can explain how the parts of a plant help it grow, survive and make [...]

Job Opening – 7th grade Classroom Teacher

May 4th, 2017|Comments Off on Job Opening – 7th grade Classroom Teacher

We currently have an opening for a 7th grade, self-contained classroom teacher. Please see the job posting and application requirements: Job description for 7th grade teacher Application packet for SELS teacher

Welch Crew News: May 2017

May 4th, 2017|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: May 2017

Expedition Express Anato-ME: Our crew is in full swing with our spring expedtion on ANATO-ME. We have covered three of the five major systems, the SKELETAL SYSTEM, the MUSCULAR SYSTEM, and the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. We [...]

Board Meeting, May 1

April 29th, 2017|Comments Off on Board Meeting, May 1

Please see the agenda for the May 1 Board Mtg at 6 pm in M-3. SELS 5.1.17 Agenda

Williams Crew News

April 21st, 2017|Comments Off on Williams Crew News

Expedition Express: What the Cell?! We are cruising through our biology and genetics expedition in preparation for our fieldwork next week. The students will put their knowledge to the test when they visit Stanford University, [...]

Brisbin Crew News

April 21st, 2017|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News

Happy Spring! Expedition: Bills and Gills Case Study One was a success! The students commendably created two main projects, which highlighted their new knowledge. First, with a partner, they researched a biome, and then created [...]

Akers Crew News

April 21st, 2017|Comments Off on Akers Crew News

Happy Spring! Expedition: Bills and Gills Case Study One was a success! The students commendably created two main projects, which highlighted their new knowledge. First, with a partner, they researched a biome, and then created [...]

PE Teacher position open

April 6th, 2017|Comments Off on PE Teacher position open

We are looking for a PE teacher to start in late Aug, 2017. Please see the attached job description for more info: Job description for PE teacher

Bell Crew News

April 6th, 2017|1 Comment

Expedition Express: The Art of the Story History is the study of people and how they lived across time and regions of the world. The Mayan civilization began over two thousand years ago, but we [...]

McMains Crew News

April 6th, 2017|Comments Off on McMains Crew News

Expedition Express: Worlds of Wonders A study of Ancient Civilizations: Egypt, Greece, China, and India. Case studies explore each civilizations’ achievements in arts and architecture, social and political structures, and science and technology. Our Essential [...]

Board Meeting Mon, April 3

March 31st, 2017|Comments Off on Board Meeting Mon, April 3

SELS Board Meeting scheduled for Monday, April 3 at 6 pm in M-3. SELS 4.3.17 Agenda

Telfer Crew News

March 29th, 2017|Comments Off on Telfer Crew News

Expedition Express: “Crack, bang, boom!” We are nearing the end of our expedition on weather. At the end of March and through April, your children will be giving school wide weather forecasts and how to [...]

SELS Lottery Results

March 29th, 2017|Comments Off on SELS Lottery Results

The SELS Lottery was last night... a huge, heartfelt welcome to our new families! For more information on enrollment and openings, please visit the enrollment tab on our website, here.

Akers Crew News

March 14th, 2017|Comments Off on Akers Crew News

Expedition Express: Bills and Gills – How complete ecosystems work together to survive and thrive How is all life supported? What does the sun do to help create systems of life, and what are the [...]

Brisbin Crew News

March 13th, 2017|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News

Expedition Express: Bills and Gills - How complete ecosystems work together to survive and thrive How is all life supported? What does the sun do to help create systems of life, and what are the [...]

Williams Crew News

March 8th, 2017|Comments Off on Williams Crew News

Expedition Express: What the Cell?! We are now fully into our spring expedition “What the Cell?!” Before the break, students made a comparison of a cell and its parts, to something else (a city, factory, [...]

McMains Crew News

March 7th, 2017|Comments Off on McMains Crew News

Expedition Express: Worlds of Wonders A study of the Ancient Civilizations Egypt, Greece, China, and India. Case studies explore each civilizations’ achievements in arts and architecture, social and political structures, and science and technology. Our [...]

Board Meeting, March 13

March 3rd, 2017|Comments Off on Board Meeting, March 13

Board Meeting March 13, 6 pm in Rm M-3. SELS 3.13.17 Agenda

Telfer Crew News

February 28th, 2017|Comments Off on Telfer Crew News

Expedition Express: “Crack, bang, boom!” We have started our expedition on weather. In case study #1: What’s with the weather?, students will answer the question: How do scientists predict weather and find patterns? We have [...]

Bell Crew News

February 16th, 2017|Comments Off on Bell Crew News

Expedition Express: Light and Sound Engineers! The Bell Crew is wrapping up a mini-expedition exploring the connection between light and sound vibration as well as investigating the path of a beam of light. Students have [...]

McMains Crew News

February 8th, 2017|Comments Off on McMains Crew News

Expedition Express: Worlds of Wonders Description: A study of the Ancient Civilizations Egypt, Greece, China, and India. Case studies explore each civilizations’ achievements in arts and architecture, social and political structures, and science and technology. [...]

MinBorg Crew News

February 8th, 2017|Comments Off on MinBorg Crew News

Questions of the Month What was your favorite part of the Fire and Ice expedition? What is your reading goal and what strategies are you using to reach it? Hint: CAFE goal What will you [...]

Welch Crew News: February 2017

February 7th, 2017|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: February 2017

Expedition Express: Fire and Ice As our Fall Semester comes to a close, so does our Fire and Ice Expedition. We will finish Case Study 3 with a Washoe Tribe expert, Herman Fillmore, who will [...]

Connolly Crew News

February 7th, 2017|Comments Off on Connolly Crew News

Expedition Express: The Ripple Effect The 8th graders have wrapped up their Science Expedition, Building STEAM, and have produced some amazing final products. From vertical gardens to solar heated roadways, the students engineered some really [...]

Board Meeting Feb 6

February 4th, 2017|Comments Off on Board Meeting Feb 6

SELS Board Meeting Feb 6, 6 pm in M-3 SELS 2.6.17 Agenda 2

Telfer Crew News

January 31st, 2017|Comments Off on Telfer Crew News

Expedition Express Unfortunately we will be pushing our build day to the spring. As soon as the snow melts we will build a play structure for our school community. More info to come. We are wrapping [...]

Our Digital Dilemma

January 29th, 2017|Comments Off on Our Digital Dilemma

Many parents express feeling overwhelmed and helpless around managing their child’s digital media world. Instagram, X-box, Snapchat, Facebook, Netflix, Twitter, Text, Television, Youtube, Hulu, Amazon, the list is endless. A study done by Common Sense [...]

Williams Crew News

January 27th, 2017|Comments Off on Williams Crew News

The small reprieve from the snow has been nice, but it looks like there is more on the way, so rest up for another round of shoveling and powder skiing! There have been some changes in [...]

Akers Crew News

January 26th, 2017|Comments Off on Akers Crew News

It is great to be back in the classroom and kids are in full force learning mode. What a way to start the New Year with a record amount of snowfall for the month of [...]

Brisbin Crew News

January 26th, 2017|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News

It is great to be back in the classroom and kids are in full force learning mode. What a way to start the New Year with a record amount of snowfall for the month of [...]

Welch Crew News: January 2017

January 17th, 2017|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: January 2017

Expedition Express: FIRE and ICE Throughout the month of January, we will be wrapping up our Fire and Ice expedition with one final case study focusing on the Native American tribes that live/lived around the [...]

MinBorg Crew News

January 17th, 2017|Comments Off on MinBorg Crew News

Expedition Express: FIRE and ICE Throughout the month of January, we will be wrapping up our Fire and Ice expedition with one final case study focusing on the Native American tribes that live/lived around the [...]

Telfer Crew News

January 17th, 2017|Comments Off on Telfer Crew News

Expedition Express We are ending our Building Communities Expedition this month with our much anticipated build day! We are aiming for the 2nd week in January, but the extended forecast is not looking cooperative. We [...]

Board Meeting, Jan 9 – 6 pm

January 7th, 2017|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Jan 9 – 6 pm

Board Meeting on Jan 9 at 6 pm in M-3. All are welcome. sels-1-9-17-agenda

Akers Crew News

December 16th, 2016|Comments Off on Akers Crew News

Expedition Express: Redcoats and Rebels The Akers Crew has wrapped up their studies regarding the onset of the American Revolution by completing various tasks centered around the interactions between the Redcoats and Rebels. We Skyped [...]

Brisbin Crew News

December 16th, 2016|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News

Expedition Express: Redcoats and Rebels The Brisbin Crew has wrapped up their studies regarding the onset of the American Revolution by completing various tasks centered around the interactions between the Redcoats and Rebels. We Skyped [...]

Williams Crew News

December 16th, 2016|Comments Off on Williams Crew News

Expedition Express: Cartographers and Commanders The KidZone Exhibit project is going well. Students are understanding the design principal of success and failure every step of this process, but now that their final product is beginning [...]

Telfer Crew News

December 7th, 2016|Comments Off on Telfer Crew News

Expedition Express Building Community is winding down! We are going to be putting our knowledge to the test on Wednesday, Dec. 14 for our big build day! We will be building a play structure to [...]

MinBorg Crew News

December 7th, 2016|Comments Off on MinBorg Crew News

Expedition Express FIRE and ICE! This an exciting time for our crew as we put the final touches on our Victorian Holiday Historical Tour presentations and prepare for our tour dates in downtown Truckee. Students [...]

Welch Crew News: December 2016

December 7th, 2016|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: December 2016

Expedition Express FIRE and ICE! This an exciting time for our crew as we put the final touches on our Victorian Holiday Historical Tour presentations and prepare for our tour dates in downtown Truckee. Students [...]

Bell Crew News

November 16th, 2016|Comments Off on Bell Crew News

Expedition Name: I Love the Mountains! Case Study #2: Trailblazing! I can use the SIERRA norms to overcome challenges. I can design a realistic goal for myself. Case Study #2: My Sierra Nevada I can [...]

Top 10 Things to do with Kids Under 10

November 14th, 2016|Comments Off on Top 10 Things to do with Kids Under 10

New rack cards will be on display at various locations around Truckee / Tahoe outlining favorite activities for children under 10 to discover. Truckee is a great place to visit and there are many things [...]

Connolly Crew News

November 14th, 2016|Comments Off on Connolly Crew News

Expedition Name: Building STEAM We have started looking at buildings and structures and connecting them to math and art. We went on an architectural walking tour in Sacramento in which students took pictures of buildings [...]

Brisbin Crew News

November 4th, 2016|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News

Expedition Express Redcoats and Rebels: The Brisbin Crew is exploring events that framed the American Revolution by examining their second case study “The Boston Massacre.” Students have learned about that fateful night when the Redcoats [...]

Board Meeting Mon Nov 7

November 4th, 2016|Comments Off on Board Meeting Mon Nov 7

SELS Board Meeting Monday Nov 7, 6 pm in M-3. sels-11-7-16-agenda

Akers Crew News

November 3rd, 2016|Comments Off on Akers Crew News

Expedition Express Redcoats and Rebels: The Akers Crew is exploring events that framed the American Revolution by examining their second case study “The Boston Massacre.” Students have learned about that fateful night when the Redcoats [...]

MinBorg Crew News

November 3rd, 2016|Comments Off on MinBorg Crew News

Expedition Express Fire and Ice - Case Study 2 Truckee Yesterday: Students have been learning from local experts about the history of Truckee. Chelsea Walterscheid visited the classroom and shared historical photos and stories about [...]

Williams CREW NEWS

November 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Williams CREW NEWS

Expedition Express: Cartographers and Commanders Expedition: Thank you again for making the Bay sailing fieldwork such a great success. We had some challenges along the way (rain, no wind, traffic, change in camping) but everyone [...]


November 1st, 2016|Comments Off on TELFER CREW NEWS

Expedition Express Case Study #2, On the Job!, is in full swing. We have learned how to use many tools safely, written about them and sketched them. This month we will be putting our knowledge [...]

Welch Crew: November 2016

October 31st, 2016|Comments Off on Welch Crew: November 2016

Expedition Express Fire and Ice: Case Study 2: Truckee Yesterday: Students have been learning from local experts about the history of Truckee. Chelsea Walterscheid, visited the classroom and shared historical photos and stories about the [...]

Brisbin & Akers Crew News

October 18th, 2016|Comments Off on Brisbin & Akers Crew News

September was filled with Constitution Day, horseback riding and overnight fieldwork! Thank you to all of our wonderful parent volunteers who helped our fieldwork go smoothly. Without you, we would never have the experience of [...]

Williams Crew News

October 12th, 2016|Comments Off on Williams Crew News

Expedition Express Expedition Name: Cartographers and Commanders Grouse Ridge What a great trip we had. I have uploaded all of the pictures from the trip, if you have time, go to this link and check [...]

Connolly Crew News

October 12th, 2016|Comments Off on Connolly Crew News

Expedition Express Expedition Name: Building STEAM Description: We are in the final weeks of our first case study “Blowing off STEAM” in which the students are learning about matter and chemistry. The students have complete [...]

Telfer Crew News

October 12th, 2016|Comments Off on Telfer Crew News

Expedition Express Case Study #2, On the Job!, will be starting in Oct. Students will learn how to use tools, and learn how to plan and construct a project that improves the SELS community. Questions [...]

MinBorg Crew News

October 12th, 2016|Comments Off on MinBorg Crew News

Expedition Express: Case Studies 1 & 2: Truckee Yesterday and Truckee Today: Our Fire and Ice expedition is in full swing. Through fieldwork the students have all been acquainted with downtown Truckee, and have looked [...]

Welch Crew News: October 2016

October 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: October 2016

Expedition Express Fire and Ice Truckee Today: We are in the final stages of Case Study 1, looking at Truckee Today. Students have determined their Top 10 for Kids Under 10 (favorite Truckee locations) and [...]

Telfer Crew — Building Communities

September 13th, 2016|Comments Off on Telfer Crew — Building Communities

Expedition Express: Building Communities In our first expedition, We will learn how to be a good Crew Member and start talking about the SIERRA Norms: S – Strength I – Integrity E – Empathy R [...]

Bell Crew News!

September 13th, 2016|Comments Off on Bell Crew News!

Expedition Express: I Love the Mountains! An expedition that explores how challenges make us stronger… and how our Sierra Nevada Mountains are special. In case study #1, we will learn the importance of persevering through [...]

Welcome, Williams Crew!

September 13th, 2016|Comments Off on Welcome, Williams Crew!

Expedition Express: Cartographers and Commanders In our Expedition we are studying navigation and map skills. We started by using our surroundings to determine what direction is north, as well as studying a variety of maps. [...]

Board Member Recruitment

September 8th, 2016|Comments Off on Board Member Recruitment

Sierra Expeditionary Learning School (SELS) seeks qualified candidates for our Board of Directors from education, nonprofit, community, business, and legal organizations to responsibly govern the organization and school. We are looking for individuals with diverse [...]

Back to School: Four Tools to Support Your Child

September 8th, 2016|Comments Off on Back to School: Four Tools to Support Your Child

Back to School: Four Tools to Support Your Child By: Alaina Reichwald The first day of school has arrived. New adventures await. With the return of school, mixed feelings are common. A majority of students [...]

Brisbin Crew News — Welcome to the 2016/17 School Year!

September 8th, 2016|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News — Welcome to the 2016/17 School Year!

Expedition Express Expedition Name: Redcoats and Rebels - The Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness on American Soil Description: What are the uses and abuses of power that people demonstrate? How did people at the [...]

Akers Crew — Welcome to the 2016/17 School Year!

September 8th, 2016|Comments Off on Akers Crew — Welcome to the 2016/17 School Year!

Rebels and Redcoats - The Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness on American Soil “We the Kids of the Akers Crew, in order to form a more perfect crew, establish integrity, honesty and fairness, insure [...]

Welcome Back to School, MinBorg Crew!

September 8th, 2016|Comments Off on Welcome Back to School, MinBorg Crew!

EXPEDITION EXPRESS: FIRE AND ICE Our fall expedition is packed with a lot of local history that really helps students understand the early beginnings of our quaint little town of Truckee. We’ll look at how [...]

Welcome Back to School Welch Crew!

September 8th, 2016|Comments Off on Welcome Back to School Welch Crew!

EXPEDITION EXPRESS: FIRE AND ICE Our fall expedition is packed with a lot of local history that really helps students understand the early beginnings of our quaint little town of Truckee. We’ll look at how [...]

Welcome, Williams Crew!

September 8th, 2016|Comments Off on Welcome, Williams Crew!

I want to welcome everyone to 7th grade in the Williams Crew! I hope everyone enjoyed their summer. I was busy camping, rafting, hiking, biking, and hosting family, all while corralling a very talkative two-year-old [...]

Board Meeting, Mon Aug 15

August 14th, 2016|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Mon Aug 15

SELS Board Meeting, Monday Aug 15, 6:30-9 pm, Tahoe Donner Clubhouse SELS 8.15.16 Agenda

End of the School Year Stress?

June 1st, 2016|Comments Off on End of the School Year Stress?

The end of a school year tends to be hectic. Students are faced with a lot of projects and have some anticipation about change in their daily routine as summer draws near. School has a [...]

MinBorg Crew News

May 19th, 2016|Comments Off on MinBorg Crew News

Expedition Name: Ready, Set, Go! Description: Through a combination of guided and inquiry based experiments the students are learning the physical science behind winter and ball sports. Questions to Ask Your Child: What does “craftsmanship” [...]

Williams Crew Fieldwork Recap

May 3rd, 2016|Comments Off on Williams Crew Fieldwork Recap

What great fieldwork! If your child was anything like me, I spent much of the weekend recovering from our fun, amazing fieldwork. If your child did not tell you already, here are a few highlights: [...]

May 2 Board Meeting Agenda

April 30th, 2016|Comments Off on May 2 Board Meeting Agenda

SELS 5.2.16 Agenda

Board Meeting Agenda, May 2

April 30th, 2016|Comments Off on Board Meeting Agenda, May 2

SELS 5.2.16 Agenda

Drama Queens: What’s Really Going on in a Teenage Girl’s Head

April 7th, 2016|Comments Off on Drama Queens: What’s Really Going on in a Teenage Girl’s Head

I think everyone can gain helpful perspective from this article. Learn more about working, teaching, and parenting girls as they move into adolescents.  

Pet Loss

April 7th, 2016|Comments Off on Pet Loss

Recently, it seems there have been a number of pet deaths in our SELS community. Our pets are family and when the time comes for them to leave us it is heart wrenching.  And for [...]


April 7th, 2016|Comments Off on Encouragement

Some notes about Encouragement.   Praise vs. Encouragement  Encouragement fosters Growth Mindset. Praise fosters Fixed Mindset.   Following up there are 3 types of encouragement: Descriptive Encouragement:  "I notice..." This is not necessarily positive or [...]

Board Meeting, Mon April 4, 6 pm

April 4th, 2016|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Mon April 4, 6 pm

Board Meeting Monday April 4, 2016 from 6-9 pm. Please see agenda: SELS 4.4.16 Agenda  

H20H! Why Water Matters

March 17th, 2016|Comments Off on H20H! Why Water Matters

Dear Crew, Our Sierra Scientists have been working hard and learning a great deal about matter, molecules, atoms and water! After a series of science labs experimenting with water and it’s properties, learning about periodic [...]

Board Meeting Mon, March 7 6 pm

March 4th, 2016|Comments Off on Board Meeting Mon, March 7 6 pm

SELS Board Mtg Monday, March 7 from 6-9 pm in M-3. SELS 3.7.16 Agenda

Student Confidentiality Issue

February 22nd, 2016|Comments Off on Student Confidentiality Issue

Dear Parent/Guardian: The California Department of Education (CDE) is currently engaged in litigation with two non-profit associations comprised of parents and guardians of children with disabilities. The plaintiffs in that litigation have requested numerous documents, [...]

February 9th, 2016|Comments Off on

It is hard to believe but we are over half way through the school year. The semester finished on Friday, January 29th. I'm sure you know that progress reports came home on Friday (or for [...]

SELS School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

February 2nd, 2016|Comments Off on SELS School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

If interested in a paper copy, please stop into the office and request one.   2015-16 School Accountability Report Card (SARC) - SELS

Kathy Whitlow

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Kathy Whitlow

I am so grateful for the amazing staff; they are the most amazing guides. It is an inspiration to watch them help our children learn and grow into thoughtful, independent, productive human beings

The Thompson Family

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on The Thompson Family

I truly appreciate all the staff, students, parents and families at SELS. It is these people that make SELS so wonderful. This has become a new 'family" for us!

Cindy Burson

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Cindy Burson

I am so thankful that my 5th grade daughter is a member and student of this beautiful community and school. She is receiving a fantastic education with hands on learning, caring, understanding, creative, out of [...]

Melissa Williams and Aaron Breitbard

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Melissa Williams and Aaron Breitbard

We are thankful for many wonderful ideals and principles at SELS, but what really brings those into reality is the caring, hard-working teachers and staff. We wouldn't have thought that someone else would care as [...]

Jim Burson

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Jim Burson

I am very grateful to the SELS staff for offering my 5th grader their hearts, as well as their knowledge. Better yet, they make learning fun and adventurous! My youngster is THRIVING at your wonderful [...]

Elkie Silver

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Elkie Silver

SELS is amazing in the way they teach topics hands on and allow the children to learn in practical settings. We couldn't be happier seeing our son flourish so much! Thank you.

Brooke Landis

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Brooke Landis

All the adults and students challenge each other to THINK!

Parent of 6th Grader

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Parent of 6th Grader

Our son is bubbling over with excitement for learning. This environment is gifting him with life long skills to succeed. We are so thankful for this school.

Alison Schwedner

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Alison Schwedner

I appreciate all the teachers and staff and their responsiveness. I also appreciate all the work the staff are doing to help the kids figure out how to fill each other's buckets!

Andy Reichwald

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Andy Reichwald

I greatly appreciate that SELS is a heart-centered school that teaches ethics and values along with academics. That approach makes SELS a unique and special place.

Parent of a 1st Grader

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Parent of a 1st Grader

I am grateful that my child is encouraged to interpret concepts and think about how they apply to his life, not just memorize and repeat material. I love that SELS asks kids to think about [...]


February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Alaina

What an amazing place. It has been everything for my son that I had hoped he could experience in school. Great teacher, stimulating learning environment, and a deeply caring and nurturing place.

Carla Brown

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Carla Brown

SELS embodies everything that I feel is important in my child's education and I am so grateful that she has the opportunity to learn in such an enriching environment. Teaching our children how to think [...]

Parent of a 6th Grader

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Parent of a 6th Grader

On top of all the teaching and learning, I'm struck by the joy in the faces of all the children as they go about their quest for knowledge. Thanks to all the courageous and energetic [...]


February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Parent

What an amazing place. It has been everything for my son that I had hoped he could experience in school. Great teacher, stimulating learning environment, and a deeply caring and nurturing environment.

Responsive Teachers and Staff

February 1st, 2016|Comments Off on Responsive Teachers and Staff

I appreciate all the teachers and staff and their responsiveness. I also appreciate all the work the staff are doing to help the kids figure out how to fill each other's buckets!

’16-17 Enrollment Meeting Dates Set

January 30th, 2016|Comments Off on ’16-17 Enrollment Meeting Dates Set

If you are interested in enrolling your child/children in SELS for 2016-17, you need to attend an Information Meeting to pick up an application for our March 29 Lottery. Please see the attached flyer for [...]

Board Meeting, Mon Feb 1, 6 pm

January 30th, 2016|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Mon Feb 1, 6 pm

SELS Board Meeting Mon, Feb 1 from 6-9 pm in M-3. SELS 2.1.16 Agenda

MinBorg News 1.22.16

January 22nd, 2016|Comments Off on MinBorg News 1.22.16

Expedition Express I’ve Been Working on the Railroad: As we wrap up our fall Expedition, we turn our focus to Case Study #3: Railroad: Good or Evil. Learning Target: How did the Transcontinental Railroad affect [...]

The Strength of a Bear

January 21st, 2016|Comments Off on The Strength of a Bear

We are using our kindergarten "bear paws" to scratch beneath the surface of our learning. Our young minds are growing and expanding as we embark on this non-fiction study of the American black bear. Here [...]

Great New Year!

January 14th, 2016|Comments Off on Great New Year!

Expedition: First, we want to send a BIG THANK YOU to TTCTV for such an exceptional experience with filming our Charlie Chaplin Movies! Everyone enjoyed our big premiere at Celebration of Learning! Thank you to [...]

Welch Crew News: January/February 2016

January 14th, 2016|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: January/February 2016

Expedition Express I've Been Working on the Railroad: As we wrap up our fall Expedition, we turn our focus to Case Study #3: Railroad: Good or Evil. Learning Target: How did the Transcontinental Railroad affect the [...]

Special Session, Board Meeting Thurs Jan 14

January 13th, 2016|Comments Off on Special Session, Board Meeting Thurs Jan 14

Please see the agenda for the special session board meeting Thurs, Jan 14 from 5-7 pm in M-3.  SELS 1.14.16 Agenda - Special Mtg

New Year, New Expedition: Sierra Scientists!

January 10th, 2016|Comments Off on New Year, New Expedition: Sierra Scientists!

Happy New Year,  All! After a nice holiday break, we are back and raring to go!  Our first week was spent getting back into the swing of things, and setting goals and focus for the [...]

Board Meeting, Jan 11

January 8th, 2016|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Jan 11

SELS Board Mtg Jan 11 starting at 6 pm in M-3.  SELS 1.11.16 Agenda

Welcome Back

January 4th, 2016|Comments Off on Welcome Back

Hi all. Looking forward to seeing all of you after our 2 wks off. Hope everyone had a nice break.

No School Friday, Dec 11 – Snow Day

December 11th, 2015|Comments Off on No School Friday, Dec 11 – Snow Day

School has been cancelled today. No staff will be on-site. Have fun!

Board Meeting, Mon Dec 7, 6 pm

December 6th, 2015|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Mon Dec 7, 6 pm

Please join us for our December Board Meeting in M-3 from 6-9 pm. We will be discussing our vaccination policy in light of the new law SB277, and going over our recently adopted Strategic Plan.             [...]

The Giving Corner: An Open Letter From Alaina Reichwald

December 4th, 2015|Comments Off on The Giving Corner: An Open Letter From Alaina Reichwald

The Giving Corner_English The Corner Dar_Espanol

SELS Weekly Newsletter, 12/3

December 4th, 2015|Comments Off on SELS Weekly Newsletter, 12/3

SELS Weekly Newsletter_12.3_English SELS Weekly Newsletter_12.3_Espanol

Grateful for a Wonderful Crew!

November 30th, 2015|Comments Off on Grateful for a Wonderful Crew!

As we close up November and make our way into the hectic but wonderful holiday season, I want to express to my crew and families how grateful I am for this exceptional group! Thanks to the parents for all the help they provide from homework, class time, harvest of the month, behind the scenes work,  and  driving on fieldwork. Thanks to our amazing kiddos who work so hard, have fantastic ideas and embrace new ideas with open minds! We have been quite busy with knowing that Celebration of Learning is right around the corner.  The students are busy completing case study projects as well as working on Silent Movies.  They have put a lot of effort and creativity into an interactive map for the brochure project in which students labeled major mining areas, landmarks, travel routes, and development in California.  The brochures are creative with an abundant amount of information in the contents. Our final product is a silent film based on Charlie Chaplin’s “Gold Rush” movie.  The Brisbin and Akers crews both are over the moon with this product and are having a ball getting their scenes together. Mrs. Brisbin and I are enjoying watching them write, produce, and act in their very own production, while they incorporate expedition content into their final product. Please work with your child to develop their costumes, and they are more than welcome to bring in props to make their film fantastic! We are so thankful to Dan Martin who we will meet with to film our movies at the high school TV station. […]

The Legacy: Mining Practices Then and Now

November 29th, 2015|Comments Off on The Legacy: Mining Practices Then and Now

Happy Holidays, Brisbin Crew! Students have been exploring how Californians used technology to obtain gold in more efficient ways through many different mining practices.  These mining techniques each made impacts on the land as well as California’s economy, and students have gone on fieldwork to mines and met experts who have taught them about these practices.  Seeing working mines in action, students also have met teams members who have shared with them their specific jobs; at Teichert Mine we met the Mine Manager, Biologist, Geologist, Mining Engineer, and Equipment Operator. […]

SELS Weekly Newsletter, 11/19

November 23rd, 2015|Comments Off on SELS Weekly Newsletter, 11/19

SELS Weekly Newsletter_English_11.19 SELS Weekly Newsletter_Espanol_11.19

Welch Crew News: November/December 2015

November 19th, 2015|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: November/December 2015

Expedition Express I’ve Been Working on the Railroad: Students continue to CHUG along on our Transcontinental Railroad Expedition. As students continue to learn about the nitty gritty to one of our country’s greatest achievements, we are also learning about the economic and cultural effects of the railroad. Students have been hard at work, taking notes from non-fiction texts, creating a timeline of events, and writing historical fiction friendly letters from the viewpoint of a Chinese laborer on the Central Pacific Railroad. Questions to ask your child about their learning: Why was building the railroad over the Sierra Nevada difficult? What were some of the obstacles the Central Pacific Railroad workers faced while building the railroad? Explain the “Race to the Finish” and how did the two railroad companies celebrate? Currently, we are working on our Final Product, Chautauqua, which is a first person account of a historical figure. Each student has chosen a key player on the Transcontinental Railroad to portray at Celebration of Learning on December 17. Now is a great time to begin working on your outfit (costume) for your performance. Students know what type of outfit to wear, but if you have questions, please ask. […]

MinBorg Crew Nov. 2015

November 18th, 2015|Comments Off on MinBorg Crew Nov. 2015

Expedition: We’re chugging along (ha!) with the T.C.R.R. expedition. They’ve been working hard on multiple projects including, note-taking from non-fiction text, creating a timeline of the building of the Transcontinental Railroad, making an artistic diorama [...]

SELS Weekly Newsletter

November 16th, 2015|Comments Off on SELS Weekly Newsletter

SELS Weekly Newsletter_11.5 English SELS Weekly Newsletter_11.5 Espanol

Measure U & A Benefits to SELS

November 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on Measure U & A Benefits to SELS

Measure U & A Benefits to SELS_English Measure U & A Benefits to SELS_Espanol

SELS Weekly Newsletter, October 22

November 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on SELS Weekly Newsletter, October 22

Weekly Newsletter_10.22_English Weekly Newsletter_10.22_Espanol

Board Meeting Nov 2, 2015

October 31st, 2015|Comments Off on Board Meeting Nov 2, 2015

Please see the attached agenda for the Nov 2 Board Meeting in M-3 from 6-9 pm.  SELS 11.2.15 Agenda

Extraordinary October!

October 16th, 2015|Comments Off on Extraordinary October!

We have had two incredible and successful overnights this fall! We are fresh from our Coloma overnight. We spent the day touring the park, filling a wagon with supplies to support a family on the [...]

SELS Weekly Newsletter

October 15th, 2015|Comments Off on SELS Weekly Newsletter

SELS Weekly Newsletter_10.15_English SELS Weekly Newsletter_10.15_Espanol

A Great October

October 13th, 2015|Comments Off on A Great October

  We have had two incredible and successful overnights this fall! We are fresh from our Coloma overnight. We spent the day touring the park, filling a wagon with supplies to support a family on the Overland trail, panning for gold and making pokes to carry our gold that we found. The second day, students were immersed into living history as they meet experts in various fields […]

Williams Crew Update

October 13th, 2015|Comments Off on Williams Crew Update

Hi all, It hasn't been too long since our last crew update but I wanted to send out some information on upcoming events: I will be gone at my brother-in-law's wedding from Thursday, October 15 - [...]

The Outliers of the Gold Rush

October 12th, 2015|Comments Off on The Outliers of the Gold Rush

Our fall fieldwork overnights are complete!  The students have met amazing experts in the field, including one top historian of the Gold Rush who portrays James Marshall, and has been involved in over 70 documentaries covering the Gold Rush.  Students can not only describe in detail the 3 routes Argonauts and 49’ers took, which was our first case study content and learning targets, but they can also demonstrate knowledge about the various professions people capitalized on during this time period (The Outliers).  Students are working on an information piece that describes one aspect of the Gold Rush routes currently, as well as writing letters home explaining their experiences “out on the trail,” or “out on the ocean.” As we delve more into the second case study, students will learn about the entrepreneurs who used the Gold Rush as a professional tool outside of mining. […]

Welch Crew News: September/October 2015

October 11th, 2015|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: September/October 2015

Welch and MinBorg Crews getting ready to board the Amtrak to Sacramento. Expedition Express I’ve Been Working on the Railroad: The start to our 2015-2016 school year began with many exciting fieldwork adventures. On September 17, our crew walked to Donner Memorial State Park to kick-off our fall expedition. We met with Ranger Steve and began our learning of the historic Transcontinental Railroad. On October 6, our crew, along with the MinBorg crew, headed up to Donner Summit to experience the famous tunnels and snowsheds built by Chinese laborers. We learned about the longest tunnel built, Tunnel #6 and how the Chinese worked on that tunnel for 18 months from 4 different directions. Our most recent fieldwork included a train ride from Truckee to Sacramento on Amtrak with a visit to the California State Railroad Museum. These in-field experiences cannot be replicated by reading text in a book. Our students get hands on learning by visiting these historic locations and seeing actual locomotives from the 1800’s. Questions to ask your child about their learning: Why did people call Theodore Judah “crazy”? Who was the BIG 4  and why were they important to the Transcontinental Railroad? Who built a majority of the railroad for the Central Pacific Railroad from Sacramento through Truckee? […]

Board Meeting Mon Oct 12, 6-9 pm

October 10th, 2015|Comments Off on Board Meeting Mon Oct 12, 6-9 pm

Please see attached agenda for the Oct 12 Board Mtg.  SELS 10.12.15 Agenda

Directors Notes, 10/1

October 5th, 2015|Comments Off on Directors Notes, 10/1

SELS Weekly Newsletter, October 1 {English} SELS Weekly Newsletter, October 1 {Espanol}

News & Updates from the Seaborg Crew

October 5th, 2015|Comments Off on News & Updates from the Seaborg Crew

Expedition: The Minborg Crew is crusin right along with our new “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad” expedition. Although we have just scratched the surface, their knowledge on the topic is impressive. Already they can [...]

Williams Crew – Grouse Ridge Field Work

September 29th, 2015|Comments Off on Williams Crew – Grouse Ridge Field Work

Williams Crew, It has been a few days since we got back from Grouse Ridge but wanted to recap some of the great moments from our trip (if you haven't already heard about it from your [...]

Director’s Notes

September 22nd, 2015|Comments Off on Director’s Notes

SELS Weekly Newsletter_9.23 {English} SELS Weekly Newsletter_9.23 {Espanol} Parent Participation {English} Parent Participation {Espanol} SELS Weekly Newsletter_9.17 {English} SELS Weekly Newsletter_9.17 {Espanol} SELS Weekly Newsletter, 9_10 {English} SELS Weekly Newsletter_9.10 {Espanol}  

Welcome Bell Crew!

September 22nd, 2015|Comments Off on Welcome Bell Crew!

We are off to a wonderful start in kindergarten! It has been a delight to get to know this new group of SELS students. Our crew is starting to take shape as a thoughtful and [...]

Garden Update – September 20th Work Party

September 21st, 2015|Comments Off on Garden Update – September 20th Work Party

We had another (the third) great work party on Sunday, Sept 20th. After having a successful summer growing, I felt a school garden at SELS was a go. If you remember, this past summer was a [...]

Williams Crew News

September 21st, 2015|Comments Off on Williams Crew News

Good Morning Parents! I wanted to send out the crew update a little early this month in preparation of our upcoming fieldwork and let you know what else is going on. Grouse Ridge: The class [...]

Seeking new Board Members

September 17th, 2015|Comments Off on Seeking new Board Members

We are looking for persons interested in SELS to become Board Members. Please see the attached posting for more info. Interviews will start in late Sept, 2015.  SELS Board recruitment

Happy 2015 School Year Akers Crew!

September 9th, 2015|Comments Off on Happy 2015 School Year Akers Crew!

The start of the year has been extremely positive! It has been such a joy melding our crew together. We are establishing strong ethics in the SIERRA Norms and Habits of Work through investigation of [...]

Welcome Brisbin Crew 2015!

September 8th, 2015|Comments Off on Welcome Brisbin Crew 2015!

Welcome to a new school year, Crew! Meeting our new team this week was so exciting; we conducted many team building activities, explored topics in math and expedition content, and began establishing our Crew norms. [...]

2015-16 Forms for Parents available

August 24th, 2015|Comments Off on 2015-16 Forms for Parents available

2015-16 Documents are listed and linked below. All documents are available on the left-hand sidebar of the site as well. Family Handbook Manual de la Familia (Español) Commitment to Excellence Comprometida a la Excelencia (Español) [...]

Bus Passes & Free-Reduced Lunch Sign ups

August 5th, 2015|Comments Off on Bus Passes & Free-Reduced Lunch Sign ups

TTUSD is holding workshops for families to sign up for the Free-Reduced Lunch Program and to purchase bus passes. Please see info in Sierra Sun article.

substitute teachers needed

August 3rd, 2015|Comments Off on substitute teachers needed

Currently hiring substitute teachers for 2015-16. SELS is a K-8 program with class sizes from 22-24. Please contact David Manahan if interested: or call 530-414-5326.

Board Meeting, Aug 3 2015

August 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Aug 3 2015

Please see agenda for the Aug 3, 2015 Board Meeting in M-7 from 6-7:30 pm.  SELS Agenda 8.3.15

Welcome to The Akers Crew!

July 23rd, 2015|Comments Off on Welcome to The Akers Crew!

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! I hope your summer has been wonderful, full of exploration, play, and good family and friend time. As we relish in the long summer days and warm summer nights, please begin looking forward to our journey back in time as our fall expedition, Gold Dust and Gunsmoke kicks off. Below are some important fieldwork & school dates that we have put on our fall calendar: September 1- Back to School Night, 5:30 September 4- Walking fieldwork to Meadow Park, Building Background Knowledge Event September 22 – Akers Crew – Walking tour/ Gold Rush Museum at Presidio September 23 – Akers- San Francisco Maritime National Park October 7-8 Akers and Brisbin to Coloma and Gold Rush Live October 22- Akers- Empire State Mine Tour (to be confirmed) & Reclaiming the Sierra Expert, Gold Mining Historic Markers, and Deer Creek Historic Mining Trail –Nevada City * August 29- Saturday- is the 120th annual Miners Picnic at Empire State Mine. Optional event for students, just wanted to let you know in case you want to join in on the fun! November 19- Teichert Tour (local ) – Akers Also, I wanted to check in with you to see if you have begun reading our required reading this summer […]

DN June 10, 2015

June 10th, 2015|Comments Off on DN June 10, 2015

Director’s Notes                                                               June 10, 2015 Hi all, What a fantastic last week of events! 8th grade art show at Moody’s, Celebration of Learning, and the Great Skate were all incredibly successful. Many thanks to the many hours of work it took to make all the events successful; big effort from students, staff, and parents. All of you should be proud of the accomplishments. First round of Passages on Tues were very successful. Students presented with poise and clarity, highlighting and reflecting on their achievements. Round two is tomorrow (Thurs) so if on campus please be respectful of noise levels; ideally keep things quiet from 8-9 am and 12:30-2 pm. Thanks. […]

First planting complete

June 10th, 2015|Comments Off on First planting complete

May was a wet, cold month with lots of thunderstorms and variable weather. Getting all the rain was lovely and we so desperately needed it - believe me, there are no complaints here. But, the [...]

Board Meeting, June 8, 6-9 pm

June 7th, 2015|Comments Off on Board Meeting, June 8, 6-9 pm

Hi all, Please see agenda for the final meeting of the '14-15 school year. Next meeting will be in August. SELS 6.8.15 Agenda Thanks.

DN June 3, 2015

June 4th, 2015|Comments Off on DN June 3, 2015

Director’s Notes                                            June 3, 2015 Hi all, Lots going on in our final week and a half. Seems like a fast year. Been some great fieldwork lately at Lava Beds, Monterey, and Donner Lake. Sadly, we had to cancel some due to weather. Huge thanks to all you Fieldwork Coordinators, drivers, chaperones, and food shoppers. We are all very appreciative. SCHOOL EVENTS / INFO Celebration of Learning tomorrow night. Classrooms open from 6-7:30 pm. McMains Crew has the first annual Ancient World Summit from 5-6 pm in the gym. All parent volunteers please stop by the Appreciation Table at Celebration of Learning. We would like to let you know how important you are to our program’s success. Passages next week, Tues/Thurs, June 9/11: 8th graders presenting from 8-9 pm; 3Rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th graders presenting from 12:30-2 pm. You must be on time for these. Since students are presenting, we do not admit late-comers. Teachers will have notified you which room your child(ren) will be in; if you have not heard, please contact them. Final day of school, June 12. From 9:15-10ish we have our End-of-year-Ceremony in the Courtyard; families welcome. Beginning at 12:45 we will have a “carnival” style afternoon. We have a full day of school, though feel free to pick up (sign out) your students if you like; after 11:45 for middle school and after 12:45 for elementary students. […]

DN May 27, 2015

May 28th, 2015|Comments Off on DN May 27, 2015

Director’s Notes                                                              May 27, 2015 Hi all, Our last big push before Celebration of Learning next week. Students are working really hard to prepare. Also lots of fieldwork as we have three crews out: Connolly at Lava Beds NM and Brisbin/Akers in Monterey. Thanks to all those parents giving so much time and energy to ensure these great trips. Reminder: If anyone is need, Tiffany Connolly will be offering fee-based tutoring this summer. If interested, please contact her directly: SCHOOL EVENTS / INFO Reminders: McMains Crew 6th graders have created an ancient Egypt display for KidZone. Stop in anytime to see their great work. An article about it was in today’s Sierra Sun. Connolly Crew 8th graders have a cartoon art show at Moody’s on June 2 from 5-7 pm. They have been diligently working on discrimination and race, and have developed political cartoons to represent their learning. Positively Rolling art show at Coffeebar on Friday, June 5th from 6-8 pm. SELS, ACMS, and Forest Charter student work will be showcased. […]

Welch Crew: Week at a Glance May 26 – 29

May 26th, 2015|Comments Off on Welch Crew: Week at a Glance May 26 – 29

Welch and Minborg crews heading out for a hike at Five Lakes in Alpine Meadows Ahhhh, the calm before the storm! Hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend and got some much needed R & R. This week is not as busy as our last 4 – 6 weeks, but we are in the trenches working diligently to finish our case studies before Celebration of Learning next week. Here is what we have in store for this week: […]

DN May 20, 2015

May 21st, 2015|Comments Off on DN May 20, 2015

Director’s Notes                                                      May 20, 2015 Hi all, Big, big thank you to all who made staff appreciation week so wonderful. Great job as well to the student leadership crew, who took much of their free time to help organize and run activities. And loved the first Staff Olympics! If anyone is need, Tiffany Connolly will be offering fee-based tutoring this summer. If interested, please contact her directly: SCHOOL EVENTS / INFO Positively Rolling art show at Coffeebar on Friday, June 5th from 6-8 pm. SELS, ACMS, and Forest Charter student work will be showcased. Reminders: TEDx event scheduled for May 21 at the Tahoe Haus and Cinema (in Tahoe City) from 4-6 pm. During winter electives, a dozen students of various ages created presentations of their own ideas. This event has limited seating (approx 50 tickets for general public). If you would like to attend, stop in the office Thursday to pick up tickets. McMains Crew 6th graders have created an ancient Egypt display for KidZone. Stop in anytime to see their great work. Connolly Crew 8th graders have a cartoon art show at Moody’s on June 2 from 5-7 pm. They have been diligently working on discrimination and race, and have developed political cartoons to represent their learning.  […]

Welch Crew: Week at a Glance May 18 – May 22

May 19th, 2015|Comments Off on Welch Crew: Week at a Glance May 18 – May 22

As you have probably already heard, our overnight campout to Meek’s Bay has been cancelled. Justine and I sent out an email at the end of school today informing both crews that after long discussions with David, analyzing the weather on the Weather Channel, and determining what is best for our children, we have chosen to cancel the trip – but don’t worry, not all is lost. We still plan to go on an all day hiking adventure on Thursday. We will determine the location as the day approaches, but most likely it will be someplace in Truckee. If you signed up to chaperone and drive on the fieldwork, we are planning to use you on Thursday after you have a nice restful sleep in your warm comfy bed. 🙂 We still have a very full week ahead, even though we are not camping. The week ahead: […]

DN May 13, 2015

May 14th, 2015|Comments Off on DN May 13, 2015

Director’s Notes                                                             May 13, 2015 Hi all, Really busy around here as we are into fieldwork and prepping for end of year events. Seems the weather may not cooperate so please be flexible with changes as they arise. Akers Crew was recently awarded Grand Prize in the McConkey Foundation Eco-challenge . We had a small presentation at Friday’s Community Meeting where Sherry McConkey presented the 10 students with a check for $6000. Superb job by these students coming up with a topic (low flow sinks and toilets) and developing a presentation. SCHOOL AND PUBLIC EVENTS / INFO TEDx event scheduled for May 21 at the Tahoe Haus and Cinema (in Tahoe City) from 4-6 pm. During winter electives, a dozen students of various ages created presentations of their own ideas. This event has limited seating (approx 50 tickets for general public). If you would like to attend, stop in the office Fri-Wed to pick up tickets. Since tickets are so limited, please only get tickets if you are sure you are going to attend. McMains Crew 6th graders have created an ancient Egypt display for KidZone. Stop in anytime to see their great work. Connolly Crew 8th graders have a cartoon art show at Moody’s on June 2 from 5-7 pm. They have been diligently working on discrimination and race, and have developed political cartoons to represent their learning. Arts for the Schools’ “Artists in Bloom” event May 16 from 5-8 pm at the Community Arts Center in downtown Truckee. Student art is on display and available for purchase as a fundraiser.  […]

Williams Crew Update 5-1-15

May 8th, 2015|Comments Off on Williams Crew Update 5-1-15

Parent Update, We have been busy over the past few weeks and I realized I haven’t given a formal update in a while.  Here is what is going on right now and a look into what is happening for the rest of the school year Fieldwork recap: We had a great fieldwork trip! The itinerary the liaisons planned worked out great, and the students did an extraordinary job of following the SIERRA norms the entire trip.  Thank you again to all the chaperones for making the fieldwork possible.  If any chaperones have pictures from the trip they would like to share I would love to have them to post on the web site. State Testing info: We are in the middle of state testing.  The students took the first English test on Wednesday.  They will take the other English test on Tuesday (5/5), then they will take the two math tests on Wednesday and Thursday (5/6 and 5/7).  I will not be assigning homework the night before the test.  Please make sure your child is at school on those days and is well rested. Board meeting: I wanted to acknowledge a few students from the Williams Crew that presented for our school board last month.  Luis, Ava, Lacey, Gunnar, Momo, and Marea did a wonderful job presenting projects from our “What the cell?!” expedition. “Who am I?”: The last assignment of the “Who am I?” expedition was assigned on Monday.  The students are responsible to set up a meeting with their mentor to be interviewed about what they have learned in this process.  The students should have reflected on the mentor experience and be prepared to share that.  The goal of this assignment is to show their appreciation for the time they spent with their mentor and practice their interviewing skills. Celebration of Learning: June 4th, 6:00-7:30pm The celebration of learning will be held on Thursday June 4th from 6:00-7:30.  Please mark that date on your calendars to come and enjoy all the hard work your child has put in this semester. Passages Tuesday and Thursday June 9 and 11 From 12:30-2:00: For those new to SELS, Passages is an opportunity for the students changing crew (1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th) to present to their peers and community what they learned during the year and to reflect on how they have grown as a person.  Passages will take place on Tuesday and Thursday June 9 and 11 from 12:30-2:00.  Students participating in Passages will be presenting in every room of SELS.  I have attached a schedule of when and where your child is presenting and the other students presenting in that room during that time.  I encourage anyone that is available to come to your child’s passages presentation.  Also if you are able to stay for the other students, it is often fun and interesting to listen to what other students at SELS have done in their crew. Dress Code: Now that the weather is getting warmer I wanted to remind everyone of the appropriate attire for school.  These are for both boys and girls (but are more commonly mistaken by girls) – No spaghetti straps (straps need to be 3 fingers wide) – No mid-drift showing – No flip-flops (close toed shoes please) – Skirts need to hang lower than the students fingers tips on their thigh. […]

DN May 6, 2015

May 6th, 2015|Comments Off on DN May 6, 2015

Director's Notes                                                                 May 6, 2015 Hi all, Many thanks for having your children here on time and ready for testing. Most of it is going well, though I imagine some students are feeling a little [...]

Step 1 Complete!

May 4th, 2015|Comments Off on Step 1 Complete!

Thanks to everyone who came out to the work party this past Saturday! We set up 4 rows of straw bales in the grasslands area. In this first summer of the garden, we’re trying a [...]

Board Meeting & Workshop, Monday May 4

May 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on Board Meeting & Workshop, Monday May 4

The SELS Board will hold a regular monthly meeting from 6-7:30 pm. SELS 5.4.15 Agenda The Board will also hold a Strategic Planning workshop from 7:30-9 pm. Community feedback is solicited; please come and help [...]

DN April 29, 2015

April 29th, 2015|Comments Off on DN April 29, 2015

Director's Notes                                                                 April 29, 2015 Hi all, Looks like spring heading to summer is officially here (which means we will probably have snow soon). Please remember our school dress code; in the handbook if you [...]

Welch Crew: Week at a Glance April 27 – May 1

April 28th, 2015|Comments Off on Welch Crew: Week at a Glance April 27 – May 1

Take a DEEP breath! Standardized Testing for our 3rd graders begin this week. The most important “take-aways” from these tests are: Don’t stress out about these tests – your child can sense your anxiety, so reassure them to do their very best, that’s all we can expect from any of us. Get a good night’s rest. Put your child to bed early. Eat a healthy breakfast and pack a good lunch with plenty of healthy snacks. Food is fuel for our brains…..splurge on the premium over the next few weeks. My personal philosophy is to keep your child’s scores to yourself. You do not want your child attaching a number to their ability. Use the information to help you understand where your child may need some extra support. The week ahead: […]

DN April 22, 2015

April 22nd, 2015|Comments Off on DN April 22, 2015

Director's Notes                                                               April 22, 2015 Hi all, Everything going well on campus these days. Many thanks for having your children ready for school and here on time. State testing begins next week. Students will have [...]

Welch Crew Week at a Glance: 4/20/15

April 21st, 2015|Comments Off on Welch Crew Week at a Glance: 4/20/15

Here is a quick look at this week’s activities. As I mentioned last week, I will send a weekly email on Monday to give you a head’s up for the upcoming week’s events. […]

Welch Crew Week at a Glance: 4/13/15

April 21st, 2015|Comments Off on Welch Crew Week at a Glance: 4/13/15

Hope you had a restful and fun-filled Spring Break!! Now that we are back for the final stretch, our calendar is full with many adventure and fieldwork activities, not to mention Celebration of Learning and Passages for our 3rd grade students. I will be sending out a weekly notice via email to keep you posted for the remainder of the school year. […]

School Garden in the Field of Dreams

April 16th, 2015|Comments Off on School Garden in the Field of Dreams

At the recent SELS Board of Director's meeting on April 13th, the board approved a plan to implement a school garden in the field of dreams. SunMie Won submitted a 3-phase proposal - phase 1 [...]

DN April 15, 2015

April 16th, 2015|Comments Off on DN April 15, 2015

Director's Notes                                                             April 15, 2015 Hi all, Fieldwork season is now upon us. Many thanks to all those helping coordinate, drive, chaperone, and more. This important part of our program is only possible with your [...]

Board Meeting April 13

April 9th, 2015|Comments Off on Board Meeting April 13

Please see the attached agenda for the April 13 Board Meeting. Meetings start at 6 pm in M-7. SELS 4.19.15 Agenda

Drumroll, please…..Introducing, the Biosphere! Brisbin Crew News

April 1st, 2015|Comments Off on Drumroll, please…..Introducing, the Biosphere! Brisbin Crew News

And just like that, the Brisbin Crew slam-dunks their case study 1 book project; copies currently processing and will be issued to our class once in print.  Just ask your mighty crew member how much fun they had making these- their explanation will be accompanied by a smile. You might just ask, well, what is their expedition about, Mrs. Brisbin?  I digress… Many moons ago my original SELS mac bit the dust.  Therefore, all passwords that I so conveniently saved onto my computer were also gone with the wind, including my account info.  Our speedy, tech guru came to my rescue immediately, but, alas, the monthly newsletter was back-burnered countless times until it was shameful, blah, blah.   To put it concisely, I am sorry! I promise to calendar in my newsletter articles so that they are as dependable as a Tahoe winter…. […]

DN April 1, 2015

April 1st, 2015|Comments Off on DN April 1, 2015

Director's Notes                                                    April 1, 2015 Hi all, Spring Break coming up next week; remember, NO SCHOOL April 6-10. Hope everyone has a nice week. Please check Lost and Found; piling up again. We will be [...]

DN March 25, 2015

March 25th, 2015|Comments Off on DN March 25, 2015

Director's Notes                                              March 25, 2015 Hi all, Hope everyone is doing well. One more week until Spring Break. Going through our records we have noticed not everyone is up to date. If you have changed [...]

Lottery applications received ’15-16

March 23rd, 2015|Comments Off on Lottery applications received ’15-16

Please see attached PDF for lottery applications and associated numbers received, as of April 1, 2015. This is the final lottery list. If you have a lottery number and do not see it on the [...]

Minczeski/Seaborg Crew News

March 20th, 2015|Comments Off on Minczeski/Seaborg Crew News

Expedition: Our Anato-Me expedition is off to a great start! After our initial introduction to the human body, we have delved into the skeletal system. The kids have so many connections, and many already know [...]

DN March 18, 2015

March 19th, 2015|Comments Off on DN March 18, 2015

Director's Notes                                                   March 18, 2015 Hi all, Expeditions are now [...]

DN March 11, 2015

March 11th, 2015|Comments Off on DN March 11, 2015

Director’s Notes                                         March 11, 2015 Hi all, Hope Goal-setting Conferences are going well for everyone. Lots of great discussions being had by students, parents, and teachers. SCHOOL INFO Our previous Office phone number, 530-448-8115, will no longer work. Please use 530-582-3701. Tomorrow, Thursday, we are holding an in-school minimum day. If you would like, feel free to pick up your children at normal minimum day times (11:45 for middle and 1 for elementary). If your children remain on campus, we will have a variety of activities until normal end of day (2:25 for middle and 3:25 for elementary). One of those activities will be a movie in the gym; students will be watching Rio. If you do not want your children watching, please send them with a note and we can find something else for them to do during that time. […]

DN March 4, 2015

March 4th, 2015|Comments Off on DN March 4, 2015

Director’s Notes                                          March 4, 2015 Hi all, Some sad news for our school community: Maya Holguin will be leaving us at the end of the year. She will be moving just north of Las Vegas. Please wish her well. I have posted the position on our website in case you know qualified and interested teachers. Parents, please try and find time and energy to help out. We have lots of great programs and events, but need help to make them effective. There are numerous opportunities below in which you can contribute to our overall school community, starting with reading these Director’s Notes. Thanks. SCHOOL INFO Our previous Office phone number, 530-448-8115, will no longer work. Please use 530-582-3701. […]

Board Meeting, March 2, 6-9 pm

February 27th, 2015|Comments Off on Board Meeting, March 2, 6-9 pm

Please see attached agenda for March 2 Board Meeting. SELS 3.2.15 Agenda

The Secret of The Spheres

February 27th, 2015|Comments Off on The Secret of The Spheres

Hello Crew Families! We have kicked off our spring expedition, The Secret of the Spheres! Our first case study will be about our atmosphere. We will identify the elements that make-up our air, the different levels/layers that create our atmosphere, and analyze the chemistry of the atmosphere. We will also study the weather and what layer it develops in, and how weather systems travel. Another piece to our case study will be exploring how the earth is a closed system except for the energy from the sun. The students are reflecting on their fall academic, character and HOW’s goals. We are creating new goals or revisiting former goals. Expect to have a goals setting sheet to come home and please take time to go over this with your child. Please remember to sign up on our google doc goal setting page. […]

DN Feb 25, 2015

February 25th, 2015|Comments Off on DN Feb 25, 2015

Director’s Notes                     Feb 25, 2015 Hi all, Nice first week back from Ski/Skate Week. Everything is moving along smoothly as teachers dive further into spring expeditions. Fieldwork will be starting up soon; please make sure you find ways to help make this happen. SCHOOL INFO Goal-setting conferences are starting up; you will receive sign up forms from teachers. While March 11 is an official Minimum Day, we hold an “in-house” Minimum Day on March 12 to help provide time for conferences. Students will be participating in various station activities (gym play, outside play, reading, homework time, etc.) run by non classroom teacher staff. If you would like, you may pick up your children on this day beginning at noon for middle schoolers and 1 pm for elementary. […]

DN Feb 11, 2015

February 11th, 2015|Comments Off on DN Feb 11, 2015

Director’s Notes                    Feb 11, 2015 Hi all, With Information Meetings coming up next month, and the Lottery on April 2, we are starting to think of next year. All of you should have received an “Intent to Re-enroll” form with your children’s progress reports. Please return those to the Office by Friday. Information Meeting dates: March 12 (Kindergarten focus), March 24, March 30, with the Lottery April 2. All meetings start at 6 pm on campus, and families can go to any one meeting. Please pass this info on to those interested. Our Board has approved next year’s calendar; please see attachment.  SELS School Calendar-2015-2016 (2) […]

Williams Crew Update 2-8-15

February 8th, 2015|Comments Off on Williams Crew Update 2-8-15

Williams Crew Families, Williams crew has been extremely productive this past month.  We have concluded our fall semester and our fall expedition and now we are on to science and the “What the cell?!” expedition.  To kick-off this expedition, the students investigated whether or not fire is alive.  Ask your child to give you evidence of why fire could and could not be alive. […]

Connolly Crew News

February 6th, 2015|Comments Off on Connolly Crew News

Hey Crew! We have crossed the half way mark! Please look for progress reports on Friday. Here is an update on what’s going on in Connolly Crew…  Expedition We have kicked-off our History Expedition, What the Bleep do We Know!? with a scavenger hunt through downtown Truckee. Students visited Truckee’s first dwelling, its first ski lift, and other places of historical significance. Everything is within walking distance; it might be fun to ask your son or daughter to show you where they went! During this expedition students will continue to visit and reflect upon the essential question: How does perspective impact the interpretation of historical events? As we sift through America’s […]

DN Feb 4, 2015

February 5th, 2015|Comments Off on DN Feb 4, 2015

Director’s Notes                   Feb 4, 2015 Hi all, End of first semester is here. Progress reports going out Friday – check your students’ bags for sealed envelopes. If you have questions, please contact your child’s teacher. Great work to all over the past few months. SCHOOL INFO February Lunch Menus are out; write child’s name and Crew, and turn in ASAP: Our final block of Electives is coming up and we are in need of volunteers! This block runs February 27-March 27.  We would especially like more Elective options for our K-3 graders.  Here are some fun ideas for electives, if you think you might be able to teach one of these:  Kitchen Science, Music/Singing, Puzzles, Art, Letter Writing, Paper crafts/Origami, Legos, Library, Poetry, Cooking; or if you have a great idea that you would like to lead, please contact Anna Demm:  Need commitments by (ideally) Friday, though Monday would work. For our Electives Program to work effectively, we need your help. Thank you! […]

Board Meeting, Mon Feb 2, 6-9 pm

February 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Mon Feb 2, 6-9 pm

Please see attached agenda.   SELS 2.2.15 Agenda

Welch Crew Newsletter: 02/01/2015

February 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on Welch Crew Newsletter: 02/01/2015

Expedition Express Fire and Ice Over the next week or two we will be wrapping up our Fire and Ice Expedition on Truckee history.  The crew now has a good understanding of Truckee’s foundational industries and how Truckee came to be.  Students have been working hard to publish a newspaper from the late 1800s, showcasing their newfound knowledge. They will soon be bringing home a copy to share with their families.  Anoto-ME Following Ski-Skate Week, both 2/3 crews will launch a new and exciting science expedition that will carry us through the rest of the year.  The Anato-ME expedition takes a close look at the human body and the 6 main systems:  circulatory, respiratory, muscular, skeletal, nervous and digestive. Students will investigate how these systems interact with each other and the importance of maintaining a healthy body for a healthy lifestyle. […]

MinBorg Newsletter 1.29.15

January 29th, 2015|Comments Off on MinBorg Newsletter 1.29.15

Fire and Ice Over the next week or two we will be wrapping up our Fire and Ice expedition on Truckee history. The crew now has a good understanding of Truckee’s foundational industries and how [...]

DN Jan 21, 2015

January 21st, 2015|Comments Off on DN Jan 21, 2015

Director’s Notes                          Jan 21, 2015 Hi all, Everything going along smoothly. Students are in top form these days. I will be out of town most of next week (Monday afternoon and back on Friday) at a conference in Arizona. Please contact the office for help, or email Anna Demm ( or Jenn Skaff ( SCHOOL INFO We have posted a part-time Reading Specialist position on our website. Looking to hire someone for lunch/recess duty from 11:15-12:45 everyday (though days worked is possibly negotiable) for $20/day. Responsibilities include helping with lunch service and yard duty. Must have good grasp of program and philosophies. Please stop in and talk to David if interested. Will start as soon as filled. SCHOOL AND PUBLIC EVENTS Positively Rolling, the middle school boys character education program associated with SELS, is holding a fundraiser (jointly, with the Auburn Ski Club) on Jan 22 from 5-10 pm at the Truckee Tavern. A portion of proceeds will go to each organization. […]

January off to a Great Start!

January 17th, 2015|Comments Off on January off to a Great Start!

January Newsletter: Hello Akers Crew! January is a great academic month! The students know the daily routine and can get so much accomplished. This week, we put final touches on our Letters About Literature author’s letter. […]

Enrollment Info for ’15-16

January 16th, 2015|Comments Off on Enrollment Info for ’15-16

Information Meetings have been set: Kindergarten Roundup:  March 12, 6-8 pm  TTUSD Board Rm ; please arrive early to register March 24: 6-7:30 pm, portable M-8 March 30:  6-7:30 pm, portable M-8 Enrollment process: applications [...]

Sound & Light Engineers

January 15th, 2015|Comments Off on Sound & Light Engineers

SOUND & LIGHT ENGINEERS We are off to a grand start with our month-long expedition, Sound & Light Engineers. Brooke Landis, local science/engineering expert, will continue to work with our crew throughout January to explore the ways sound and light travel. Thus far, we have been working as scientists to observe sound and light and to question and investigate some of our ideas on these topics. During the second half of the month, we will become engineers and learn about the design process, so we can design and build devices that use sound and light to communicate. Swing by our room any afternoon this month to see your youngsters at work. The atmosphere is literally buzzing with excitement and learning! […]

SELS Summit Day/Oct. 2014

January 15th, 2015|Comments Off on SELS Summit Day/Oct. 2014

 SELS Summit Day brought to you by the Bell Crew/First Grade… Who: Entire SELS student body and staff members What: First annual SELS Summit Day Where: All-day hike to Castle Pass When: Tuesday, October 28th Why: To experience ADVENTURE, CHALLENGE and COMMUNITY! How: With the help of amazing staff, parent drivers and chaperones! The first annual SELS Summit Day served as the final product of the first graders’ expedition, entitled “I Love the Mountains!” The expedition focused on goal setting, adventure and developing a sense of place through the mastery of local geographical landmarks– specifically, the Sierra Nevada Mountains. In the week preceding the event, the first graders made goal-setting presentations to each SELS crew (K-8). The presenters used first-hand experiences to demonstrate how breaking a goal into manageable parts makes an impossible goal feel possible. In addition, the first graders presented their own hand-drawn “peaks profile” to teach their peers how to identify the main peaks visible in our area. SELS students used the profile as a resource on Summit Day to identify local mountains. […]

DN Jan 14, 2015

January 15th, 2015|Comments Off on DN Jan 14, 2015

Director’s Notes                              Jan 14, 2015 Hi all, Been a great week. Students are really focused and seem to be enjoying school. They are also healthy, which considering how this winter is turning out, is pretty fortunate. Continue to do whatever you are doing to keep them happy and healthy. SCHOOL INFO With the passing of Measure U, our campus and area will undergo some physical changes. Please join me for an initial SELS campus master planning meeting, Tues Jan 20 at 2:30. If you can’t make this meeting and would like to provide input, please email me your thoughts. Lost and found piling up again; please stop in and grab your stuff. Also some remaining dishware from Gratitude Evening is in the office. Everything will be donated after Friday. Will be posting this week an opening for a part time Reading Specialist. If interested, or know of someone interested, please check the website. Looking to hire someone for lunch/recess duty from 11:15-12:45 everyday (though days worked is possibly negotiable) for $20/day. Responsibilities include helping with lunch service and yard duty. Must have good grasp of program and philosophies. Please stop in and talk to David if interested. Will start as soon as filled. SCHOOL AND PUBLIC EVENTS Positively Rolling, the middle school boys character education program associated with SELS, is holding a fundraiser (jointly, with the Auburn Ski Club) on Jan 22 from 5-10 pm at the Truckee Tavern. A portion of proceeds will go to each organization. […]

Connolly Crew News

January 13th, 2015|Comments Off on Connolly Crew News

Hello Crew! I apologize for getting this newsletter out so late in the month. We are wrapping up the end of the semester, which ends on January 30th. I can’t believe we are already half way finished!! I want to say that I am very proud of this crew. They have come a long way since the beginning of the year. We are having fun, and learning in the process. Here are some updates:  Expedition Our last case study, It’s Elemental, is all about the subatomic world, chemistry, and the periodic table. The students have […]

Williams Crew Update 1-8-15

January 8th, 2015|Comments Off on Williams Crew Update 1-8-15

Williams Crew, I hope everyone had a fun, restful break.  Hopefully, we are all ready to tackle a great new year at SELS. Here are a few updates: Expedition:  During the next month we will be studying the Meso-american tribes (Aztec, Maya, and Inca tribes), and investigating the impact of the European explorers on the local people they encountered.  We will be working on this until the end of the semester on January 30. […]

Happy New Year to the Brisbin Crew!

January 8th, 2015|Comments Off on Happy New Year to the Brisbin Crew!

Happy New Year, Crew! I hope your holiday break was restful, fun, and filled with family and friends. As we wrap up our expedition “Redcoats and Rebels,” students are completing their final project for their synthesis boxes: a biography and multi-draft sketch of Benjamin Franklin. Students are enjoying the steady pace of their workload- in comparison to the super intense push for Celebration of Learning. They feel accomplished in completing their final product and are looking forward to our new expedition which kicks off on January 20th. More on that later!…. […]

DN – Jan 7, 2014

January 8th, 2015|Comments Off on DN – Jan 7, 2014

Director’s Notes                                 Jan 7, 2015 Hi all, Welcome back. Hope everyone had a nice break. Assembly this Friday in the gym, starting at 9:15 will focus on winter safety for all students, and additional weapon safety issues for 4th grade and up. All are welcome to attend. End of year dates: looking over the end of the year, and thinking about how this winter is starting out, we want to put out the possible scenarios: As scheduled (up to 4 snow days): final day of school, June 17 ; Passages, June 15/16 ; Celebration of Learning, June 9 (yes, this is a change from June 4 – apologies) ; 8th grade graduation, June 16 If no snow days: final day of school, June 12 ; Passages, June 10/11 ; Celebration of Learning, June 4 ; 8th grade graduation, June 11 By early April we should know which schedule will apply. Apologies for the tentative dates, but such is the nature of snow days (or lack thereof). […]

Board Meeting, Jan 5, 6 pm

January 2nd, 2015|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Jan 5, 6 pm

Please see the attached agenda for this month's Board Meeting in M-7 from 6-9 pm.       SELS 1.5.15 Agenda

DN Dec 17, 2014

December 18th, 2014|Comments Off on DN Dec 17, 2014

Director’s Notes Dec 17, 2014 Hi all, Celebration of Learning this week – very exciting. Thursday, Dec 18 from 6-7:30 pm (excepting Brisbin/Akers Crews who will perform dances in the district Board Room starting at 5:30 pm). Students love to show their families the great work they have been doing this fall. Please make sure you show up and support your children. While we understand there are some conflicts with outside events, we want to remind everyone that you signed a Commitment to Excellence contract stating you would prioritize SELS events. And Celebration of Learning is one of our biggest bi-annual events. Looking forward to seeing everyone. No community meeting this Friday; we have four crews off-site watching the Nutcracker. We will reconvene with an assembly on Jan 9. […]

DN Dec 10, 2014

December 11th, 2014|Comments Off on DN Dec 10, 2014

Director’s Notes                                                      Dec 10, 2014 Hi all, Just returned from the Expeditionary National conference. Learned lots and hope to get some of it into our program in the next Looks like we might have our first snow day coming up this week (big storm at least). Reminder: if snow day, you will be called by TTUSD by 6 am, or you can check their website ( for updated information. […]

8th Grade Poetry Slam

December 10th, 2014|Comments Off on 8th Grade Poetry Slam

Dear SELS Families, The Eighth Grade Connolly Crew is having a Poetry Slam. NEW DAY/TIME: 5 pm Monday, Dec 15 at the Tahoe Donner Northwoods Clubhouse, 11509 Northwoods Blvd. There will be snacks provided for [...]

Connolly Crew News

December 10th, 2014|Comments Off on Connolly Crew News

I can feel the excitement in the air as we approach the holiday season. This is a time of celebration and reflection. The students are hard at work as they put the finishing touches on various projects and themes. There is a lot to be done in the next week and a half. I’m sure the students are all looking forward to a well-deserved winter break. Expedition: We have finished up our physics case study, May […]

DN Dec 2, 2014

December 2nd, 2014|Comments Off on DN Dec 2, 2014

Director’s Notes Dec 3, 2014 Hi all, Welcome back from break; hope it went well for everyone. Now that the weather is changing, please make sure your children come to school dressed appropriately. If snow day, you will be called by TTUSD by 6 am, or you can check their website ( for updated information. I will be out of the office Wed-Fri this week and next Mon-Tues due to a conference in Boston. Please contact Anna Demm if you need help. […]

Seaborg/Minczeski Crew News: 12/1/14

December 2nd, 2014|Comments Off on Seaborg/Minczeski Crew News: 12/1/14

Expedition Express Fire and Ice:  Students have continued to learn more about the fascinating history of Truckee and our early beginnings in industry and economics.  Our crew has completed a timeline of events in Truckee’s history, dating back to 1844.  After completion of the timeline, students worked collaboratively to help create three original Reader’s Theater scripts based on the informational texts we read in class.  Each script contains factual information on Ice Harvesting, Lumber Mills, and Fire in Truckee during the late 1800’s. Each Reader’s Theater script will be presented during our Celebration of Learning on December 18th.  One group will perform at 6:15, the other at 6:45 pm.  Your child’s performance time will be sent home in the next few weeks. […]

Welch Crew News: 12/01/14

December 2nd, 2014|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: 12/01/14

Expedition Express Fire and Ice:  Students have continued to learn more about the fascinating history of Truckee and our early beginnings in industry and economics.  Our crew has completed a timeline of events in Truckee’s history, dating back to 1844.  After completion of the timeline, students worked collaboratively to help create 3 original Reader’s Theater scripts based on the informational texts we read in class.  Each script contains factual information on Ice Harvesting, Lumber Mills, and Fire in Truckee during the late 1800’s. Each Reader’s Theater script will be presented during our Celebration of Learning on December 18th.  One group will perform at 6:15, the other at 6:45 pm.  Your child’s performance time will be sent home in the next few weeks. Crew News Celebration of Learning:   Mark your calendars for our Fall 2014 Celebration of Learning on Thursday, December 18 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm at SELS.  Plan to attend the Reader’s Theater performances in our classroom at either 6:15 or 6:45, then feel free to roam the school and learn about the other Expeditions happening in all the crews.  It truly is a Celebration of all our Learning. […]

Board Meeting, Dec 1, 2014

November 26th, 2014|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Dec 1, 2014

Please see the attached agenda for the Dec 1 Board Meeting from 6-9 pm.    SELS 12.1.14 Agenda

DN Nov 19, 2014

November 20th, 2014|Comments Off on DN Nov 19, 2014

Director’s Notes                                                 Nov 19, 2014 Hi all, Wonderful to see so many of you at Gratitude Evening. Really enjoyable meeting more people and hearing students share their appreciations. Great job by PTC and all the volunteers. There is some dishware left at the Rec Center now in the Office; please stop in and pick up anything you are missing. Reminder: NO SCHOOL next Mon-Fri, Nov 24-28. […]

The Power of Words

November 20th, 2014|Comments Off on The Power of Words

The Power of Words As we enter into our 3rd and final case study of our expedition, we examine the law of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence as the cornerstone and foundation of the United States government.  Beginning with the infamous “Paul Revere’s Ride,” students have compared and contrasted multiple historical primary sources and created beautiful found poetry through the lens of works by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Phyllis Wheatly.  We have also composed a “rap” based on Taxation of the colonies (to be performed at our Social Dance final product).  Next up, we will create a personal Decalogue, comprised of 10 “maxims” (thank you, Dr. Franklin), and will work from a menu system to create a synthesis box that holds learned information about the famous and important documents that have shaped our country.   […]

Akers Crew Newsletter

November 18th, 2014|Comments Off on Akers Crew Newsletter

The root of joy is gratefulness. It is not joy that makes us GRATEFUL, it is gratitude that makes us JOYFUL!                         -David Steindl-Rast In a month of filled with Gratitude, I am thankful for all the students and families in our crew! Your support, encouragement and willingness to participate in our learning experiences create an optimal environment! Thank you for everything! We continue to work on our Redcoats and Rebels expedition. […]

DN Nov 12, 2014

November 13th, 2014|Comments Off on DN Nov 12, 2014

Director’s Notes                                                Nov 12, 2014 Hi all, Gratitude Evening this Friday. Looking forward to seeing all of you. November is a really quick school month; lots of days off. Please make sure your children are here as much starts happening in preparation for the December Celebration of Learning. Our Girls on the Run Program will be starting in March 2015.  Even though it is still months away, we are trying to generate interest now, as well as recruit some coaches.  We can’t run it without your help!  The 10 week program, for girls in 3rd through 5th grade, will run March 16, 2015 through June 6, 2015.  The practices run 2 days per week, immediately after school, with 2 coaches at each practice.  Please contact Anna Demm ( if you think your daughter might be interested in participating and/or you are interested in being a coach.  Here is some more info on this amazing program: […]

Connolly Crew Newsletter

November 6th, 2014|Comments Off on Connolly Crew Newsletter

Expedition We have wrapped up our unit on the exploration of our universe, In a Galaxy Far, Far Away with a trip to Fleischmann’s Planetarium in Reno. The students demonstrated their understanding of complex topics by creating an encyclopedia that included illustrated models of concepts, explanatory text, and relevant vocabulary. Using technology, students presented difficult concepts to the class including information about types of stars and galaxies, nebulae, black holes, gravity, and more. They created activities and note-catchers for their peers to help further their understanding. We have started our Case Study May the Force be With You as we jump into the study of physics. […]

DN Nov 5, 2014

November 5th, 2014|Comments Off on DN Nov 5, 2014

Hi all, Great Bear Walk on Friday. Kids loved it and there were many of you here in support and helping. Thank you. Sadly, at this point it looks like Measure U will not pass. Word is there are still mailed-in ballots to count, providing a bit of hope. Many, many thanks to Kirsten Pekarek for leading the outreach efforts. Middle school movie night this Friday, 7-9 pm on campus. Movie to be decided tomorrow (all students will be informed). […]

Williams Crew Update 11-4-14

November 4th, 2014|Comments Off on Williams Crew Update 11-4-14

Crew Update, I hope everyone has had a chance to catch their breath after the crazy week we had.  I want to thank everyone that helped out on the SELS summit day, the bay area sailing trip, or the bear walk (or in some cases, all three).  I’m sure by this point you have heard many stories about the events from your kids.  The chaperones on the bay area fieldwork (Kelli, Rob, Sarah, Kim, Kimmie, and Scott) did a wonderful job battling traffic and helping out in general.  I have posted the pictures of last weeks events on the crew website and on my picasa account (This link).  I want to especially thank Ashley for helping organize the fieldwork.  There were unforeseen challenges that arose about two weeks before the fieldwork that almost canceled the trip, but with Ashley’s help we were able to find other arrangements that made the fieldwork even better. […]

Board Meeting, Mon Nov 3, 6-9 pm

October 30th, 2014|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Mon Nov 3, 6-9 pm

Please see attached agenda for the upcoming Board Meeting.  All are welcome.  SELS 11.3.14 Agenda

DN Oct 29, 2014

October 29th, 2014|Comments Off on DN Oct 29, 2014

Director’s Notes                                                                     Oct 29, 2014 Hi all, What a great first annual SELS Summit Day. First graders prepped all other crews for the adventure and students responded wonderfully; the solitude and reflection time at the pass was virtually silent for 15 min, and the shared thoughts of students was insightful and inspirational. Many thanks for the help driving and chaperoning, and to the Bell Crew for initiating and organizing the community building day. Electives is starting up Nov 14 and runs on Fridays from 12:45-2 until Dec 19. We are again looking for volunteers to help with the program. You can facilitate something of interest to you that would also be interesting to students; you can select your age range and number of students as well (we shoot for 8-12 students per elective). If interested in helping, please email or talk to Anna Demm ( We will also run two more blocks: Jan 9 – Feb 13 (skipping Jan 30 due to middle school minimum day) and Feb 27 – March 27. Volunteers are needed for all sessions. For those unfamiliar with Electives: this is a chance for parent “experts” to share with students interesting hobbies and/or skills (examples: knitting, songwriting/singing, photography, poetry, games, science activities, magic tricks, etc.). The time is meant to build community (the elective classes are mixed age), expose students to various experiences they would not usually get, and potentially build lifelong interests and skills. Staff also offer courses, so ideally there are 17-20 classes happening (thereby keeping group sizes smaller). The program only works when parents participate, so please join us. […]

Back from Fieldwork on the Coast

October 27th, 2014|Comments Off on Back from Fieldwork on the Coast

Crew had an amazing learning adventure on the beaches, dunes, and redwood forests! The geology of the coast gave us the opportunity to observe the effects of plate tectonics near the Mendocino Triple Junction and a perfect vantage point to discuss the cycling of water around our planet. We set up some water experiments...and then, ironically, it rained all over them! We'll set up new ones on campus this week...

The week ahead:
Math: We resume an exploration of area in our CPM textbook.
Expedition: We'll dig deeper into the water cycle and the effects of tectonic plate motion on the Earth's surface.
Literacy: Protected reading in Book Club on Monday and Tea & Treat discussion Wednesday / Writers Workshop Tuesday and Thursday with grammar Caught Ya's and informative writing.
Fix-it Friday will happen Friday morning before Community Meeting to accommodate the BearWalk - this is for crew who need to re-test on expedition learning targets.

Other Happenings:
SELS Summit Day on Tuesday - permission slips needed! We will ride the bus to the trailhead for Castle Peak that begins behind the I80 rest area. Parent drivers will bring us back to school.
McMains Crew will run this Friday's Community Meeting.Friday is the SELS BearWalk - students are reminded to wear school-appropriate costumes and comfortable walking shoes. Crew, remember to get those friends and family pledges for your laps - every cent you raise goes to your crewroom!
SELS will host a parent Math Night on November 6th - come experience the College Preparatory Math / Common Core math program to really understand the rich learning your child is experiencing. Discover the benefits of collaborative study teams and how this structure deepens your child's fundamental conceptualization of mathematical ideas.

Welch Crew News: 10/24/14

October 26th, 2014|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: 10/24/14

Expedition Express FIRE and ICE:  Earlier this month, our crew set out on our Fall Adventure Fieldwork to the historical townsite of Boca.  It was a great experience for all involved.  The 2nd and 3rd grade students showed how to live by the SIERRA norms throughout the trip by showing RESPECT to our experts, STRENGTH by stepping outside of their comfort zone and spending the night with their crewmates in tents, and RESPONSIBILITY when cleaning up our campsite and keeping track of their belongings.  Students listened to stories about Ice Harvesting in the old town of Boca and were able to hold and experience authentic Ice Harvesting tools brought to us by expert Tom Macauley.  Another area for students to explore was the Cal Fire trucks and bulldozers.  The crew learned how these firefighters manage and contain wildfires in our area. […]

Seaborg/Minczeski Crew Newsletter 10.23.14

October 23rd, 2014|Comments Off on Seaborg/Minczeski Crew Newsletter 10.23.14

  Expedition News      Fieldwork:  Our Boca Adventure Campout earlier in the month could not have gone smoother.  The second and third graders showed the Sierra norms and were very engaged with our experts.  At one station, Truckee Cal Firemen discussed the recent fire at Boca and how they handle wildfires in general.  They had two fire trucks and the bulldozer there for them to check out and explore!  The icing on the cake was when they allowed the children to spray the fire hose.  At another station, we had ice-harvesting expert Tom Macauley share his wisdom with us.  His great-grandfather was a Boca ice harvester and had intriguing stories for the children.  Handling the authentic ice harvesting tool was a highlight for the crew.      Thank you to chaperones: Cassie Hebel, Carolyn Gallagher, Randy Ronzone, Carrie Hunter, Kerri Flaherty, Susanna and Mark Neave, and Jeff Bender.  Also, thank you to Shauna Ronzone  and Susanna Neave for taking the time to organize behind the scenes!      Fire- In the classroom, we jumped on the opportunity to focus on wildfires, as we were stuck inside from all of the King Fire smoke!  The students enjoy learning about the pros and cons of wildfire and have become quite opinionated about whether wildfires are good or evil.  We also walked to Truckee Fire Station 92, next to Wild Cherries, to work with expert Paul Spencer.  He shared numerous historical fires in Truckee and how they impacted the town over the years.      Truckee timeline- Currently we are focusing on an overall timeline of Truckee’s history.  The students are working through complex text to pull out important information that we will be using for a Celebration of Learning performance.   Stay tuned for more info! […]

DN Oct 22, 2014

October 22nd, 2014|Comments Off on DN Oct 22, 2014

Director’s Notes                                                            Oct 22, 2014 Hi all, Nearing mid semester and everything is going well. Thanks again to all those helping with fieldwork, in classrooms, and behind the scenes to provide activities and events for our community. As the weather continues to cool down, please make sure your children are dressed appropriately; we continue to have students arrive under-dressed and without jackets. Odyssey of the Mind is meeting tomorrow, Thurs Oct 23 5:30-8 at ACMS. In the past we have had teams from SELS; be great to organize one for this year (there are some interested 5th graders). This is a parent run activity, and to run a team you must attend this meeting. Please contact Jess Alb with questions: […]

Progress reports coming home today

October 20th, 2014|Comments Off on Progress reports coming home today

Williams Crew, Thanks to everyone that came to the goal-setting conferences.  My hope is that your child will post these goals somewhere they will often see them, as a reminder of their main focus in school.  In the spring we will meet again to review their progress on the goals and revise them. Your child will be bringing home a mid-semester progress report today.  Here is a description of the grades: […]

DN Oct 15, 2014

October 16th, 2014|Comments Off on DN Oct 15, 2014

Director’s Notes                                                       Oct 15, 2014 Hi all, Nice to have some rain. Reminder of our seasonal change; please make sure your children are dressed appropriately – they spend a lot of time outside. Thanks to all for being on time and prepared for goal setting conferences. You should all have received sign up info for Summit Day. We are all very excited as this will be our first all school adventure. […]

Grouse Ridge!!!!

October 13th, 2014|Comments Off on Grouse Ridge!!!!

Crew Update, Wow what a great trip to Grouse Ridge.  I first want to thank the chaperones that drove and helped out during the trip.  Matt, Dawn, Rob, Chad, Sarah, and Crescent, you guys were fantastic, thank you for all of your help.  I also want to thank Ashley and everyone that helped with the planning and organization/cooking of the food. […]

Goal-Setting Conference Week

October 13th, 2014|Comments Off on Goal-Setting Conference Week

Minimum days all week - please come prepared to your conference, with goals written.

– students are working to attain 85% accuracy on 5th grade /6th grade skills practice this week. No new lessons in the CPM program until after fieldwork.

Literacy – book clubs began reading their chosen books and are preparing Response to Literature papers to drive their part of discussion day on Wednesday.

Science Expedition
– crew will have an assessment on the Lassen fieldwork Learning Targets and last week's Q-notes about plate tectonics.
They began filling out a study guide today to prepare for the test - it is downloadable here!

science_expedition_study_guide.docxFile Size: 76 kbFile Type: docxDownload File

Redcoats and Rebels: The Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness on American Soil

October 10th, 2014|Comments Off on Redcoats and Rebels: The Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness on American Soil

“Of the people, for the people, by the people.  Democracy!” Students are wrapping up their exploration of the 13 colonies and 3 regions established by the Rebels this week.  Our first Case Study:  Colony Vs. King, has examined the influence King George of England had  on the people under his rule and escaping his rule.  Also, students in the Brisbin Crew have learned the 13 colonies’ locations and similarities and differences these colonies shared together.  Though our fieldwork was canceled, students still participated in a reenactment of 13 different battles, claiming each of the colonies, one by one.  Though the Redcoats won (by one colony!) students were able to examine the unjust nature and imbalance of power exhibited by the armies of the Redcoats and the Rebels.  We even tried to recruit our neighbors to fight on our sides during our glow in the dark bocce tournament in the gym with our buddies, the Bell Crew.  The Brisbin Crew has taken an in-depth look into the motivations of the Founding Fathers and their Rebel followers , including the political, social, religious, and economic reasons why these people chose to break away and start a revolution. […]

DN for Oct 8, 2014

October 9th, 2014|Comments Off on DN for Oct 8, 2014

Director’s Notes Oct 8, 2014 Hi all, Beautiful week of school. Probably nearing the end of our shorts and t-shirt weather. Change: Make up Picture Day is now scheduled for Oct 10 (this Friday). McMains, Welch, and Seaborg/Minczeski Crews should all plan for this, as should any student who missed the first round. All families can still turn in order forms, if needed. Minimum Week next week, Oct 13-17. Please make sure you have connected with your teachers about Goal-setting Conferences sign up. Middle school is out at 11:45 am and elementary school at 1 pm. […]

Akers Crew News

October 5th, 2014|Comments Off on Akers Crew News

Dear Crew Families, Our fall expedition, Redcoats and Rebels, is off to a great start! We have conquered our first case study about the establishment of the 13 Colonies ("Colony Vs. King"). The students can [...]

Board Meeting, Oct 6, 6-9 pm, M-8 SELS

October 5th, 2014|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Oct 6, 6-9 pm, M-8 SELS

Board Meeting agenda posted at school.  All are welcome.  

October 2

October 3rd, 2014|Comments Off on October 2

Expedition News Title:   I Love the Mountains! Guiding Questions: How do challenges make us stronger? What is special about our Sierra Nevada Mountains? Case Study #1: Trailblazing! Learning Targets: I can use the SIERRA norms [...]

DN for Sept 30, 2014

September 30th, 2014|Comments Off on DN for Sept 30, 2014

Director’s Notes Sept 30, 2014 Hi all, Nice to have the rain over the weekend and get rid of the smoke. Hope everyone is enjoying the return to clean, breathable air. I am going on fieldwork with McMains Crew Wed/Thurs this week, so please direct any needs to Jenn or Anna in the Office. (I am sending these Notes out a day early since I will not have Internet access on Wed). […]

Crew Update 9/30/14 and important fieldwork information

September 30th, 2014|Comments Off on Crew Update 9/30/14 and important fieldwork information

Williams Crew Families, I want to thank all of the people that helped put together the last minute planning of our trip to the airport.  A big thanks to Ashley for organizing, Crescent, Steph, Chris, Jim, and Chad for Driving, and especially Hardy for hosting us.  The crew learned a great deal about flight, navigation, and all of the ways our Truckee airport helps the community. I have posted the pictures on the crew website if you are interested in checking them out.   Goal-setting conferences: I wanted to let you know that we are having goal setting conferences on Tuesday October 14 from 12:00-5:30 and Wednesday October 15 from 12:00-3:00.  I will share with you a Google document to sign-up for a half hour time slot.  There will be two families scheduled for each half hour time slot.  During that 30 minutes, you and your child will come with the goals you created for this school year.  I will go through your goals with you to make sure they are SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely).  I have attached a document explaining what that means (or you can ask your child).  The students came up with a first draft to their goals today.  Sometime between now and the conference, each parent will need to sit down with their student and talk about their goals.     If your child has set goals that you agree with help them word their goals in a appropriate way that makes them SMART goals.  If you do not agree that the goal that your child has set, help give them suggestions about areas that you think they should focus on improving. For families that have come to the conference prepared with their goals, the conference could be very quick.  I will read over the goals, make sure they are appropriate, answer any questions, and send you on your way. For families that do not bring there completed goal sheets I will leave you alone with your child to create SMART goals.  Once you have created your goals I will review them with you and answer any questions. […]

Connolly Crew Newsletter 9/30/14

September 30th, 2014|Comments Off on Connolly Crew Newsletter 9/30/14

Fall is definitely here! I am really loving the chill in the air. It's been a great start to the year so far! We camped out at Mt. Rose and summited the peak, which was [...]

Williams Crew Update 9-10-14

September 25th, 2014|Comments Off on Williams Crew Update 9-10-14

Williams Crew, We have had a fantastic start to the school year.  I wanted to update you on the activities in our crew and some notes about upcoming fieldwork. Math: The students seem to be enjoying the new math curriculum and it is forcing them to think a little differently about math.  I hope the homework is going well at home.   […]

Back to School Night Recap 8-27-14

September 25th, 2014|Comments Off on Back to School Night Recap 8-27-14

Williams Crew, Thank you for coming last night.  I attached a pdf of the slides from last night’s slideshow.  I wanted to mention that all 7th grade students need to have their Tdap booster with documentation turned into the office by tomorrow.  The students can bring it to school with them. Also I want to thank Ashley Holm who has volunteered to be the head volunteer coordinator for our crew this year.  She will be contacting parents soon to organize the Grouse Ridge fieldwork (September 24-26). […]

Beginning of School 8-19-14

September 25th, 2014|Comments Off on Beginning of School 8-19-14

Welcome Williams Crew Families, First of all, I want to welcome everyone to 7th grade in the Williams Crew!  I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.  Personally, I have been very busy camping, rafting, hiking, traveling, hosting family, and spending quality time with my seven month old baby girl Sage. I wanted to take this opportunity to go over a few points regarding our upcoming expeditions this year.  I have been improving our fall expedition “Cartographers and Commanders” about Navigation, European history, and the Age of Exploration.  I am looking for guest speakers that have experience in navigation, cartography (map making), the Age of Exploration (1400-1600 Europe), Sailing, or related subjects.  If you or someone you know would be interested in coming in and doing a presentation on one or more of these subject please call or email me. Fall Fieldwork: Our first fieldwork will be a 3 day, 2 night field work on September 24-26 (Wednesday – Friday) on the Sierra Crest at a place called Grouse Ridge.  I will send out more details soon, but we will need at least 6 parents (both men and women) to volunteer to take part in the field work.  For parents that enjoy hiking and the outdoors, this field work should be a lot of fun for you as well.  We are also planning on doing a short 2 day overnight field work to the San Francisco Bay during the week of November 3rd.  I will provide more details about these trips once we get closer to the beginning of the school year. Here is a list of suggested supplies for your students to bring for the first day of school. 1 sturdy backpack 1 water bottle 48 (2 packs of 24) pencils 1 handheld pencil sharpener 2 glue sticks 2 big pink erasers 1 pack washable felt tipped markers 1 pack colored pencils 1 2″ binder 1 spiral notebook (Lined) 2 Math notebooks (graph paper) 8 subject dividers (with pockets) 1 ruler (Metric and English measurements) 1 pencil box (that can fit markers, colored pencils, highlighter, eraser, scissors) 1-2 boxes of tissues 3 containers anti-bacterial wipes (Clorox or other brand are fine) 3 packs of lined paper 1 pack of sticky notes 1 pack of pens If you are unable to get these supplies the school can provide them for you.  Many of the supplies will be collected by me and used by the whole class (pencils, glue sticks, Clorox wipes, tissues, etc).  The rest (backpack, water bottle, binder, notebooks), your child will be responsible for. One skill that middle school students often need help with developing is organization.  To help students stay organized the school will provide a calendar/planner that the students will be required to use.  You do not need to get one. The summer reading book for 7th grade is The Giver by Lois Lowry.  It is a great book you can buy, check out from the public library, or come to the school office and we have a few copies that we can loan out to you for the summer.  I will expect that all students have read it before coming to school. If you have questions or need to get in touch with me, email is the best way.  I check my email very often and should get back to you within a day, although on weekends (and during the summer) I am often out of cell phone range (hopefully doing something fun), so I may not get back to you until Monday.    My personal cell phone number is 541-968-9537.  I ask that you use this only when it is absolutely necessary.  When school is in session I will have my phone on silent, and will not answer it until a break in the day (which often comes at 2:30 after the students have left the classroom).  You can also call the school’s number and leave a message. This email was intended to be a preliminary look at what to expect for next year.  As the school year approaches, I will be sure to email more details.  Should you prefer a different email address (or alternative method of communication), please just let me know. Important dates for the first semester: Tuesday August 26: Back to School Night: 5:30-6:30 Meet in the gym for a whole school message from David Manahan, 6:30-7:30 Meet in the 7th grade classroom for crew specific details.  (Just parents attending, no students please) Thursday August 28: First day of school, school starts at 7:30 September 24-26: Grouse Ridge fieldwork Enjoy the last month of summer and start getting excited about 7th grade! […]

DN for Sept 24, 2014

September 24th, 2014|Comments Off on DN for Sept 24, 2014

Director’s Notes Sept 24, 2014 Hi all, Been a tough, smoky week. We have had the students mostly inside, and as you can imagine they are beginning to go a little bonkers. Hopefully this will mellow out soon. If anyone would like to thank the firefighters for their efforts, you can write to: Information Officers King Fire 100 Placerville Drive Placerville CA 95667 Due to smoke, we have (sadly) had to cancel a lot of our fieldwork. We will try to make up what we can. Teachers will let you know as they find re-scheduling dates. Many thanks to those helping organize, shop, drive, chaperone; fieldwork would not happen without your support and time. Picture Day changes: Picture day is now scheduled for Oct 3. Those crews out on fieldwork, and any students who miss Oct 3, will make up pictures on Oct 15. […]

DN for Sept 17th

September 22nd, 2014|Comments Off on DN for Sept 17th

Hi all,Sorry I am a little late on this. Spent yesterday afternoon, evening,and today with the Connolly Crew on Mt Rose.  We had a wonderful hike up today (especially since there was no smoke – beautiful skies up there).As many of you have noticed, we had some landscaping last weekend. Riley Welch (Diane’s son) completed his Eagle Scout project with the help of many volunteers.  They built wonderful stairs leading up to the office, put in some plants, and laid out wood chips and a rock “stream”.  Also thanks to Seamus Gallagher for all his help with the project.  Looks great, and the steps are fantastic!Picture day is Tues, Sept 23.  Order forms are going home this week.The makeup day is Oct 16 (this is also the all school picture day). […]

Grizzly Adventure Camp

September 15th, 2014|Comments Off on Grizzly Adventure Camp

What a wonderful kick-off to our Who Am I expedition! We were graced by 14 lovely deer during one morning meeting on the beach by the lake, and entertained by 4 river otters on another. Tiny brown bats, delicious food prepared by our loving parents, funny skits, night hikes and plenty of personal and all-crew challenges. Thank you, Walton's Grizzly Lodge!

Settling into routines

September 11th, 2014|Comments Off on Settling into routines

Hi all,Hope the transition back to school has gone well for everyone.  Things are going smoothly here on campus.  Fieldwork season is kicking in and we have a new gear shed to help with that.  Many thanks to Seamus Gallagher for building it and to Susanna Neave, Tina Bassett, and Sonja Martin for taking on the lovely task of organizing and inventorying all the camping supplies. […]

Welch Crew News: 9/10/14

September 11th, 2014|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: 9/10/14

Welcome back to school parents! It has been so great to see all those sweet smiling faces after summer break. We couldn’t have asked for a better crew this school year. Third graders have really shown themselves to be true leaders, and second graders have adjusted beautifully to their new environment. Expedition Express FIRE and ICE:  Our Fall expedition is off to a great start.  This expedition explores the early days of Truckee and how FIRE and ICE have shaped the history of this quaint railroad town. We kicked off the expedition with a downtown Truckee scavenger hunt. All of the students were able to locate the 13 historical buildings on the scavenger hunt and demonstrated the SIERRA norms beautifully while out in public.  Well done, crew!  Thank you to our chaperones: Angie Perkins, Jaimie Edwards, Caren Schatz, Sarah Adams, Crescent Ferrera, Stacey Carr, Lori Franssen.  […]

Seaborg/Minczeski Crew News 9.9.14

September 10th, 2014|Comments Off on Seaborg/Minczeski Crew News 9.9.14

Welcome back to school parents! It has been so great to see all those sweet smiling faces after summer break. We couldn’t have asked for a better crew this school year. Third graders have really shown themselves to be true leaders, and second graders have adjusted beautifully to their new environment. Math: Math is off to a great start. Routines are in place, and we have hit the ground running! Thank you for any support you provided your child over the summer. Real world, hands-on experiences outside of school provide such enriching and positive avenues for learning, and keep your child active and engaged in the process. […]

First DN for 2014-15

September 3rd, 2014|Comments Off on First DN for 2014-15

Hi all, Welcome to school year 2014-15! Off to a great start; students are excited to be here and are really demonstrating excellent learning and behavior skills. Some students have already been out on fieldwork; we have many great learning adventures lined up for fall. Please sign up to help out – really nice time to get to know your children’s crews (and hopefully learn something new as well). […]

And we’re off!

September 1st, 2014|Comments Off on And we’re off!

Two days into the new year and already crew is coming together. In the first few weeks we will focus strongly on aspects of our character expedition, Who Am I? and the development of study team roles and the new math program. We will not begin our science expedition until after our character kick-off at Grizzly Adventure Camp.
I will post regular crew updates on this blog:

Expedition - Character 6th grade is all about choice and responsibility. Crew began by taking responsibility for choosing their own best-fit math study team, individual "ThinkSpace", and cubby.
Dojo is a hit - and thank you parents who have logged in and are following along. Remember, this is just a snapshot of times during a day I may notice your child practicing habits of work in positive or negative ways.
College Prep Math - Crew took a pre-assessment on all the concepts we will explore this year. It will come home Tuesday. Chapter 1 is designed to learn and practice Study Team Roles and the processes we will follow this year while introducing concepts we will study late this year.
Expedition - Science -Kick-off is the Lassen Volcanic Road trip on September 30!
Literacy - Using their items from the summer reading assignment, crew began creating an idea board for themselves as if they were the next character in Seedfolks. We will develop that idea into our first narrative writing.
We will explore VERSO as a way to read, write, and respond to other's ideas.
Look For and Reminders: This week math pretetss, parent info on math, and Grizzly Adventure Camp permission slips ( due September 9th).

Parents – docs loaded online

August 27th, 2014|Comments Off on Parents – docs loaded online

Parents, All 2014-15 documents have been loaded to the website (See the 'For Parents' section on the left sidebar and below). There are english and spanish version for all documents. All documents should be printed, [...]

Summer Notes 1 – Aug 7

August 8th, 2014|Comments Off on Summer Notes 1 – Aug 7

Aug 7, 2014 Hi all SELS families, Three weeks until school starts (Thurs, Aug 28). Hope everyone is having a nice summer. Also hope everyone is spending some time reading, particularly the all-school and crew [...]

Great finish to another year

June 12th, 2014|Comments Off on Great finish to another year

Director’s Notes Hi all, Final Director’s Notes of the the ’13-14 school year. Where did it go? Exciting to be heading into summer, especially after this past week of a superb Celebration of Learning and the past 2 days of wonderful Passages. […]

Board Meeting, June 9, 2014

June 9th, 2014|Comments Off on Board Meeting, June 9, 2014

Please see the attached Board Meeting agenda. Additionally, at 5:30 pm Tom Gemma from TTUSD will give a short informative presentation on the upcoming Facilties Bond the District hopes to have on the Nov '14 [...]

Lots going on this final week +

June 5th, 2014|Comments Off on Lots going on this final week +

Director's Notes                                                                   [...]

Crunch Time

May 28th, 2014|Comments Off on Crunch Time

Director's Notes                                                                   [...]

Memorial Weekend Upcoming

May 21st, 2014|Comments Off on Memorial Weekend Upcoming

Director's notes                                                                                                                           May 21, 2014 Hi all, Hitting the final stretch of expeditions. Still lots of fieldwork happening; students have camped at Prosser, Lava Beds National Monument, and will be going to Mono Lake and [...]

Seaborg/Minczeski Crew 5.19.14

May 19th, 2014|Comments Off on Seaborg/Minczeski Crew 5.19.14

Expedition Express Play Ball!  Case Study #3 is winding down as we begin to prepare for Celebration of Learning.  Students enjoyed fieldwork to the Reno Aces vs. Salt Lake City Bees baseball game last Thursday.  The [...]

Welch Crew News: May 19, 2014

May 18th, 2014|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: May 19, 2014

Expedition Express Play Ball!  Case Study #3 is winding down as we begin to prepare for Celebration of Learning.  Students enjoyed fieldwork to the Reno Aces vs. Salt Lake City Bees baseball game last Thursday. [...]

May 2014

May 17th, 2014|Comments Off on May 2014

Expedition News Title: Down by the Banks Guiding Question: ▪   What makes a pond a pond? Case Study #1: At the Pond Learning Targets: I can describe the characteristics of a pond. I can explain [...]

Only one month left

May 15th, 2014|Comments Off on Only one month left

Director's notes                                                                                                   May 14, 2014 Hi all, Last month of school and lots going on. Please keep up with all the fieldwork and scheduled events so you make sure you and/or your children are keeping [...]

Teacher Appreciation Week

May 8th, 2014|Comments Off on Teacher Appreciation Week

Director's notes                                                                                                                               May 7, 2014 Hi all, Everything going well here. Crews continue to dig into expeditions and prepare for fieldwork. Only about 4 weeks left until Celebration of Learning. Wow. Been wonderful meals and [...]

Enjoy the sunshine

April 30th, 2014|Comments Off on Enjoy the sunshine

Director's notes                                                                   [...]

Testing window next 2 weeks

April 24th, 2014|Comments Off on Testing window next 2 weeks

Director's notes April 23, 2014 Hi all, As part of a class project, some 8th graders are putting on a puppet show on “old fairy tales and fables with extra twists and new endings.” Saturday [...]

Fieldwork kicking in again

April 16th, 2014|Comments Off on Fieldwork kicking in again

Director's notes April 16, 2014 Hi all, Lottery went well last week; will have approximately 18-20 new families in the fall. If any of you have changes in next year's enrollment, please let me know [...]

Seaborg/Minczeski Crew 4.11.14

April 11th, 2014|Comments Off on Seaborg/Minczeski Crew 4.11.14

Welcome back after what we hope was a relaxing and enjoyable Spring Break! We always look forward to returning to those smiling faces, and a plethora of stories from the crew. We also return to [...]

2014-15 Lottery Results

April 11th, 2014|Comments Off on 2014-15 Lottery Results

Refer to the list below using the family number assigned to you from the Info Night meetings. Families who received a opening will be contacted.  If you are on the waitlist, we will contact you [...]

Welch Crew News: April 10, 2014

April 11th, 2014|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: April 10, 2014

Welcome back after what we hope was a relaxing and enjoyable Spring Break! We always look forward to returning to those smiling faces, and a plethora of stories from the crew. We also return to [...]

Lottery Week

April 10th, 2014|Comments Off on Lottery Week

Director's notes                                                                                           April 9, 2014 Hi all, Lottery is Thurs (tomorrow) at 6 pm. We have a large pool of applicants. Thanks to all who have helped at the Information Meetings. Next Wed is a [...]

Board Meeting, April 7, 2014

April 4th, 2014|Comments Off on Board Meeting, April 7, 2014

SELS Board Meeting Monday, April 7 at 6 pm.  Please see the attached agenda.

Akers Newsletter Spring 2014

March 21st, 2014|Comments Off on Akers Newsletter Spring 2014

Happy Spring, Crew! Students in the Akers Crew are celebrating a successful Goal Setting week.  Thanks to all families for coming together to support your student's efforts in reflecting on their progress as of yet [...]

Akers Spring News

March 21st, 2014|Comments Off on Akers Spring News

Happy Spring, Crews! Students in the Akers Crews are celebrating a successful Goal Setting week.  Thanks to all families for coming together to support your student's efforts in reflecting on their progress as of yet [...]

Recruitment under way

March 19th, 2014|Comments Off on Recruitment under way

Director's notes                                                                                        March 19, 2014 Hi all, Information Meetings in full swing and going well. Thanks to those coming in to help. While we have few openings in grades other than Kindergarten, please let any [...]

Original Artwork here

March 12th, 2014|Comments Off on Original Artwork here

Director's notes                                                                                 March 12, 2014 Hi all, Goal setting conferences in full swing today and tomorrow. Please make sure you are signed up to visit your child's/children's classrooms. Thursday is an in-house minimum day with [...]

Recruitment season is here

March 6th, 2014|Comments Off on Recruitment season is here

Director's notes                                                                   [...]

Maura Bannon – K & 1st

March 5th, 2014|Comments Off on Maura Bannon – K & 1st

Maura Bannon received BAs  in Environmental Ethics and Policy and Spanish from the University of Portland, Oregon.  She earned her Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and Masters in Teaching from National University in San Diego, California. Maura has several [...]

Seaborg/Minczeski Crew 3.1.14

March 1st, 2014|Comments Off on Seaborg/Minczeski Crew 3.1.14

Expedition Express Swifter, Higher, Stronger:  Our class has been super excited about the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Our fieldwork to Squaw Valley before Ski/Skate week was amazing.  Students rode the Squaw Valley tram to High [...]

Welch Crew News: February 27, 2014

February 28th, 2014|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: February 27, 2014

Expedition Express Swifter, Higher, Stronger:  Our class has been super excited about the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Our fieldwork to Squaw Valley before Ski/Skate week was amazing.  Students rode the Squaw Valley tram to [...]

Nice to be back

February 27th, 2014|Comments Off on Nice to be back

Director's notes                                                                   [...]


February 25th, 2014|Comments Off on EMPATHY AND CARING

Learning is fostered best in communities where students' and teachers' ideas are respected and where there is mutual trust. Learning groups are small in Expeditionary Learning schools, with a caring adult looking after the progress [...]


February 25th, 2014|Comments Off on THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR LEARNING

Learning is both a personal process of discovery and a social activity. Everyone learns both individually and as part of a group. Every aspect of an Expeditionary Learning school encourages both children and adults to [...]


February 25th, 2014|Comments Off on THE HAVING OF WONDERFUL IDEAS

Teaching in Expeditionary Learning schools fosters curiosity about the world by creating learning situations that provide something important to think about, time to experiment, and time to make sense of what is observed.


February 25th, 2014|Comments Off on THE PRIMACY OF SELF-DISCOVERY

Learning happens best with emotion, challenge and the requisite support. People discover their abilities, values, passions, and responsibilities in situations that offer adventure and the unexpected. In Expeditionary Learning schools, students undertake tasks that require [...]

Ski-Skate Next Week

February 13th, 2014|Comments Off on Ski-Skate Next Week

Director's notes                                                                                   Feb 12, 2014 Hi all, Time to start thinking about next year. I attached Re-enrollment Forms to the email; please fill out and return by Feb 26. Make sure you indicate if you [...]

Enrollment – Info Meeting Dates

February 12th, 2014|Comments Off on Enrollment – Info Meeting Dates

The 2014-15 Enrollment process is underway.  We have set dates for Informational Meetings (see below); to receive an application for our Lottery, you must attend one of these meetings. You are welcome to attend any [...]


February 9th, 2014|Comments Off on SERVICE AND COMPASSION

We are crew, not passengers. Students and teachers are strengthened by acts of consequential service to others, and one of an Expeditionary Learning school's primary functions is to prepare students with the attitudes and skills [...]


February 9th, 2014|Comments Off on SOLITUDE AND REFLECTION

Students and teachers need time alone to explore their own thoughts, make their own connections, and create their own ideas. They also need time to exchange their reflections with other students and with adults.


February 9th, 2014|Comments Off on THE NATURAL WORLD

A direct and respectful relationship with the natural world refreshes the human spirit and teaches the important ideas of recurring cycles and cause and effect. Students learn to become stewards of the earth and of [...]


February 9th, 2014|Comments Off on DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION

Both diversity and inclusion increase the richness of ideas, creative power, problem-solving ability, and respect for others. In Expeditionary Learning schools, students investigate and value their different histories and talents as well as those of [...]


February 9th, 2014|Comments Off on SUCCESS AND FAILURE

All students need to be successful if they are to build the confidence and capacity to take risks and meet increasingly difficult challenges. But it is also important for students to learn from their failures, [...]

Seaborg/Minczeski Crew 2.6.14

February 7th, 2014|Comments Off on Seaborg/Minczeski Crew 2.6.14

Expedition Express READY!, SET!, GO!  And we're off.  Our Spring Expedition kicked off this week for a fun-filled Spring Science Expedition.  Yes, there is a sports theme to this Expedition.  I'm sure the crew will enjoy [...]

Seaborg/Minczeski Crew 2.6.14

February 6th, 2014|Comments Off on Seaborg/Minczeski Crew 2.6.14

Expedition Express READY!, SET!, GO!  And we're off.  Our Spring Expedition kicked off this week for a fun-filled Spring Science Expedition.  Yes, there is a sports theme to this Expedition.  I'm sure the crew will enjoy [...]

Welch Crew News: February 3, 2014

February 4th, 2014|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: February 3, 2014

Expedition Express READY!, SET!, GO!  And we're off.  Our Spring Expedition kicked off this week for a fun-filled Spring Science Expedition.  Yes, there is  a sports theme to this Expedition.  I'm sure the crew will [...]

Great First Semester

January 30th, 2014|Comments Off on Great First Semester

Director's notes                                                                                               Jan 29, 2014 Hi all, Progress Reports will be available Monday; we will be sending them in sealed envelopes home with students. Wonderful job everyone on our first half of the year. Jenn [...]

SARC ’12-13

January 29th, 2014|Comments Off on SARC ’12-13

Please see attachment for 2012-13 School Accountability Report Card, or you can follow link to the State's website and our published version:

Oh these beautiful days…

January 23rd, 2014|Comments Off on Oh these beautiful days…

Director's notes                                                                                  Jan 22, 2014 Hi all, Not much to report this week. Most crews are finishing up expeditions as the end of term nears (Friday), while a couple of crews are diving into new [...]

Akers Newsletter January 2014

January 16th, 2014|Comments Off on Akers Newsletter January 2014

Expedition The Legacy of the Gold Rush is our final Case Study for our Expedition. The students are learning about the many different mining techniques used both then and now. We will explore the substantial effects of [...]

Seaborg/Minczeski Crew 1.15.14

January 16th, 2014|Comments Off on Seaborg/Minczeski Crew 1.15.14

Expedition Express Railraod:  Good or Evil?  Case Study #3 takes a final look at how the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad affected the Native Americans in the western frontier.  Students are looking carefully at the changes [...]

All going smoothly

January 15th, 2014|Comments Off on All going smoothly

Director's notes                                                                               Jan 15, 2014 Hi all, Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful (spring?) weather. Maybe February will bring some snow. Everything here is moving along nicely. Many thanks for the reduction in tardies. This [...]

Welch Crew News: January 14, 2014

January 15th, 2014|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: January 14, 2014

Expedition Express Railraod:  Good or Evil?  Case Study #3 takes a final look at how the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad affected the Native Americans in the western frontier.  Students are looking carefully at the [...]


January 9th, 2014|Comments Off on COLLABORATION AND COMPETITION

Individual development and group development are integrated so that the value of friendship, trust, and group action is clear. Students are encouraged to compete not against each other, but with their own personal best and [...]

Hope you had a nice break

January 9th, 2014|Comments Off on Hope you had a nice break

Director's notes                                                                                         Jan 8, 2014 Hi all, Welcome back from our snow-free, 45 degree break. At least the ice skating was good. Hope all are feeling rested and ready to jump back in as we [...]

Board Meeting, Jan 6, 2014

January 5th, 2014|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Jan 6, 2014

Board Meeting Monday, Jan 6, 2014 from 6-9 pm in M-8 on the SELS campus.  Please see attached agenda.

Winter Break almost here

December 19th, 2013|Comments Off on Winter Break almost here

Director's notes                                                                                       Dec 18, 2013 Hi all, Winter Break just around the corner; hope everyone is able to spend some quality family and/or relaxation time. School resumes Jan 6, 2014. Celebration of Learning tomorrow night [...]

Gearing up for Celebration of Learning

December 12th, 2013|Comments Off on Gearing up for Celebration of Learning

Director's notes                                                                                           Dec 11, 2013 Hi all, Great to see people out at the Gratitude Dinner. Many thanks to all of you for helping make our school program as exciting and effective as possible. And [...]

Minczeski/Seaborg Crew News: December 9, 2013

December 9th, 2013|Comments Off on Minczeski/Seaborg Crew News: December 9, 2013

Expedition Express I've Been Making $$$ on the Railroad:  Now that the railroad is complete, with this new means of transport, Truckee was born.  In Case Study #2, students are learning about the economic influence of [...]

Welch Crew News: December 6, 2013

December 8th, 2013|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: December 6, 2013

Expedition Express I've Been Making $$$ on the Railroad:  Now that the railroad is complete, with this new means of transport, Truckee was born.  In Case Study #2, students are learning about the economic influence [...]

Gratitude Dinner Week

December 4th, 2013|Comments Off on Gratitude Dinner Week

Director's notes                                                                   [...]

Board Meeting, Dec 2, 2013

December 1st, 2013|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Dec 2, 2013

Board meeting, Dec 2 from 6-9 pm in M-8.  Please see attached agenda.

Akers Newsletter

November 21st, 2013|Comments Off on Akers Newsletter

Happy November 1st!   Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the Bear Walk- it was a huge success.  Envelopes are coming in with the hard-earned money students raised for their Crews by [...]

First long break next week

November 21st, 2013|Comments Off on First long break next week

Director's notes                                                                                         Nov 20, 2013 Hi all, Looks like winter might finally be arriving, just in time for next week's break. Hope everyone has a nice week. We have wrapped up our fall fieldwork season; [...]

Minczeski/Seaborg Crew News: November 20, 2013

November 20th, 2013|Comments Off on Minczeski/Seaborg Crew News: November 20, 2013

Expedition Express I've Been Working on the Railroad:  The task of constructing a Transcontinental Railroad was truly a "crazy" idea by Theodore Judah, but the students in our crew have embraced the challenge to learn [...]

Welch Crew News: November 19, 2013

November 20th, 2013|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: November 19, 2013

Expedition Express I've Been Working on the Railroad:  The task of constructing a Transcontinental Railroad was truly a "crazy" idea by Theodore Judah, but the students in our crew have embraced the challenge to learn [...]

B Crew News: Nov. 17, 2013

November 18th, 2013|Comments Off on B Crew News: Nov. 17, 2013

Expedition News Title: Building Community Guiding Questions: How do we build community? How do we contribute to community? Case Study #2: On the Job! Learning Targets: I can describe the behaviors of a good crewmember. [...]

Nice, sunny week

November 14th, 2013|Comments Off on Nice, sunny week

Director's notes                                                                                          Nov 13, 2013 Hi all, Beautiful weather here on campus. Remember to come in and check Lost and Found when you get a chance. Due to other commitments on Tuesdays, I am changing [...]

Fun Bear Walk

November 6th, 2013|Comments Off on Fun Bear Walk

Director's notes                                                                                         Nov 5, 2013 Hi all, Students are loving this warm weather; we are keeping them outside as long as possible. That said, Lost and Found is overflowing – please stop in the Library [...]

Board Meeting, Nov 4 2013

November 4th, 2013|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Nov 4 2013

Board of Director's meeting Monday, Nov 4 from 6-9 pm in M-8.  All are welcome.  Please see attached agenda.

Brisbin Crew News-November 1

November 1st, 2013|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News-November 1

Happy November 1st!   Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the Bear Walk- it was a huge success.  Envelopes are coming in with the hard-earned money students raised for their Crews by [...]

Minczeski/Seaborg Crew News, October 29, 2013

October 29th, 2013|Comments Off on Minczeski/Seaborg Crew News, October 29, 2013

Expedition Express The story of the transcontinental railroad is one with triumph as well as defeat, danger and excitement. With the help of the graphic novel: “The Building of the Transcontinental Railroad,” our crew has [...]

Welch Crew News: October 28, 2013

October 28th, 2013|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: October 28, 2013

Expedition Express The story of the transcontinental railroad is one with triumph as well as defeat, danger and excitement. With the help of the graphic novel: “The Building of the Transcontinental Railroad,” our crew has [...]

Conference Week Fall ’13

October 16th, 2013|Comments Off on Conference Week Fall ’13

Director's notes                                                                   [...]

Good Times on Campus

October 9th, 2013|Comments Off on Good Times on Campus

Director's notes                                                                                                Oct 8, 2013 Hi all, Lots of great learning happening on campus these. If you are able, volunteer in the classroom and get a better look at what students are doing. One example [...]

Star Wars In Action: October 6, 2013

October 6th, 2013|Comments Off on Star Wars In Action: October 6, 2013

Happy fall everyone! What a month it has been so far! Our Star Wars Expedition has taken us to the Fleishman Planetarium in Reno, and even to Austria for a teleconference with some astronomers. If [...]

Board Meeting, Oct 7 2013

October 4th, 2013|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Oct 7 2013

Oct Board Meeting in M-8 on the SELS campus. Please see the attached agenda.

Lots of campus activity

October 2nd, 2013|Comments Off on Lots of campus activity

Director's Notes Oct 2, 2013 Hi all, Nice to be back at school and seeing so many smiling students. As fieldwork continues in full, many thanks to all the parent support in planning, shopping, driving, [...]

Minczeski/Seaborg Crew News, September 27, 2013

September 27th, 2013|Comments Off on Minczeski/Seaborg Crew News, September 27, 2013

Expedition Express I've Been Working on the Railroad:  The history of the Transcontinental Railroad…what a feat!! From Donner Summit Snowsheds and Tunnels to Old Sacramento, the 2nd and 3rd grade Crews are in the field [...]

Welch Crew News: September 26, 2013

September 27th, 2013|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: September 26, 2013

Expedition Express I've Been Working on the Railroad:  The history of the Transcontinental Railroad…what a feat!! From Donner Summit Snowsheds and Tunnels to Old Sacramento, the 2nd and 3rd grade Crews are in the field [...]

B Crew News: Sept. 25, 2013

September 25th, 2013|Comments Off on B Crew News: Sept. 25, 2013

We have had a wonderful start to the Kindergarten year! Your children have become comfortable with the classroom routines and are beginning to form new friendships with their crewmates. It has been a pleasure to [...]

Fieldwork season

September 25th, 2013|Comments Off on Fieldwork season

Hi all, Back after a one week absence. Sounds like lots of fantastic fieldwork is happening, filled with adventures and learning. At this point all our programs are off and running. We could, though still [...]

September 15 Newsletter

September 15th, 2013|Comments Off on September 15 Newsletter

     Welcome to our crew’s first newsletter. We are off and running on a new school year! It has been great re-connecting with all the children, and also getting to know our new students. [...]

Smooth Start

September 11th, 2013|Comments Off on Smooth Start

Director's Notes Sept 10, 2013 Hi all, Nice start to the school year; students are all fired up to be here learning and playing. We appreciate all parents help with this, having them here on [...]

Minczeski/Seaborg Crew, September 9, 2013

September 9th, 2013|Comments Off on Minczeski/Seaborg Crew, September 9, 2013

Welcome BACK-TO-SCHOOL!   Expedition Express: I've Been Working on the Railroad:  Our fall expedition will kick-off on Monday, Sept. 9th with fieldwork on Donner Summit.  We will meet with local historian Greg Palmer and learn all [...]

Minczeski/Seaborg Crew

September 9th, 2013|Comments Off on Minczeski/Seaborg Crew

Welcome BACK-TO-SCHOOL!   Expedition Express: I've Been Working on the Railroad:  Our fall expedition will kick-off on Monday, Sept. 9th with fieldwork on Donner Summit.  We will meet with local historian Greg Palmer and learn all [...]

Welch Crew News: September 9, 2013

September 9th, 2013|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: September 9, 2013

Welcome BACK-TO-SCHOOL!   Expedition Express: I've Been Working on the Railroad:  Our fall expedition will kick-off on Monday, Sept. 9th with fieldwork on Donner Summit.  We will meet with local historian Greg Palmer and learn [...]

Great First Week

September 4th, 2013|Comments Off on Great First Week

Hi all, Great start to school: students are fired up and ready to be here; lots of great new faces and families; new look to campus with the completed middle school “Quad” (as the students [...]

Resolution regarding EPA spending

August 21st, 2013|Comments Off on Resolution regarding EPA spending

Attached is a Board resolution regarding the 2012-13 spending of funds from the Education Protection Account.

Substitute Teachers needed for ’13-14

August 20th, 2013|Comments Off on Substitute Teachers needed for ’13-14

We are looking for qualified substitute teachers for the upcoming 2013-14 school year.  Please submit a letter of interest and resume to David Manahan (  You are also welcome to stop in so we can [...]

Last Week for ’12-13

June 12th, 2013|Comments Off on Last Week for ’12-13

Hi all, Our final week. Wow, year seemed to go really quickly. Passages are in full swing. Students are demonstrating superb presentation skills and high quality learning. Please try and attend your child's session. Many [...]

Last crew update of the year 6-10

June 11th, 2013|Comments Off on Last crew update of the year 6-10

Crew Update 6-10                 Thank you to all of the families that came to the celebration of learning last Thursday.  I was very impressed with the final cell projects and research reports.  It was great [...]

Celebration of Learning is Here

June 5th, 2013|Comments Off on Celebration of Learning is Here

Hi all, Big week with Celebration of Learning on Thursday from 6-7:30 pm. Please make sure you support your children by participating; they love to share what they have accomplished (and this sharing is important [...]

Board Meeting, July 29, 2013 6-9 pm

May 31st, 2013|Comments Off on Board Meeting, July 29, 2013 6-9 pm

Please see attached Board agenda.  Meeting is in M-4 from 6-9 pm on July 29, 2013.

Welch Crew News: May 28, 2013

May 29th, 2013|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: May 28, 2013

Expedition News ANATO-ME:  Our spring expedition and school year is quickly coming to a close.  It is truly amazing how much the students have learned about the human body systems this semester.  They look forward [...]

Seaborg Crew 5.28.13

May 28th, 2013|Comments Off on Seaborg Crew 5.28.13

  Expedition News Our spring expedition and school year is quickly coming to a close.  It is truly amazing how much the students have learned about the human body systems this semester.  They look forward [...]

Final Weeks

May 28th, 2013|Comments Off on Final Weeks

Hi all, Heading into our final weeks; lots to be accomplished as crews finish expeditions and prepare for Celebration of Learning and Passages. Please help by having your children here and ready to participate. Brisbin [...]

Fieldwork in full swing

May 21st, 2013|Comments Off on Fieldwork in full swing

Hi all, Great job everyone during STAR testing weeks. Appreciate all the hard work by students and having them here and ready by parents. Fieldwork is high gear: Williams Crew in the South Bay Tues-Fri; [...]

There’s Never Enough Time OR There Is Always Enough Time … We Get To Choose.

May 19th, 2013|Comments Off on There’s Never Enough Time OR There Is Always Enough Time … We Get To Choose.

Most parents recognize that life is as busy as ever. We are often in a state of scrambling to make breakfast; get the kids to school; get to work; pick kids up; drop everyone where [...]

There’s Never Enough Time OR There Is Always Enough Time … We Get To Choose.

May 19th, 2013|Comments Off on There’s Never Enough Time OR There Is Always Enough Time … We Get To Choose.

Most parents recognize that life is as busy as ever. We are often in a state of scrambling to make breakfast; get the kids to school; get to work; pick kids up; drop everyone where [...]

Crew Update 5-13 Fieldwork News

May 15th, 2013|Comments Off on Crew Update 5-13 Fieldwork News

Williams Crew, We are only a week away from going on field work and I think everyone is getting excited.  Last week I sent home information on the trip, a packing list, and two permission [...]

Thanks to all Teachers

May 14th, 2013|Comments Off on Thanks to all Teachers

Hi all, A big thank you to our community for all the kind and generous expressions for staff during Appreciation Week. You all do a wonderful job contributing to the on-going success of our program [...]

Brisbin Crew News May 14, 2013

May 14th, 2013|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News May 14, 2013

Expedition: The Brisbin Crew is working hard on their second Case Study:  The Asian Clam Invasion.  Students are exploring the impacts of Corbicula fluminea on the Lake Tahoe ecosystem through research of the periodic table [...]

STAR testing week 1

May 7th, 2013|Comments Off on STAR testing week 1

Hi all, STAR testing is upon us, Tues-Thurs the next two weeks. Please have your children ready to go, on time, and limit your own time on campus until lunch or after. SELS100 Capital Campaign [...]

Board Meeting, May 6, 6-9 pm, M-4

May 6th, 2013|Comments Off on Board Meeting, May 6, 6-9 pm, M-4

Please see attached agenda for the May 6 Board Meeting.

Welch Crew News: April 30, 2013

April 30th, 2013|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: April 30, 2013

Expedition News Anato-ME: We have wrapped up our first case study focusing on the 5 major human body systems (skeletal, muscular, circulatory, digestive, and respiratory) and are now moving into our second case study of [...]

Seaborg Crew 4.30.13

April 30th, 2013|Comments Off on Seaborg Crew 4.30.13

  Expedition News Anato-ME: We have wrapped up our first case study focusing on the 5 major human body systems and are now moving into our second case study of Healthy Living.   This expedition has [...]

STAR Testing next week

April 30th, 2013|Comments Off on STAR Testing next week

Hi all, Lovely weather – hope everyone is getting out to enjoy it. With this comes a Dress Code reminder (to highlight the common infractions): no flip flops, shorts at or longer than arms/hands, and [...]

Crew Update 4-29

April 30th, 2013|Comments Off on Crew Update 4-29

Crew Update 4-29 With the 70 degree temperatures and the start of baseball, lacrosse, and soccer practices, it definitely feels like summer.  I’m sure everyone can’t wait to close out the year on a great [...]

Spring is here

April 23rd, 2013|Comments Off on Spring is here

Hi all, Thanks to all for participating in your children's goal-setting conferences. Helpful to stay connected to your child's learning and goals. The SELS100 Capital Campaign has now raised just over $215,000 – great work [...]

Conference Week

April 16th, 2013|Comments Off on Conference Week

Hi all, Goal-setting conferences this week; please make sure you have scheduled with your teachers. Wednesday is a Minimum Day with normal release times. To facilitate conference time, Thursday we are ending academic programming at [...]

Crew Update 3-8

April 11th, 2013|Comments Off on Crew Update 3-8

Crew update 4-9-13                 I hope everyone had a fun, relaxing spring break.  I missed our Williams’ crew and am looking forward to our last few months together.  Summer is right around the corner!  Spring [...]

Brisbin Crew News: April 10

April 11th, 2013|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News: April 10

Welcome back from Spring Break!   Keep Tahoe Green?...The Chemistry of the Asian Clam Expedition: Students are involved in the first case study "The Algal Bloom."  Beginning with atomic structure and moving into the periodic [...]

April Newsletter

April 11th, 2013|Comments Off on April Newsletter

Language Arts      At this point in the year, all students are reading in groups and taking books home weekly. The children love to read and are very proud of themselves! Please keep up the [...]

Welcome Back from Spring Break

April 10th, 2013|Comments Off on Welcome Back from Spring Break

Hi all, Just finishing up Enrollment for next year with our Lottery on Thurs. Busy around here with Information Meetings; thanks to all those who have helped out with organization, sign in, and child supervision. [...]

Board Meeting, April 8, 6 pm in M-4

April 7th, 2013|Comments Off on Board Meeting, April 8, 6 pm in M-4

SELS Board Meeting, Monday, April 8, 2013 from 6-9 pm in M-4. Please see attached agenda.

Crew News: 3/30/13

March 30th, 2013|Comments Off on Crew News: 3/30/13

Expedition News Case Study #2: Tell Me a Story Long Term Learning Target: I can identify and describe the elements of a story.          We are immersed in stories in First Grade! Our students have [...]

Seaborg Crew 3.27.13

March 28th, 2013|Comments Off on Seaborg Crew 3.27.13

Expedition Express Anato-ME:  Our spring Expedition is in full swing and the kids are really soaking up all the knowledge they have read so far about the SKELETAL SYSTEM and NERVOUS SYSTEM.  We are jam packed with amazing resources [...]

Seaborg Crew 3.27.13

March 28th, 2013|Comments Off on Seaborg Crew 3.27.13

Expedition Express Anato-ME:  Our spring Expedition is in full swing and the kids are really soaking up all the knowledge they have read so far about the SKELETAL SYSTEM and NERVOUS SYSTEM.  We are jam packed with amazing resources [...]

Welch Crew News: March 27, 2013

March 28th, 2013|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: March 27, 2013

Expedition Express Anato-ME:  Our spring Expedition is in full swing and the kids are really soaking up all the knowlege they have read so far about the SKELETAL SYSTEM and NERVOUS SYSTEM.  We are jam [...]

Spring Break Coming Up

March 27th, 2013|Comments Off on Spring Break Coming Up

Hi All, Great work on our SELS100 Capital Campaign. We have raised approximately $50,000 in the past week! Keep up the effort, contacting relatives and friends if you have not already done so. Thus far [...]

Thank you for your donation

March 20th, 2013|Comments Off on Thank you for your donation

THANK YOU for your donation to the Sierra Expeditionary Learning School. Your donation will go towards providing space for three additional classrooms, develop additional play space, and upgrade existing structures. We could not do any [...]

Busy Week

March 19th, 2013|Comments Off on Busy Week

Hi All, Lots happening around campus these days. Information meetings for next year's enrollment start on Thursday (please see PTC section to help); Friday we have someone from Insight Education here for an external review [...]

Welch Crew News: March 12, 2013

March 13th, 2013|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: March 12, 2013

Expedition Express Anato-ME:  Our spring expedition is underway with an in-depth look inside the human body.  This science rich expedition will carry us through the end of the year.  Our first case study will delve [...]

Seaborg Crew News: 3.12.13

March 13th, 2013|Comments Off on Seaborg Crew News: 3.12.13

Expedition News Anato-ME- Both 2/3 crews have launched a new and exciting science expedition that will carry us through the rest of the year.  The Anato-ME expedition takes a close look at the human body [...]

Feels like Spring

March 13th, 2013|Comments Off on Feels like Spring

Hi All, Great outside week with this warmth. Means kids are shedding jackets – please stop in and check Lost and Found (which has become a small mountain). Will donate anything left in the box [...]

Brisbin Crew News: March 5

March 6th, 2013|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News: March 5

Happy March, Crew!   Language Arts: Tomorrow is the state writing test- students have been working very hard on crafting and drafting their writing pieces through Response to Literature, Narrative, and Summary Writers' Workshops.  Ask [...]

Brisbin Crew News: March 5

March 5th, 2013|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News: March 5

Happy March, Crew!   Language Arts: Tomorrow is the state writing test- students have been working very hard on crafting and drafting their writing pieces through Response to Literature, Narrative, and Summary Writers' Workshops.  Ask [...]

Great EL Conference

March 5th, 2013|Comments Off on Great EL Conference

Hi All, Nice to be back. We had a great learning experience last week in Baltimore at the EL National Conf. Lots of amazing things happening around the country. Our two presentations went well; lots [...]

Welcome back from Ski-Skate

February 27th, 2013|Comments Off on Welcome back from Ski-Skate

Hi All, Hope everyone's break was fun and relaxing. Came back to see the campus bulbs starting to emerge. Wed-Fri this week, five of us are going to Baltimore for Expeditionary Learning's National Conference. Lynn [...]

Ski/Skate Week Coming Up

February 13th, 2013|Comments Off on Ski/Skate Week Coming Up

Hi All, Not much to report this week. Things are going well, new expeditions are under way, and some crews are beginning winter x-country skiing. New electives start this week. Many thanks to all parents [...]

Crew Update 2-7

February 12th, 2013|Comments Off on Crew Update 2-7

Williams Crew,  I wanted to inform you of what we have been doing over the past three days.  As part of the "Who am I?" expedition we are studying several Nobel Laureates and what their impact [...]

Donation Request Letter

February 11th, 2013|Comments Off on Donation Request Letter

Hello Family and Friends, I am writing to ask for help. Our school, Sierra Expeditionary Learning School (SELS) is in its final year of expansion, adding 8th grade and infilling a 4th/5th grade classroom. We [...]

Bell-Bannon Crew Newsletter 2/09/13

February 11th, 2013|Comments Off on Bell-Bannon Crew Newsletter 2/09/13

Hello B Crew!   We have had a very exciting start back to school since winter break.  Our crew is impressing us once again with their hard work and eagerness to learn in our new [...]

Lynn Akers – 4th & 5th

February 6th, 2013|Comments Off on Lynn Akers – 4th & 5th

Lynn Akers comes to SELS with an expansive resume of experience in the education field, including but not limited to teaching elementary education, leading teacher classes and field work, teaching the G.A.T.E (gifted and talented) program, teaching as a school-wide science teacher, special education paraprofessional, 504 coordinator, leading teachers in outdoor education workshops, board member of S.W.E.P (Sierra Watershed Education Program), successful collaboration in team teaching situations, administrative positions, and mentoring teachers in the preschool field. […]

Denise Strecker – Counselor

February 6th, 2013|Comments Off on Denise Strecker – Counselor

Denise Strecker joined the Sierra Expeditionary Learning School crew as a part-time Reading Specialist. Her background is in education and counseling and has been teaching children and families since 2000. Over the years, she has worked in numerous schools and homes, at a variety of grade levels and age ranges, while serving diverse populations in San Diego and Marin Counties. At the start of her career, Ms. Strecker provided in-home parent education to low-income, at-risk families on early childhood development and behavior modification. She served as intermediary between clients and community resource providers while facilitating behavioral intervention plans, role modeling, and counseling. In 2005, Denise obtained her Master’s Degree in School Counseling fromthe University of San Diego. […]

Welch Crew News: February 5, 2013

February 6th, 2013|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: February 5, 2013

Expedition Express Fire and Ice:  Our current expedition is wrapping up this month as the crew complete's a study of historical figures in Truckee.  Each student is currently designing a poster depicting their notable Truckee [...]

Seaborg Crew 2.5.13

February 6th, 2013|Comments Off on Seaborg Crew 2.5.13

  Expedition News Fire and Ice:  Our current expedition is wrapping up as we finish our study of Truckee’s most notable historic figures.  Students have designed a poster (they are turning out so great!) with [...]

It’s February Already

February 5th, 2013|Comments Off on It’s February Already

Hi All, Everything going well here on campus. Sunshine and warm weather allowing lots of outside time. On Friday evening, Leadership put on a wonderful Movie Night. They asked for donations and raised approximately $150 [...]

Board of Director’s Meeting Feb 4, 2013

February 1st, 2013|Comments Off on Board of Director’s Meeting Feb 4, 2013

Board Meeting, SELS campus, M-4, 6-9 pm, Feb 4, 2013. Please see attachments for the agenda and background information.

SARC Report 2011-12

January 30th, 2013|Comments Off on SARC Report 2011-12

Please see attached SELS SARC Report.

End of Term

January 30th, 2013|Comments Off on End of Term

Director's Notes                                   Notas del Director                                           1-29-13 Hi all, Great finish to our first term of the year. Students have been doing excellent work – they are engaged, collaborative, and putting forward focused effort. You should [...]

Brisbin Crew News: The Power of Words

January 28th, 2013|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News: The Power of Words

The Power of Words We the people..... students of the Brisbin Crew are learning about the famous words that have shaped out country via our third Case Study: The Power of Words.  From the Preamble of [...]

Brisbin Crew News: The Power Words

January 28th, 2013|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News: The Power Words

The Power of Words We the people..... students of the Brisbin Crew are learning about the famous words that have shaped out country via our third Case Study: The Power of Words.  From the Preamble of [...]

Brisbin Crew News: The Power of Words

January 28th, 2013|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News: The Power of Words

The Power of Words We the people..... students of the Brisbin Crew are learning about the famous words that have shaped out country via our third Case Study: The Power of Words.  From the Preamble of [...]

The Power of Words: Brisbin Crew News, January 28

January 28th, 2013|Comments Off on The Power of Words: Brisbin Crew News, January 28

The Power of Words We the people..... students of the Brisbin Crew are learning about the famous words that have shaped out country via our third Case Study: The Power of Words.  From the Preamble [...]

Crew Update 1-23

January 24th, 2013|Comments Off on Crew Update 1-23

Crew Update 1-23-13,               Believe it or not we are half way through the school year!  The first semester came to a close last Friday and we are on our way to the end [...]

Happy MLK Weekend

January 23rd, 2013|Comments Off on Happy MLK Weekend

Hi all, Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend. Not much news this week. McMains Crew leaves next Tuesday for their 4 day California Wonders Tour. The “Lost and Found” is beginning to pile up [...]

Tiffany Connolly – Reading Specialist

January 22nd, 2013|Comments Off on Tiffany Connolly – Reading Specialist

Tiffany Connolly is excited to join the team of exceptional educators at Sierra Expeditionary Learning School. Tiffany earned her Master's Degree in Education and her Teaching Credential from Pepperdine University and she completed her undergraduate [...]

Newsletter, January 22, 2013

January 22nd, 2013|Comments Off on Newsletter, January 22, 2013

Language Arts      At this point in the year, we have made our way through the entire alphabet. We continue to study about letter sounds, but now it is about constant review. We are blending [...]

Newsletter, January 22, 2013

January 22nd, 2013|Comments Off on Newsletter, January 22, 2013

Language Arts      At this point in the year, we have made our way through the entire alphabet. We continue to study about letter sounds, but now it is about constant review. We are blending [...]

Pretty chilly

January 21st, 2013|Comments Off on Pretty chilly

Hi all, Wow, what a cold week. Don't recall consistent negative double digits ever. While I know it is supposed to warm up, please make sure your children are dressed appropriately; we have students showing [...]

Welch Crew News: January 17, 2013

January 18th, 2013|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: January 17, 2013

Expedition Express FIRE and ICE:  Our Fall expedition is in its final stages.  We have one last project to complete on the Major Players in Truckee's History.  We will kick-off this mini-research report/historical narrative next [...]

Welcome Back

January 9th, 2013|Comments Off on Welcome Back

Hi all, Wonderful break for all I hope. Kids seem enthusiastic to be back. Campus looks quite different will all the snow; please make sure your children are dressed appropriately. ** Looking for a parent [...]

Crew Update 1-7

January 8th, 2013|Comments Off on Crew Update 1-7

Crew Update 1/7/2013                 I hope everyone had a nice relaxing winter break.  I spent much of the break skiing down the new snow we received.  I was also happy to watch my Oregon Ducks [...]

Bell-Bannon Crew News: Jan. 4th, 2013

January 5th, 2013|Comments Off on Bell-Bannon Crew News: Jan. 4th, 2013

Happy New Year to all! We hope your winter break has been a time of great joy and relaxation. The beautiful, wintry weather has certainly affected our outings in the mountains (as we have learned!). [...]

Board Meeting, Jan 7, 2013

January 4th, 2013|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Jan 7, 2013

Sierra Expeditionary Learning School Board Meeting, Monday, Jan 7, 2013, SELS campus M-4, 6-9 pm Agenda attached

Have a nice break

December 20th, 2012|Comments Off on Have a nice break

Hi all, Winter break coming up, but only after our wonderful Celebration of Learning evening on Thursday. This is your child(ren)'s opportunity to share what they have been working on the past several months and [...]

Crew Update 12-17

December 17th, 2012|Comments Off on Crew Update 12-17

Crew Update 12-17-2012                 It has been nice to see the snow fall this past week and to have a possibility for more to come.  I hope you have been able to enjoy the snow [...]

Wonderful Gratitude Dinner

December 11th, 2012|Comments Off on Wonderful Gratitude Dinner

Hi all, A big thank you to all for our wonderful Gratitude Dinner. Organizers did a superb job and our community turnout was fun to see. We are now officially into our Capital Campaign. I [...]

Greetings from The Junto!~ Brisbin Crew News December 11, 2012

December 11th, 2012|Comments Off on Greetings from The Junto!~ Brisbin Crew News December 11, 2012

                                Redcoats and Rebels:   The Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness on American Soil The Brisbin Crew is hard [...]

Greeting From The Junto!- Brisbin Crew News

December 11th, 2012|Comments Off on Greeting From The Junto!- Brisbin Crew News

                                Redcoats and Rebels:   The Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness on American Soil The Brisbin Crew is hard [...]

McMains Crew News: December 10, 2012

December 11th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: December 10, 2012

What's On Our Plate Expedition...authoring our book! Authoring a digital book is a gigantic undertaking, but crew has dug in and our room looks like a press room! Chapter authors are finishing their drafts this [...]

Your Feedback

December 6th, 2012|Comments Off on Your Feedback

SELS is collecting feedback about our program and Expeditionary Learning. {div float:left; margin-right: 50px;}{module Your Feedback|xhtml}{/div}   NOTE: All posted content will remain anonymous.

Welch Crew News: December 4, 2012

December 5th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: December 4, 2012

Expedition Express FIRE and ICE:   FINAL PRODUCT:  The Welch and Seaborg crews have completed the photography leading up to our final product.  The students are now compiling their notes and researching their historic Turckee [...]

Seaborg Crew News: 12/4/12

December 5th, 2012|Comments Off on Seaborg Crew News: 12/4/12

  Expedition News The Seaborg Crew has been chugging along with our Fire and Ice Expedition.  We’ve completed our photography portion leading up to our final product.  The students are currently compiling their research on [...]

Happy December

December 4th, 2012|Comments Off on Happy December

Hi all, Off to a spectacularly rainy December. Lets hope for snow soon. We have a couple of big events coming up this month leading into our Winter Break: Friday, Dec 7 Gratitude Dinner – [...]

Crew Update 11-27

December 4th, 2012|Comments Off on Crew Update 11-27

Crew Update 11/27/2012 I hope everyone had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving break.  As amazing as it may seem, we are only four weeks away from winter break!  Here is what the Williams crew will be [...]

Happy Return from Break

November 27th, 2012|Comments Off on Happy Return from Break

Hi all, Hope everyone's break went well and all are relaxed and rested. The McMains Crew has partnered with the Humane Society of Truckee Tahoe for their MathDogs expedition. They want to assemble gift baskets [...]

Bell-Bannon Crew Newsletter 11/23/12

November 24th, 2012|Comments Off on Bell-Bannon Crew Newsletter 11/23/12

Hello Bell-Bannon Crew!  In the past few weeks we have been working hard on literacy skills-- using the "read-on" and "look for useful parts" strategies, as well as finding and creating words with the consonant [...]

Going smoothly

November 13th, 2012|Comments Off on Going smoothly

Hi all, Everything going along smoothly these days. Students are engaged in their learning and continually impressing staff with their respectful behaviors. Thanks for all your support in both academics and character building. Amazing performances [...]

Help Our School

November 13th, 2012|Comments Off on Help Our School

A common misconception of public schools is that they are free when in fact providing excellent education comes at quite a high cost. When most of us were children, property taxes and other federal funding [...]

Newsletter 11/12/12

November 12th, 2012|Comments Off on Newsletter 11/12/12

Language Arts Language Arts continues to be centered around reading and discussing good books, reading and writing letters, knowing letter sounds, reading and writing sight words and writing sentences about our pictures. The letters we’ve [...]

McMains Crew News: November 10, 2012

November 10th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: November 10, 2012

Special thanks to all our Parent Crew for the love, treats, and encouragement during Bearwalk - we love you! “What’s on Our Plate” Expedition Crew have been exploring and applying their knowledge of California’s varied [...]

Brisbin Crew News, November 8

November 8th, 2012|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News, November 8

What a wonderful turn to the weather!  I hope you are thoroughly enjoying fall and the changing colors with the promise of snow.  With so many exciting eventing on the horizon for the SELS community, [...]

Seaborg Crew: 11/7/12

November 8th, 2012|Comments Off on Seaborg Crew: 11/7/12

  Expedition News  Service learning- Fire Escape Plan: This month’s design principle is Service and Compassion.  As a crew service-learning project, all students are expected to design and create a family fire escape plan for [...]

Crew Update 11-2-2012

November 7th, 2012|Comments Off on Crew Update 11-2-2012

Crew update 11/2/2012             The class is busy preparing for the San Francisco fieldwork.  I passed out an itinerary and packing list to the students today and answered any questions they had.  Please review the [...]

Successful Bear Walk

November 7th, 2012|Comments Off on Successful Bear Walk

Hi all, Hope all are enjoying this beautiful sunshine. Students seem to dress appropriately for early Nov: t-shirts and shorts – ha. Many thanks for all the great work behind the Bear Walk – a [...]

Welch Crew News: November 6, 2012

November 7th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: November 6, 2012

Expedition Express FIRE and ICE:  As we look more closely at the FIRE aspect of "How Truckee was formed by Fire and Ice" and  complementing our monthly Design Principle: Service and Compassion, students will conduct [...]

Final Days of Fall

October 31st, 2012|Comments Off on Final Days of Fall

Hi everyone, Everything going well on the SELS campus. Students are enjoying the return of beautiful weather. Lots to share this week, so please take the time to read it all: Some additional learning from [...]

Board of Director’s Meeting, Nov 5

October 30th, 2012|Comments Off on Board of Director’s Meeting, Nov 5

Board of Director's meeting, SELS campus M-4, 6-9 pm, Monday Nov 5 Agenda Call Meeting to Order Approval of Minutes ACTION Approval of Agenda ACTION Public Comment Non-agenda items: no individual presentations shall be for [...]

Seaborg Crew News: 10.27.12

October 27th, 2012|Comments Off on Seaborg Crew News: 10.27.12

Happy weekend everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed the two snow days last week.  I certainly enjoyed the unexpected days of rest!  Goal setting conferences were a huge success.  Thank you for coming prepared!  The goal [...]

Bell-Bannon Crew News: Oct. 25, 2012

October 25th, 2012|Comments Off on Bell-Bannon Crew News: Oct. 25, 2012

Bell-Bannon Crew News 10-14-12   Case Study #1, "Trailblazing," wrapped up last week with a goal-setting presentation to the Kindergarten Crew. The first graders helped prepare the kindergartners for the goal-setting conference week. The presentation [...]

Welch Crew News: October 24, 2012

October 25th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: October 24, 2012

THANK YOU FOR MAKING OUR GOAL SETTING CONFERENCE WEEK A HUGE SUCCESS!  Goal sheets were sent home today in your child's Yellow Folder.  Please help them locate a space to post these goals so they [...]

Crew Update 10-24-2012

October 25th, 2012|Comments Off on Crew Update 10-24-2012

Crew update 10/24             Wow, winter really came in a hurry!  I hope everyone enjoyed the two snow days this week.  Here is what is new in the Williams Crew:             Katie Pruski and I [...]

Crew Update 10-24-2012

October 25th, 2012|Comments Off on Crew Update 10-24-2012

Crew update 10/24             Wow, winter really came in a hurry!  I hope everyone enjoyed the two snow days this week.  Here is what is new in the Williams Crew:             Katie Pruski and I [...]

Crew Update 10-9-2012

October 25th, 2012|Comments Off on Crew Update 10-9-2012

Crew Update 10/9/2012             Fall is definitely in the air again and that means that the mornings are pretty chilly.  This morning I opened the door to two students huddled together under a blanket for [...]

Crazy Early Snow

October 24th, 2012|Comments Off on Crazy Early Snow

Hi all, Wow, two early snow days. Hmmm... what does this say about winter? Beautiful outside, though. Some general info on Snow Days: We have 3 built into the schedule as “free” days Any snow [...]

Newsletter 10/21/12

October 21st, 2012|Comments Off on Newsletter 10/21/12

It was great to see so many of you last week during our Goal Setting Conferences! I appreciate all the work you did with your kiddos to help them prepare. They did a great job [...]

Brisbin Crew News October 21

October 21st, 2012|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News October 21

Hooray for Fall! Congratulations to all of the wonderful, hardworking students of the Brisbin Crew, who completed their Goal Setting Conferences this week!  I am so proud of your reflection and desire to progress socially [...]

Conference week going well

October 17th, 2012|Comments Off on Conference week going well

Hi all, Good week of conferences – please make sure you take advantage of this time to work with your teacher to help facilitate the most effective learning opportunities for your children. While still happening, [...]


October 15th, 2012|Comments Off on 10.14.12

Expedition Express Fire and Ice:  Last week our crew, along with the Welch crew, had a fantastic adventure back in Truckee's rich, historical past.  Here is a snapshot of our overnight fieldwork: Visited downtown businesses [...]

Welch Crew News: October 9, 2012

October 10th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: October 9, 2012

Expedition Express Fire and Ice:  Last week our crew, along with the Seaborg crew, had a fantastic adventure back in Truckee's rich, historical past.  Here is a snapshot of our overnight fieldwork: Visited downtown businesses [...]

Wonderful fall colors right now

October 10th, 2012|Comments Off on Wonderful fall colors right now

Hi all, Hope everyone is enjoying what may be our final stellar week of warmth. Its been a nice long run since April. A few things to share this week: We are starting our second [...]

Crew Update 10-1-2012

October 5th, 2012|Comments Off on Crew Update 10-1-2012

Wow, what a great trip to Grouse Ridge we had!  If you haven’t seen the pictures yet, I posted a few of the best pictures on our crew website.  We enjoyed great weather, practiced our [...]

Great Fieldwork Happening

October 3rd, 2012|Comments Off on Great Fieldwork Happening

Hi all, Everything is going along nice and smoothly. Students and teachers are into their routines, occasionally offset with fieldwork. Some of the great work going on: Williams Crew spent 2 nights on the summit [...]

Crew News 9/20/2012

September 27th, 2012|Comments Off on Crew News 9/20/2012

Williams Crew Update 9/20/12             Good Evening Parents!  I wanted to send out the crew update a little early in preparation of our upcoming fieldwork and let you know what else is going on. Grouse [...]

McMains Crew News: September 26, 2012

September 27th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: September 26, 2012

Lassen Volcanic National Park Fieldwork Wow, what a kick-off to our fall expedition! Our 4 fabulous days and 3 nights in Lassen Volcanic National Park were filled with wildlife, shooting stars, and intense geological encounters. [...]

Brisbin Crew News: September 26, 2012

September 26th, 2012|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News: September 26, 2012

Hello Brisbin Crew!  I can't wait to share with you the amazing learning that is happening in our Crew! Math: 5th graders are busy learning about Prime and Composite numbers and the properties these numbers [...]

Welch Crew News: Sept. 25, 2012

September 26th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: Sept. 25, 2012

Expedition Express FIRE and ICE:  Our Expedition is off to a great start and the student's are working hard on their interviewing skills with each other and at home to prepare for interviews with Downtown [...]

Board Mtg, Oct 1, 6-9 pm

September 25th, 2012|Comments Off on Board Mtg, Oct 1, 6-9 pm

SELS Board Meeting, Oct 1, 6-9 pm, M-4   Call Meeting to Order INFO Approval of Minutes ACTION Approval of Agenda ACTION CLOSED SESSION (6:05-6:15 PM) INFO Board Interview Report OPEN SESSION (6:15PM) Public Comment [...]

Fall is here

September 25th, 2012|Comments Off on Fall is here

Hi all, Fall is in the air, which means cool mornings and beautiful days. Also means jackets in the morning and “Lost and Found” in the afternoon. If you get a chance, please check through [...]

Bell-Bannon Crew News: Sept. 21, 2012

September 24th, 2012|Comments Off on Bell-Bannon Crew News: Sept. 21, 2012

The Bell-Bannon Crew had a fabulous week delving into adventure, overcoming challenges and goal setting.   Expert, Andy Scott (Keira’s dad), came to our class and shared with us how to overcome challenges by setting goals [...]

Seaborg Crew 9.20.12

September 21st, 2012|Comments Off on Seaborg Crew 9.20.12

  Expedition News  The 2/3 Fire and Ice expedition is off to a great start! As posted on our classroom wall, here is the Fire and Ice expedition framework to give you an idea of [...]

Newsletter #1

September 20th, 2012|Comments Off on Newsletter #1

Welcome to the first newsletter of the 2012-2013 school year! The Kinder crew has spent the first few weeks getting to know each other and learning the classroom and school wide routines. They are a [...]

Great first couple of weeks

September 19th, 2012|Comments Off on Great first couple of weeks

Hi all, Having a great fall so far; students seem to be enjoying school, great fieldwork happening, our Electives Program off to a fantastic start, lots of participation by families. Lets keep it up. Some [...]

Seaborg Crew 9.4.12

September 17th, 2012|Comments Off on Seaborg Crew 9.4.12

Welcome to the Seaborg Crew! The first days of school have gone so quickly!  The crew has been settling into their new classroom and learning the daily routines nicely.  They have been doing an exceptional [...]

Welch Crew News: Sept. 11, 2012

September 12th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: Sept. 11, 2012

Expedition Express Successful Fieldwork:  Last week, our crew participated in a Downtown Truckee Photo Scavenger Hunt looking for familiar buildings that have historical contexts.  Students were instructed to find each building, take a photo, and [...]

All Going Well – Thanks

September 12th, 2012|Comments Off on All Going Well – Thanks

Hi all, Great first couple of weeks. Students are settling in well and expeditions are off to a strong start. Some information to pass along: Wed, Sept 12 (tomorrow), is a Minimum Day: 6/7 released [...]

Brisbin Crew News: September 11,2012

September 11th, 2012|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News: September 11,2012

Welcome to the first newsletter of the new school year!  We have been very busy getting to know each other and completing some team building exercises.  Our crew is ahardworking, kind, spirited, and cohesive unit [...]

McMains Crew News: September, 2012

September 9th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: September, 2012

Grizzly Adventure Camp surely lived up to its title! Some of our highlights included climbing the vertical playground, celebrating Jackson’s birthday, walking the wires above a steep ravine, solving mental & physical challenges, seeing a [...]

Welcome Back! 9-5-12

September 5th, 2012|Comments Off on Welcome Back! 9-5-12

Welcome Back, Bell-Bannon Crew! We are off to a wonderful start in First Grade!  It's exciting to see how much everyone has grown and changed over the course of the summer.  We are working hard [...]

Welcome Back! 9-5-12

September 5th, 2012|Comments Off on Welcome Back! 9-5-12

Welcome Back, Bell-Bannon Crew! We are off to a wonderful start in First Grade!  It's exciting to see how much everyone has grown and changed over the course of the summer.  We are working hard [...]

Board Meeting Mon, Sept 10 6 pm

September 4th, 2012|Comments Off on Board Meeting Mon, Sept 10 6 pm

Board Agenda,  Monday Sept 10, 6 pm in M-4 Call Meeting to Order INFO Approval of Minutes ACTION Approval of Agenda ACTION Public Comment Non-agenda items: no individual presentations shall be for more than three [...]

Welcome to ’12-13

September 4th, 2012|Comments Off on Welcome to ’12-13

Welcome everyone to the beginning of 2012-13 and my first Director's Notes. I will get these out most every Tuesday as a way to communicate all-school information. If you have something you feel should be [...]

Welch Crew – Welcome Back Aug. 29, 2012

August 30th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew – Welcome Back Aug. 29, 2012

Welcome Welch Crew!! This is the first newsletter of the year following the first day of what is going to be a WONDERFUL year of learning and growning.  Our crew did a wonderful job today [...]

Board Meeting Thur Aug 16

August 14th, 2012|Comments Off on Board Meeting Thur Aug 16

SELS Board Meeting, Thurs Aug 16, 6-9 pm, room M-4 Call Meeting to Order INFO Approval of Minutes ACTION Approval of Agenda ACTION Public Comment Non-agenda items: no individual presentations shall be for more than [...]

Great Year!

June 14th, 2012|Comments Off on Great Year!

Hi all, Our final week and last Notes of '11-12. Sad, I know, but not to worry, they will come back in full force in August. Thanks to all for the wonderful year – your [...]

Welch Crew News: June 6, 2012

June 7th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: June 6, 2012

The Final Stretch Expedition Express:  Our work is done and the crew is ready to share their learning with the community at our Celebration of Learning on Thursday, June 7th, from 6:00 - 7:30. Bring [...]

McMains Crew News: May 29, 2012

May 29th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: May 29, 2012

Worlds of Wonders Expedition Crew finished Ancient Rome by teaching each other through their Gallery Walk Displays and participating in a reflection and review before taking the final written assessment. They are now deep in [...]

Welcome Back from Holiday Weekend

May 29th, 2012|Comments Off on Welcome Back from Holiday Weekend

Hi all, Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend and is ready for the final 3 week push. Lots of info to share: Spirit wear orders due today, Tues May 29. If you need to, [...]

Bell-Seaborg Crew Bear Movie

May 29th, 2012|Comments Off on Bell-Seaborg Crew Bear Movie

Watch the Winter 2012 Kindergarten final product film: The Strength of a Bear

KG 5.25

May 28th, 2012|Comments Off on KG 5.25

News from the Pond!          The kindergarteners are hopping with excitement about our pond expedition! Case Study #2 --Frog and Toad-- is underway. Our classroom pond is overflowing with life and has made for many [...]

KG 5.25

May 27th, 2012|Comments Off on KG 5.25

News from the Pond!          The kindergarteners are hopping with excitement about our pond expedition! Case Study #2 --Frog and Toad-- is underway. Our classroom pond is overflowing with life and has made for many [...]

McMains Crew News: May 25, 2012

May 25th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: May 25, 2012

One Crew member recently asked, “ What is the best way to improve my grades between now and the end of the year?” GREAT question! The 4 best ways to improve your grades now (and [...]

Board Meeting 5-30-12

May 25th, 2012|Comments Off on Board Meeting 5-30-12

Board Agenda Wed, May 30 ;  Resort at Squaw Creek (room to be posted at entrance) ; 5:30-6:50, break for McMains Crew documentary premier, resume if needed 7:30-9 Call Meeting to Order INFO Approval of [...]

Memorial Weekend Coming Up

May 23rd, 2012|Comments Off on Memorial Weekend Coming Up

Hi all, Lots going on over the next few weeks; please try and keep up with dates and times and have your students at school, get in any required documents, and help your children finish [...]

Welch Crew News: May 21, 2012

May 22nd, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: May 21, 2012

Expedition Express Our final month of school is jam packed with events, fieldwork, adventure, celebrations, and Passages.  Be careful not to blink or you may miss all the excitement. Local Experts:  Last Tuesday, Ian from the Truckee Donner [...]

McMains Crew News: May 16, 2012

May 16th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: May 16, 2012

What A Month! We are preparing two major products, for Celebration of Learning and Passages, at the same time we are exploring our last ancient civilization and preparing to share our documentary with the community [...]

McMains Crew News: May 16, 2012

May 16th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: May 16, 2012

What A Month! We are preparing two major products, for Celebration of Learning and Passages, at the same time we are exploring our last ancient civilization and preparing to share our documentary with the community [...]

Solar Eclipse coming

May 16th, 2012|Comments Off on Solar Eclipse coming

Hi all, Another lovely spring week. Keep your eyes on the sky this Saturday: around 6 pm there will be a solar eclipse. Make sure you have filtered glasses if watching it so you don't [...]

May 1 News- Brisbin Crew

May 15th, 2012|Comments Off on May 1 News- Brisbin Crew

Please enjoy the smilebox newletter format I make for the Brisbin Crew! Proudly,  Mrs Brisbin

Start of STAR testing

May 9th, 2012|Comments Off on Start of STAR testing

Hi all, STAR testing this week and next so things a little different and off schedule. We appreciate your having students here and on-time. Some information to share: Mr Krusi-Thom, Ms McMains, and I spent [...]

Happy May Day

May 2nd, 2012|Comments Off on Happy May Day

Hi, Some excitement around here yesterday. I want to assure everyone that staff handled the situation very well and all children were safe throughout. Information to share: Mr Krusi-Thom, Ms McMains, and I will be [...]

Welch Crew News: April 30, 2012

May 1st, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: April 30, 2012

Expedition Express Truckee Donner Public Utilities District:  Our crew braved the elements last week to walk over to the Truckee Donner PUD (I love our Truckee Kids!!).  Students were given a tour of the facility [...]

McMains Crew News: April 30, 2012

April 30th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: April 30, 2012

Worlds Of Wonders Expedition Essential Question of the Week: What are the wonders of Ancient Greece? Greek festival preparation is underway for Monday, May 7th. Members of each city-state, Athens and Sparta, will share their [...]

April 2012 meeting minutes

April 30th, 2012|Comments Off on April 2012 meeting minutes

Please see attached minutes from April 2012 Board Meeting.

Board Meeting May 7 2012

April 30th, 2012|Comments Off on Board Meeting May 7 2012

Agenda for Monday, May 7 Board Meeting

Newsletter 4/29/12

April 30th, 2012|Comments Off on Newsletter 4/29/12

Expedition News Since our crew finished our model farms, we have been taking a closer look at chickens. We have fertilized eggs arriving this week. They will be in an incubator for the three weeks [...]

KG 4.29

April 29th, 2012|Comments Off on KG 4.29

News from the Pond!  Over the past couple of weeks, the Bell Crew has really been able to dive into ponds! We have been singing pond songs, reading pond poems and writing down our observations [...]

McMains Crew News: April 23, 2012

April 24th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: April 23, 2012

Worlds Of Wonders Expedition Essential Question of the Week: What are the wonders of Ancient Greece? In our expedition art projects, students have completed and mounted a piece of weaving and are about to embark [...]

McMains Crew News: April 23, 2012

April 24th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: April 23, 2012

Worlds Of Wonders Expedition Essential Question of the Week: What are the wonders of Ancient Greece? In our expedition art projects, students have completed and mounted a piece of weaving and are about to embark [...]

Enoy the Beautiful Weather

April 24th, 2012|Comments Off on Enoy the Beautiful Weather

Hi all, Last week I mentioned that one of our students (2nd grader Haley Flaherty) won 1st place in Barbara Boxer's Earth Day Poster Contest. You can now view her poster on Boxer's website: [...]

Launch of Case Study 2- Thinking Like a Geologist

April 23rd, 2012|Comments Off on Launch of Case Study 2- Thinking Like a Geologist

Expedition Case Study Supporting Target:  I can differentiate among igneous, sedimentary, and metamor­phic rocks by referring to their properties and methods of formation. Students will begin the rock tumbling process this week by choosing two samples [...]

Welch Crew News: April 17, 2012

April 18th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: April 17, 2012

CONGRATULATIONS HALEY FLAHERTY!!! As part of our Spring Expedition, our crew entered a statewide poster contest through Senator Barbara Boxer's office as a celebration of EARTH DAY.  I am thrilled to announce that Haley Flaherty [...]

Lottery Night

April 17th, 2012|Comments Off on Lottery Night

Hi all, Some exciting news: Haley Flaherty, a 2nd grader, won first place in the statewide, Barbara Boxer Earth Day poster contest. Yesterday, a representative from Boxer's office came to campus to recognize Haley's achievement; [...]

Feb minutes, 2012

April 10th, 2012|Comments Off on Feb minutes, 2012

Please see attached minutes for Feb 6, 2012 meeting.

March minutes, 2012

April 10th, 2012|Comments Off on March minutes, 2012

Please see attached minutes for March 5 and March 19 meetings.

Great to be back

April 10th, 2012|Comments Off on Great to be back

Hi all, Nice to return from Spring Break with beautiful weather, at least for a couple of days. Hope everyone is settling in for our 10 week push to the end of the year. Some [...]

Welch Crew News: April 10, 2012

April 10th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: April 10, 2012

Expedition Express A room full of scientists:  Case Study #2 is full of hands-on science experiments focusing on sound, light, and heat energy.  The first set of experiments have focused on SOUND and how is [...]

McMains Crew News: April 9, 2012

April 9th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: April 9, 2012

Expedition Essential Question of The Week: How Did Geography Affect the Early Settlement of India? We start April with a wrap-up of the Wonders of Egyptian society. Our fieldwork day next week at the “King [...]

Board Meeting, Mon April 9

April 2nd, 2012|Comments Off on Board Meeting, Mon April 9

Meeting Agenda    SELS, M-4     Monday, April 9     5;30-8:30 pm Call Meeting to Order INFO Approval of Minutes ACTION Approval of Agenda ACTON Student Presentation INFO Expeditionary Learning Design Principle of the Month INFO Public Comment [...]

Spring Break is nearly here

March 27th, 2012|Comments Off on Spring Break is nearly here

Hi all, Great evening last night with the class premier of The Geology of California: 4.5 Billion Years in the Making. The McMains Crew shot, wrote the script, and edited the documentary under the guidance [...]

Welch Crew News: March 27, 2012

March 27th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: March 27, 2012

Expedition Express What's the Matter in Mrs. Welch's Room - Case Study #1: This Case Study has come to a conclusion and students are beginning to write a fictional narrative on the life of a [...]

Welch Crew News: March 27, 2012

March 27th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: March 27, 2012

Expedition Express What's the Matter in Mrs. Welch's Room - Case Study #1: This Case Study has come to a conclusion and students are beginning to write a fictional narrative on the life of a [...]

Welch Crew News: March 27, 2012

March 27th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: March 27, 2012

       Scroll down and click on the questions for your grade level.  Questions are available for every grade and tested subject.   Dates to Remember: Tuesday, March [...]

KG NEWS 3-26-12

March 26th, 2012|Comments Off on KG NEWS 3-26-12

POND-erings Today we launched our spring expedition, Down by the Banks!  The children came into school eager to share their predictions as to what our expedition topic might be.  "P" was their only clue, and [...]

McMains Crew News: March 26, 2012

March 25th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: March 26, 2012

Expedition Essential Question of The Week: How did the social structure of Ancient Egypt affect daily life? Crew began the week by creating their own rubric for scoring their Interactive Student Notebooks (ISN). Now that we [...]

Interdependence! Brisbin Crew News 3/23

March 23rd, 2012|Comments Off on Interdependence! Brisbin Crew News 3/23

                                                       Glad to be here with our Crew! Expedition: [...]

Enrollment season is upon us

March 20th, 2012|Comments Off on Enrollment season is upon us

Hi all, Great end to last week when the Kindergarteners entertained the Community Meeting crowd with their presentation on bears (they just finished an expedition on the topic). They were informed, articulate, and presented well [...]

McMains Crew News: March 19, 2012

March 20th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: March 19, 2012

Worlds Of Wonders Expedition Essential Question of the Week: What did the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt accomplish and how did they do it? In a flurry of excited activity, crew began their long-term expedition projects [...]

Newsletter 2/19/12

March 20th, 2012|Comments Off on Newsletter 2/19/12

Expedition News The past two weeks we have continued to build our model farms. At this point we have added the farmhouse, a silo, a barn, and a tractor. Students have also bought sheep, goats, [...]

What happened to Spring?

March 13th, 2012|Comments Off on What happened to Spring?

Hi all, We are gearing up for next year's enrollment, so lots going on around here. Please encourage any interested friends to attend one of the informational meetings (listed below and on website) to pick [...]

Welch Crew News: March 12, 2012

March 13th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: March 12, 2012

Expedition Express Sierra Nevada Journeys: We have had 2 wonderful experiences with Joanna from Sierra Nevada Journeys in our crew. Last week she introduced the students to Potential and Kinetic Energy. She gave kids that [...]

Welch Crew News: March 12, 2012

March 13th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: March 12, 2012

Expedition Express Sierra Nevada Journeys: We have had 2 wonderful experiences with Joanna from Sierra Nevada Journeys in our crew. Last week she introduced the students to Potential and Kinetic Energy. She gave kids that [...]

Ready for an amazing film? Stay tuned… the date and time for the premier of Geology of California: 4,500,000,000 Years in the Making will be announced soon!

March 12th, 2012|Comments Off on Ready for an amazing film? Stay tuned… the date and time for the premier of Geology of California: 4,500,000,000 Years in the Making will be announced soon!

McMains Crew Important March Dates

March 11th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew Important March Dates

March 12 Cross Country Ski day Tahoe Donner March 14 Pi day celebration (Minimum Day) March 21 Cross Country Ski day Tahoe Donner March 26 Documentary Sneak Peek, Martis Camp Theater, 6:30 Showtime Students, Sponsors, [...]

McMains Crew Important March Dates

March 11th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew Important March Dates

March 12 Cross Country Ski day Tahoe Donner March 14 Pi day celebration (Minimum Day) March 21 Cross Country Ski day Tahoe Donner March 26 Documentary Sneak Peek, Martis Camp Theater, 6:30 Showtime Students, Sponsors, [...]

Thinking Like an Ecologist!!

March 9th, 2012|Comments Off on Thinking Like an Ecologist!!

Sierra Scientists:  Case Study 1 Thinking Like and Ecologist      We are off and running with our first case study.  Students worked today on a  "processes of living things" jigsaw...ask a Brisbin Crew member [...]

Thinking Like an Ecologist!!

March 9th, 2012|Comments Off on Thinking Like an Ecologist!!

Sierra Scientists:  Case Study 1 Thinking Like and Ecologist      We are off and running with our first case study.  Students worked today on a  "processes of living things" jigsaw...ask a Brisbin Crew member [...]

McMains Crew News: March 7, 2012

March 8th, 2012|Comments Off on McMains Crew News: March 7, 2012

Expedition News: Worlds of Wonders Expedition Question of the Week: How did geography affect the early settlement of Egypt? Learning Targets: I can explain how geography affected early settlement in Egypt, Kush, and Canaan. I [...]

Finally, some good skiing

March 7th, 2012|Comments Off on Finally, some good skiing

Hi all, Hope everyone is enjoying the gorgeous weather. Last week I forgot to announce our first “Distinguished Crew Members” (4th-6th grade eligible, based on excellent progress reports): 6th grade, McMains Crew: Please congratulate these [...]

Congratulations New Student Council Representatives!

March 3rd, 2012|Comments Off on Congratulations New Student Council Representatives!

Six members of the McMains Crew kicked their leadership skills into high gear and presented their qualifications for Student Council offices. Their one-minute speeches were well prepared and each student presented their best qualities and [...]

M.S. Configuration Meeting is ON, Thurs March 1, 5:30 pm, M-4

March 1st, 2012|Comments Off on M.S. Configuration Meeting is ON, Thurs March 1, 5:30 pm, M-4

Seems the roads are good so we will be having the Middle School configuration meeting tonight at 5:30 in M-4.  If you want to be part of the conversation and/or feel you want more information, [...]

Welch Crew News: March 1, 2012

March 1st, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: March 1, 2012

Expedition Express What's the Matter in Mrs. Welch's Room:  Case Study 1 continues to build the Background Knowledge of students into the world of Matter.  We have taken a closer look at SOLIDS, LIQUIDS, and [...]

Newsletter 2/29/12

March 1st, 2012|Comments Off on Newsletter 2/29/12

Expedition News This week we have started working on building our model farms! This section of our expedition is a combination of social studies and math, and we spend a large part of each day [...]

Worlds Of Wonders

February 29th, 2012|Comments Off on Worlds Of Wonders

The spring Worlds of Wonders Expedition is well under way and we are beginning to delve into our study of 5 ancient civilizations through 4 case studies: Worlds of Wonders Expedition: The study of Ancient [...]

Worlds Of Wonders

February 29th, 2012|Comments Off on Worlds Of Wonders

The spring Worlds of Wonders Expedition is well under way and we are beginning to delve into our study of 5 ancient civilizations through 4 case studies: Worlds of Wonders Expedition: The study of Ancient [...]


February 29th, 2012|Comments Off on SNOW DAY – NO SCHOOL, Wed, Feb 29

Good Morning.  No school today due to weather.  Check back tonight for possible updates.  A phone call willl go out again if school is cancelled tomorrow as well.  Hope you have a nice day. David

What’s that strange white stuff?

February 28th, 2012|Comments Off on What’s that strange white stuff?

Hi all, Hope the break was nice and relaxing. Looks like we may finally have some winter snow after all.... Please make sure you child comes with the appropriate winter/snow clothing. I will be out [...]

Board Meeting March 5, 5:30 pm

February 28th, 2012|Comments Off on Board Meeting March 5, 5:30 pm

Board Agenda     Monday, March 5, 2012       Room M-4       5:30-8:30 pm Call Meeting to Order INFO Approval of Minutes ACTION Approval of Agenda ACTION Discuss process for approving agenda items Expeditionary Learning Design Principle of the [...]

Dana Seaborg – 2nd & 3rd

February 22nd, 2012|Comments Off on Dana Seaborg – 2nd & 3rd

Dana Seaborg was born and raised in Truckee, CA and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of Nevada, Reno. She comes to SELS with a wide range of experience working with elementary age [...]

Zach Williams – 7th

February 22nd, 2012|Comments Off on Zach Williams – 7th

Zach Williams comes to Sierra Expeditionary Learning School with a wide range of experiences in education and the outdoors. Zach taught for several years in Oregon before moving to Truckee in 2011.  He spent the [...]

EL’s Design Principles

February 16th, 2012|Comments Off on EL’s Design Principles

The 10 Design Principles of Expeditionary Learning that guide us: 1. THE PRIMACY OF SELF-DISCOVERY Learning happens best with emotion, challenge and the requisite support. People discover their abilities, values, passions, and responsibilities in situations [...]

Winter may finally be here?

February 14th, 2012|Comments Off on Winter may finally be here?

Hi all, Hope all is well with everyone. I have some new information to pass along: Diversity Committee meeting, Thurs, Feb 16 from 2-3:15 pm in the Library. Please come and provide your energy and [...]

Welch Crew News: February 14, 2012

February 14th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: February 14, 2012

Expedition Express   What's the Matter in Mrs. Welch's Room?  Case Study #1 is off and running with a deeper look into the 3 states of matter.  Our Learning Target for this Case Study is:  [...]

Another Beautiful Week

February 8th, 2012|Comments Off on Another Beautiful Week

Hi all, I wanted to fill you in on our great Board Meeting last night. After some discussion on each issue, including community feedback, the Board has approved our expansion plan (outlined below) and thought [...]

KG 2.7.12

February 7th, 2012|Comments Off on KG 2.7.12

Expedition News   The Bell Crew has been hard at work, becoming experts on black bears!  Throughout the first case study, the kindergarteners have been enthusiastically reading and writing about hibernation, black bears’ physical features [...]

School Accountability Report Card

February 2nd, 2012|Comments Off on School Accountability Report Card

This document is required by the state of CA to be published and available to the community.  Most of the reported data is from academic year 2010-11.  SARC 2010-11.pdf

Welch Crew News: January 31, 2012

February 1st, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: January 31, 2012

Expedition Express   So Long Railroad!!  Wow!  Our fall expedition was a great learning experience for all students in our crew.  The students are truly experts on the history of the Transcontinental Railroad through the [...]

Springtime in February

January 31st, 2012|Comments Off on Springtime in February

Hi all, Quiet week on campus as the McMains Crew is off on a four day “California Wonders Tour”. They are connecting today's human-made wonders with those of the the ancient civilizations they are studying. [...]

Sierra Scientists: Building Background Knowledge!

January 31st, 2012|Comments Off on Sierra Scientists: Building Background Knowledge!

 Sierra Scientists Expedition      Our scientific inquiry block has been SO much fun.  We have participated in daily labs that boost student's interest in the process of science- from mixing colored liquids to create [...]

Welcome to Winter!

January 24th, 2012|Comments Off on Welcome to Winter!

Hi all, With the change in weather and our first snow day behind us, a few things to remember: Make sure your child comes dressed appropriately: jacket, snow pants, gloves, and hat. They will continue [...]

Snow Day information

January 18th, 2012|Comments Off on Snow Day information

 Snow Day info ENG-SP.pdf

Welch Crew News: January 17, 2012

January 18th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: January 17, 2012

Expedition Express   Railroad:  Good or Evil?  We are in the final stages of our Fall Expedition and our 3rd case study focuses on the impact of the Transcontinental Railroad on Native American tribes in [...]

Let it Snow…

January 17th, 2012|Comments Off on Let it Snow…

Hi all, Hope the long weekend treated everyone well. Most students are either just finishing fall expeditions or are starting spring expeditions; please ask your child about it. There is some very exciting learning planned. [...]

KG News 1-15

January 15th, 2012|Comments Off on KG News 1-15

Bear-y Important News Happy 2012! Your kindergartners have hit the ground running with their new expedition, The Strength of a Bear.  This expedition explores bears from two angles.  In our first case study, "Bear Necessities," [...]

Brisbin Crew News

January 13th, 2012|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News

Happy New Year! Sierra Scientists Expedition: We have jumped head first into the new semester with a mini-unit on Scientific Method and Scientific Inquiry.  Students have participated in a black boxes lab, a chemistry lab, [...]

6th Grade Documentary Film Seeking Sponsorship

January 12th, 2012|Comments Off on 6th Grade Documentary Film Seeking Sponsorship

Blue Bear Productions needs your help!  We are very excited that the film “Geology of California: 4,500,000,000 Years in the Making” is nearing completion. The students photographed, created the artwork and graphics, wrote the scripts, [...]

Welch Crew News: January 10, 2012

January 11th, 2012|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: January 10, 2012

Expedition Express Celebration of Learning:  WOW!  That sums it up for me.  I was so impressed with each one of our crew members for having the courage to stand up in front of so many [...]


January 10th, 2012|Comments Off on Greetings!

Thanks to all participants in last nights Board Workshop on school configuration; lots of good ideas shared and discussed. Based on the workshop and additional information from research and other schools, staff will develop a [...]

Wecome Back!

January 4th, 2012|Comments Off on Wecome Back!

Hope everyone had a nice holiday break. Many thanks to all for your kind words and gifts; staff very much appreciate your recognition of their efforts. Lots to share in this new year. First, we [...]


December 20th, 2011|Comments Off on Volunteer

Our Parent-Teacher Crew is headed by Marcy Thompson. To contact Marcy, send an email to Mission of the PTC The Mission of the Sierra Expeditionary Learning School Parent Teacher Crew is to assist our [...]


December 20th, 2011|Comments Off on Donations

As many of you are aware, government funding of education has been increasingly limited in recent years. Most charter schools count on a per child family donation to supplement the state and government funding they [...]

Help Our School

December 20th, 2011|Comments Off on Help Our School

A common misconception of public schools is that they are free when in fact providing excellent education comes at quite a high cost. When most of us were children, property taxes and other federal funding [...]

After-School KinderCare

December 19th, 2011|Comments Off on After-School KinderCare

SELS provides a KinderCare program for our kindergarten students who finish their academic day just after lunch. Since we offer a half-day kindergarten program, we provide this option so that our youngest learners can remain [...]


December 19th, 2011|Comments Off on Enrollment

2014-2015 Enrollment News: The 2014-15 Enrollment process is underway.  We have set dates for Informational Meetings (see below); to receive an application for our Lottery, you must attend one of these meetings. You are welcome [...]


December 19th, 2011|Comments Off on Contact

Sierra Expeditionary Learning School {div float:left; margin-right: 50px;}{module Contact form|xhtml}{/div} 11603 Donner Pass RoadTruckee, CA 96161 Portable buildings M2-M8 Mailing Address: PO Box 2179Truckee, CA 96160 Email: Phone: (530) 448-8115Fax: (530) 448-8223

Welch Crew News: December 13, 2011

December 15th, 2011|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: December 13, 2011

Expedition Express   Celebration of Learning: Nuts and Bolts:  Remember, Thursday, December 15th, from 6:00 to 7:30 is SELS Celebration of Learning.  This is an ALL school event that showcases the wonderful learning students at [...]

Newsletter 12/12/11

December 13th, 2011|Comments Off on Newsletter 12/12/11

Classroom News We continue to start each day with Morning Meeting where we greet each other and share important news. We usually do a morning message, which is one place we discuss parts of words, [...]

KG News 12-12

December 13th, 2011|Comments Off on KG News 12-12

Expedition News: Building Blocks As the year 2011 comes to an end, so does the Kindergartners' first expedition, “Building Community”.  They have come a tremendous way with...mastering carpentry skills and creating a supportive learning community in [...]

Upcoming Events & Committee Info

December 12th, 2011|Comments Off on Upcoming Events & Committee Info

Hi all, Many thanks for the huge participation at our Gratitude Dinner; the event highlighted our wonderful community of families and staff. A big thank you to the PTC for organizing, renting the equipment, and [...]

Brisbin Crew News 12.6.11

December 6th, 2011|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News 12.6.11

Brisbin Crew News 12.6.11 Design Principle The design principles for December are Solitude and Reflection. Our crew is working on being reminded of the importance of these principles during this crazy month of December Language [...]

Welch Crew News: December 6, 2011

December 6th, 2011|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: December 6, 2011

Expedition Express Chatauqua Presentations:  Our Living History Museum displaying the people of the Central Pacific Railroad is coming along as planned.  Students have chosen a specific person in railroad history and recently completed a Historical [...]

11-21 KG News

November 22nd, 2011|Comments Off on 11-21 KG News

Building Blocks   The kindergartners have been busy “On the Job!” with our second case study.  Fueled by the field work two weeks ago to the Hardware Department at Home Depot, they have been honing [...]

Diversity Meeting, Tues Nov 29th

November 18th, 2011|Comments Off on Diversity Meeting, Tues Nov 29th

The SELS Board would like to invite you to attend an upcoming Diversity Meeting on Tuesday, Nov 29th from 5:30-7:00 in Rm M4 about how we can build a more diverse school culture at SELS. [...]

Welch Crew News: November 15, 2011

November 16th, 2011|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: November 15, 2011

Expedition Express   We are well into the 2nd Case Study of our Expedition which takes a closer look at the economic impacts of the Transcontinental Railroad during the late 1800's.  Students are reading about the [...]

Brisbin Crew News 11.10.11

November 10th, 2011|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News 11.10.11

  Brisbin Crew News 11.10.11 Design Principle Our crew is leaning about Service and Compassion this month. Ask your student how he or she can exhibit this very special design principle. Language Arts We will [...]

Lots Happening

November 9th, 2011|Comments Off on Lots Happening

Hi all, Lots of very exciting news and happenings from our school community. Students have been doing a wonderful job of presenting their views on our SIERRA norms at Community Meetings on Friday mornings. Please [...]

11-6 KG News

November 7th, 2011|Comments Off on 11-6 KG News

Building Blocks (Expedition News)   The Bell Crew is having a fantastic time on our current case study, geared towards gaining knowledge about tools and their purposes. Charlie Stein’s grandfather generously built and donated a [...]

Welch Crew News: November 1, 2011

November 1st, 2011|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: November 1, 2011

Expedition Express   Friendly Letters:  WOW!  Our crew has completed writing a friendly letter to an imaginary family member in China from the viewpoint of a Chinese Railroad worker.  I am very impressed to see [...]

General Info

November 1st, 2011|Comments Off on General Info

Hi all, Just finished a very successful Bear Walk on Monday; thanks to all the parents for their hard work in set-up and stations and to the students for some strong running and walking. Please [...]

Newsletter 10/28/11

October 31st, 2011|Comments Off on Newsletter 10/28/11

Classroom News Reading groups are up and running very successfully. Students are working hard at being independent during literacy centers, and because of this I am able read with groups every other day. When the [...]

Brisbin Crew News 10.28.11

October 29th, 2011|Comments Off on Brisbin Crew News 10.28.11

Conferences It was a pleasure to meet with all of you for our goal setting conferences. The students did a remarkable job creating SMART goals for themselves. We will revisit these goals in March. Language [...]

10-18 KG News

October 19th, 2011|Comments Off on 10-18 KG News

Building Blocks (Expedition News)   The Bell Crew had a wonderful Adventure Hike last week!  The fall weather was glorious, and the kindergartners were thrilled to be out in the field using some of their [...]

Welch Crew News: October 18, 2011

October 18th, 2011|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: October 18, 2011

Expedition Express   Our crew continues to make connections and learn about the stories behind the people that built the Transcontinental Railroad.  Currently we are working on writing a friendly letter, from the viewpoint of [...]

Upcoming Events

October 18th, 2011|Comments Off on Upcoming Events

Hi SELS community, I want to update you all on events for the next couple of weeks. Oct 24-28 is Minimum Day week; elementary students are released at 1 pm and 6th graders at 11:45. [...]

Pitch N’Putt Fundraiser

October 17th, 2011|Comments Off on Pitch N’Putt Fundraiser

Thanks to everyone who participated - and to Tahoe Donner for hosting this great event! SELS FAMILY  Please  come join our  4/5th CREW  as we enjoy a spectacularly fun family day at  Tahoe Donner Golf [...]

October Expert Line-up

October 17th, 2011|Comments Off on October Expert Line-up

  We have the most extraordinary line-up of opportunities and experts this month. We have to be the luckiest expeditionary crew in the country thanks to our phenomenal parents!   Kevin Bumen made it possible [...]

Crew New 10.13.11

October 13th, 2011|Comments Off on Crew New 10.13.11

Language Arts Students have started new groups and books for their Literature Circle study. The different groups are reading Bandit's Moon, by Sid Fleishman, The Ballad of Lucy Whipple, by Karen Cushman, Striking it Rich, [...]

Welch Crew News: October 11, 2011

October 11th, 2011|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: October 11, 2011

Expedition Express   The Welch Crew had another successful fieldwork experience on Friday, October 7th.  We headed east to Carson City, NV and visited the Nevada State Railroad Museum and then out to Virginia City, [...]

Board of Director’s Retreat, Oct 9

October 7th, 2011|Comments Off on Board of Director’s Retreat, Oct 9

SELS Board Development Workshop AGENDA Sunday, October 9, 2011 9:00-5:00pm SELS, Rm M-4 Facilitated by Alfredo Vergara-Lobo, Nonprofit Trainer and Consultant   Part 1: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Roles - Guidelines for Improving Board Effectiveness Board [...]

10/6 KG News

October 6th, 2011|Comments Off on 10/6 KG News

Hello Kindergarten Families! Happy October to you all!  It has been wonderful to start out the month with classroom volunteers.  The kindergarteners so enjoy your presence in our room, and we greatly appreciate your assistance [...]

Program Changes, Reminders, and Events

October 5th, 2011|Comments Off on Program Changes, Reminders, and Events

Hi all, I hope everyone is enjoying our pleasant weather. I want to relay some recent changes in our school program: As of Monday, Oct 10, we will be receiving hot lunches for our students. [...]

Newsletter 10/1/11

October 1st, 2011|Comments Off on Newsletter 10/1/11

Classroom News      The past few weeks we have been very busy in class! We continue to learn about each other and how to act in school. I introduced the Mystery Person, and we [...]

Newsletter 9.29.11

September 29th, 2011|Comments Off on Newsletter 9.29.11

Language Arts Students continue to work on their Literature Circle study of Sid Fleishman's, By the Great Horn Spoon. We are also working on reading comprehension with Reader's Workshop mini-lessons using the novel, Samurai of [...]

Welch Crew News: September 27, 2011

September 27th, 2011|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: September 27, 2011

Expedition Express   We have jumped in with both feet learning more about the Transcontinental Railroad this week.  Students continue to learn how to read non-fiction text in a fun format:  Comic book.  This is [...]

General Information and Committee Meetings

September 27th, 2011|Comments Off on General Information and Committee Meetings

          Hi all, Four weeks in and going smoothly.  Many thanks for all the helpers with driving, camping, library, classrooms, and other volunteer duties - much appreciated. Crews are off to [...]

Welch Crew News: September 20, 2011

September 21st, 2011|Comments Off on Welch Crew News: September 20, 2011

Expedition Express   This week we are looking at specific text features of non-fiction texts.  Using headings, photos, captions, boldface print to name a few items good readers use to help understand content rich information.  [...]

Bell Crew News 9-20-11

September 20th, 2011|Comments Off on Bell Crew News 9-20-11

Hello Kindergarten Families, I've graduated to the web!  Please bear with me as I master this form of communication.  There will be photos posted with this article within the next 48 hours.  If you do [...]

Grizzly Adventure was…

September 18th, 2011|Comments Off on Grizzly Adventure was…

G-r-r-r-reat! It began with scattered, individual excitement and ended with a successful all-crew challenge. We mastered the “Pipeline” by cooperating, staying cool-headed under pressure and taking care of each other – all things we learned [...]

Who Am I Journals

September 18th, 2011|Comments Off on Who Am I Journals

We’ve begun a journey inward to discover ourselves. Our unique and beautiful journal covers are an expression of who we are right now. The pages inside are waiting to be filled with who we are [...]

It’s a beautiful day at SELS.

September 16th, 2011|Comments Off on It’s a beautiful day at SELS.

We are Crew, not passengers!

Brisbin News 9.14.11

September 15th, 2011|Comments Off on Brisbin News 9.14.11

Brisbin Crew News    9.14.11 Welcome to the 2011/2012 Brisbin Crew page. This will be your go to site for information and pictures of the Brisbin Crew happenings. Please check it regularly to be kept [...]

Box Tops for Education: 2011-12

September 14th, 2011|Comments Off on Box Tops for Education: 2011-12

Welcome to a new year of Box Tops!  Last year we earned over $120.00, and this year our goal is to raise $250.00 for our school. The first submission deadline is at the end of [...]

Board Meeting Monday, Sept 19th

September 14th, 2011|Comments Off on Board Meeting Monday, Sept 19th

The next SELS Board Meeting will take place on Monday, September 19th from 5:30 - 8:30pm. All parents and interested parties are welcome to attend. Related Documents (PDF Format): Agenda

Overnight Railroad Fieldwork

September 14th, 2011|Comments Off on Overnight Railroad Fieldwork

Overnight Railroad Fieldwork   Our trip this week to Sacramento and Nevada City to visit Railroad Museums with our overnight camping adventure was a complete success.  The students of the Welch Crew were model crew [...]

SELS – eScrip and Back To School Night

September 13th, 2011|Comments Off on SELS – eScrip and Back To School Night

When attending Back To School Night on Thursday, September 15th, please stop by our No-Cost Fundraising booth. You can learn about our 4 current No-Cost Fundraisers: eScrip Scrip Box Tops Savemart Cards Last school year, [...]

Newsletter 9/9/11

September 10th, 2011|Comments Off on Newsletter 9/9/11

Welcome Holguin Crew!!! This year classroom newsletters will be posted on our very own crew page! This will be an important place to get all kinds of great information about the Holguin Crew. Please make [...]

Tunnels and Snowshed Fieldwork

September 8th, 2011|Comments Off on Tunnels and Snowshed Fieldwork

Transcontinental Railroad Fieldwork Expedition Kick-off   Today was a fabulous day for a hike through the tunnels and snowsheds built in the 1840's by Chinese laborers in an effort to construct the first transcontinental railroad.  [...]

Our Fall Expeditions

September 4th, 2011|Comments Off on Our Fall Expeditions

Earth Shaking, Mountain Making, a study of California geology is the McMains Crew fall expedition and we plan an extraordinary final product. With the guidance of a local cinematographer, the McMains Crew will be writing, [...]

2010-2011 Expedition

September 2nd, 2011|Comments Off on 2010-2011 Expedition

For the 2010-11 school year, the class is studying "Cultural Ecology Through Petroglyphic Stories". This academic unit examines the relationships of geography and climate on the cultures of Pre-Columbian settlements and early settlers in the [...]

Successful Start to 2011-12

August 31st, 2011|Comments Off on Successful Start to 2011-12

Hi SELS Community, Congratulations on a successful first day and start to the 2011-12 school year. Very exciting to have all the students and energy back on campus. Some info to share: - Busing will [...]

Back-to-School Information

August 31st, 2011|Comments Off on Back-to-School Information

Welcome Back    This will be your link to all information regarding the Welch Crew.  Here are a few of the basics to get you started to a great school year. Contacting Diane:  My school [...]

Welcome Back Welch Crew

August 30th, 2011|Comments Off on Welcome Back Welch Crew

Welcome Back Welch Crew   It's hard to believe that summer is over and school is back in session, but I am very excited to get started with my new crew this fall and begin [...]

News for August 29th

August 29th, 2011|Comments Off on News for August 29th

content goes here here is a new paragraph

2010-2011 Expedition Information

August 29th, 2011|Comments Off on 2010-2011 Expedition Information

For the 2010-11 school year, the class is studying "The History of Truckee". Students will take a close look at their own family history in Truckee (2nd grade), local senior citizens history (3rd grade), the [...]

Board Meeting Monday, August 1st

July 25th, 2011|Comments Off on Board Meeting Monday, August 1st

The next SELS Board Meeting will take place on Monday, August 1st from 5:30 - 8:30pm. All parents and interested parties are welcome to attend. Related Documents (PDF Format): Agenda

Board Meeting Monday, July 11th

July 5th, 2011|Comments Off on Board Meeting Monday, July 11th

The next SELS Board Meeting will take place on Monday, July 11th from 6-9pm. All parents and interested parties are welcome to attend. Related Documents (PDF Format): Agenda Background Info EL Partnership Agreement SELS 2011-12 [...]

Board Meeting Thursday, June 2nd

May 20th, 2011|Comments Off on Board Meeting Thursday, June 2nd

The next SELS Board Meeting will take place on Thursday, June 2nd from 6-9pm. All parents and interested parties are welcome to attend. Related Documents (PDF Format): Agenda Background Info

Budget Workshop Wednesday, May 25th

May 20th, 2011|Comments Off on Budget Workshop Wednesday, May 25th

SELS will be holding a Budget Workshop on Wednesday, May 25th from 7-9pm at the school. Below is the budget workshop agenda. The current budget is still being updated and will be available on the [...]

Board Meeting Monday, May 2nd

May 2nd, 2011|Comments Off on Board Meeting Monday, May 2nd

The next SELS Board Meeting will take place on Monday, May 2nd from 6-9pm. All parents and interested parties are welcome to attend. Related Documents (PDF Format): Agenda Background Info

Reenie McMains – 6th

May 2nd, 2011|Comments Off on Reenie McMains – 6th

From hunkering in bird blinds along the Platte River to night-hiking the Costa Rican rainforests, Reenie McMains has convinced hundreds of young people to come along on her learning adventures. Teaching at SELS is the highlight of her career – Reenie loves working at SELS! It allows her the freedom to create in-depth learning experiences for her students in an environment that emphasizes creativity, caring and adventure. She enjoys the deep involvement of parents and the investment of the entire SELS community in developing children with strength of character and a passion for learning. For her, work is play! […]

SELS Receives $575K Grant

April 21st, 2011|Comments Off on SELS Receives $575K Grant

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sierra Expeditionary Learning School Awarded $575,000 Truckee, CA, (April 20,2011) – Sierra Expeditionary Learning School (SELS), a tuition-free public school operating independently under TTUSD, has been awarded the Public Charter School Grant in the amount of $575,000. This federal grant is paid over two years and is intended to help new charter schools develop into highly performing schools. The grant focus is on funding professional and board development and assists with the implementation of effective student and staff assessment systems. “We feel very fortunate to receive this support,”said SELS Director, David Manahan. “Through additional training, staffing, and resources, these funds will help us build a stronger overall school program. We are very excited for the benefits this grant will provide our students.” […]

Board Meeting Monday, Apr 11th

April 2nd, 2011|Comments Off on Board Meeting Monday, Apr 11th

The next SELS Board Meeting will take place on Monday, April 11th from 6-9pm. All parents and interested parties are welcome to attend.   Agenda (PDF Format): Agenda

BOD Meeting Tuesday, Mar 29th

March 27th, 2011|Comments Off on BOD Meeting Tuesday, Mar 29th

And emergency SELS Board Meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 29th at 5pm. All parents and interested parties are welcome to attend.   Agenda and background materials (PDF Format): Agenda 2011 Lottery Policy

Board Meeting Monday, Mar 7th

March 1st, 2011|Comments Off on Board Meeting Monday, Mar 7th

The next SELS Board Meeting will take place on Monday, March 7th from 6-9pm. All parents and interested parties are welcome to attend.   Agenda and background materials (PDF Format): Agenda Background Info ARI Service [...]

Board Meeting Monday, Feb 7th

February 1st, 2011|Comments Off on Board Meeting Monday, Feb 7th

The next SELS Board Meeting will take place on Monday, February 7th from 6-9pm. All parents and interested parties are welcome to attend.   Agenda and background materials (PDF Format): Agenda Background info Financial policies [...]

Board Meeting Monday, Dec 6th

November 29th, 2010|Comments Off on Board Meeting Monday, Dec 6th

The next SELS Board Meeting will take place on Monday, Dec 6th from 6-9pm. All parents and interested parties are welcome to attend. Click here to view the agenda or the background info. (PDF Format)

Board Meeting Tuesday, Nov 16th

November 12th, 2010|Comments Off on Board Meeting Tuesday, Nov 16th

The next SELS Board Meeting will take place on Tues, Nov 16th from 6-9pm. Click here to view the agenda or the background info.

PRESS RELEASE: Truckee Rotary Grants Donation for Sierra Expeditionary Learning School Case Study

November 10th, 2010|Comments Off on PRESS RELEASE: Truckee Rotary Grants Donation for Sierra Expeditionary Learning School Case Study

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Truckee, CA, (November 10, 2010)- Sierra Expeditionary Learning School (SELS) would like to thank the Truckee Rotary for their donation of $350 to fund the 4th/5th grade class in their creation of [...]

Board Member opening

October 21st, 2010|Comments Off on Board Member opening

We are actively recruiting an "educator" board member for the SELS Board of Directors. We are looking for someone with an understanding of the Expeditionary Learning philosophy that can provide an educator's perspective to our [...]

Julie Brisbin – 4th & 5th

July 9th, 2010|Comments Off on Julie Brisbin – 4th & 5th

At the confluence of her love of teaching and the outdoors, Julie Brisbin found her way into the Sierra Expeditionary Learning School community in 2010 as a Founding Teacher. Julie’s seven years of classroom experience range from not only guiding her students through dynamic thematic units and expeditions, but also coaching positions which include CRT Coach, Team Leader, and PLC Facilitator. Julie has taught locally in Tahoe City and Reno since 2005. Prior to teaching in the classroom, Julie was an Environmental Education/ Adventure Education guide for many outdoor education schools in Montana, Colorado, and Arizona. During Julie’s experience teaching for Sierra Expeditionary Learning School, Julie has achieved community accolades for her Fall 2011 Expedition titled “On American Soil,” in which students raised money for the Donner Summit 20-Mile Museum. The class then researched and graphically designed an interpretive sign for their petroglyph site. The sign still stands, prominently featured, at the petroglyph site on Old Hwy 40. […]

Diane Welch – 2nd & 3rd

July 9th, 2010|Comments Off on Diane Welch – 2nd & 3rd

As one of the founding crew leaders at Sierra Expeditionary Learning School, Diane Welch is a veteran teacher of 20 years. Prior to arriving at SELS, Mrs. Welch taught for 8 years at a highly implementing Expeditionary Learning school in Pocatello, ID. Mrs. Welch has a high level of experience designing Learning Expeditions that align with newly implemented Common Core State Standards as well as a deep understanding of Expeditionary Learning practices. She has organized and led many crews on Adventure trips to Lake Tahoe, Yellowstone National Park and Crater’s of the Moon National Monument as well as taking her crew rock climbing, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, swimming, and camping. […]

Elizabeth Bell – K & 1st

July 9th, 2010|Comments Off on Elizabeth Bell – K & 1st

Elizabeth Bell comes to Sierra Expeditionary Learning School with 10 years of experience in elementary education, ranging from Adventure-Based Curriculum to international and public school classroom teaching.  Ms. Bell taught Kindergarten, First Grade and multi-age 1-2-3 in India, Vermont and Incline Village.  She was later employed as an Art Teacher for young children at the KidZone Museum, where she taught exploration-based classes and was responsible for creating new policies and programs.  Most recently, Ms. Bell worked as a home-study teacher, guiding her own children on a long-term, multidisciplinary study of local history.  Their culminating project, Going West with the Donners can be viewed on youTube. […]

Maya Holguin – K & 1st

July 9th, 2010|Comments Off on Maya Holguin – K & 1st

Maya Holguin comes to Sierra Expeditionary Learning School with a wide variety of teaching experiences. She has spent more than 10 years as a classroom educator, working with kindergarten through 3rd grades. She also feels fortunate to have taught in the field of outdoor education and wilderness adventure. Ms. Holguin is moving from Santa Cruz, California, where she not only grew up, but has spent the past 3 years teaching in the local public schools. She helped develop kindergarten curriculum and also worked closely with 3rd graders on literacy. Last year she particularly enjoyed having daily parent volunteers in her classroom. […]

David Manahan – Director

June 28th, 2010|Comments Off on David Manahan – Director

Sierra Expeditionary Learning School (SELS) is excited to introduce you to our new Founding Director, David Manahan. Mr. Manahan arrives with nearly 20 years of educational experience in various roles and institutions. His background in outdoor and experiential education includes facilitation at environmental learning centers, curriculum development and start up, group and corporate team building, and educator training. […]

Building Background Knowledge Workshop

April 1st, 2010|Comments Off on Building Background Knowledge Workshop

Building Background Knowledge Workshop August 16th, 6:30 - 8:30pm at the SELS Campus hosted by John LeCavalier, Northwest Regional Director, Expeditionary Learning Schools Limited space available. You must RSVP (via the Evite) to attend this [...]

Now Hiring: Spanish Language Instructor

March 27th, 2010|Comments Off on Now Hiring: Spanish Language Instructor

We are currently looking for a Spanish Language Instruction (part-time) for the Sierra Expeditionary Learning School! Please 'read more' for the complete job description. […]

Charter Approved

March 5th, 2010|Comments Off on Charter Approved

Great News - the Sierra Expeditionary Learning Charter School has been approved! The Tahoe Truckee Unified School District Board voted unanimously on March 3rd to approve the charter petition of Sierra Expeditionary Learning School (SELS). [...]

Core Practices

January 28th, 2010|Comments Off on Core Practices

SELS will adopt a hands-on Expeditionary Learning curriculum that adheres to district and state standards. Expeditionary Learning has been recognized nationally as an innovative, research-based, school improvement model and has been credited with producing high [...]

Jan 7, 2010 Minutes

January 13th, 2010|Comments Off on Jan 7, 2010 Minutes

<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> Sierra Expeditionary Learning School Minutes 1/7/2010   Structure of Charter Council Discussion re: losing Mike & Dana. Dana would like to still be [...]

Dec 1 Meeting

December 11th, 2009|Comments Off on Dec 1 Meeting

Charter School Minutes Dec 1, 2009 Attending: Erica Stein, Arthur Radar, Jen Wilkin, Anna Demm, Kim Bradley, Christina, Melissa Williams, Jill Penwarden, Angelica Stone, SunMie Won, Alison Schwedner, Mike Kahlich, Elizabeth Bell   TTUSD/Union Update [...]

Nov 18 meeting

December 11th, 2009|Comments Off on Nov 18 meeting

Truckee Charter School Meeting Minutes 11/18/09   Update from Finance Committee Need for money for planning phase Finance Committee needs to be ready to apply for Public Charter School grant and revolving loan once charter [...]

Nov 2 meeting

November 21st, 2009|Comments Off on Nov 2 meeting

Working committee meetingI.) Alison updated the group on the board training that she attended. The group needs to decide whether to form an actual board or remain in the structure of a ‘founding group’. We [...]

Benefits to TTUSD

November 21st, 2009|Comments Off on Benefits to TTUSD

“Charter schools are public schools serving our children with our money. Instead of standing apart, charters should be partnering with districts, sharing lessons, and sharing credit.” - Arne Duncan, Oct. 2009   The Sierra Expeditionary [...]

Truckee Charter School Concept

October 26th, 2009|Comments Off on Truckee Charter School Concept

Who are we?In early 2009, a group of local families came together with the goal to provide an alternative public education option in Truckee. We are a diverse group of parents with a wide range [...]

Oct 21 Meeting

October 23rd, 2009|Comments Off on Oct 21 Meeting

Members present: Keri, Angelica, SunMie, Jen, Anna, Carolyn, Allison, Kim, Elizabeth, Jill, Melissa, EricaTTUSD Update- KimKim met with two board members, Kirsten Livak & Bev Ducey. They were both receptive and mentioned that they liked [...]


October 10th, 2009|Comments Off on Home_20100127

Who are we?In early 2009, a group of local families came together with the goal to provide an alternative public education option in Truckee. We are a diverse group of parents with a wide range [...]

The Founders

October 7th, 2009|Comments Off on The Founders

SELS was founded by group of local parents and residents that desire to see an alternative public education option in Truckee. The goal was to complement the current educational model in the community and provide [...]

Sept 30 Meeting

September 30th, 2009|Comments Off on Sept 30 Meeting

Working committees met at Anna Demm's house. Meeting with TTUSD Erica, Carolyn and Kim shared info about the meeting with TTUSD - Steve  Jennings (Superintendant), and Steve Dickinson (Finane). Overall, it was a very positive [...]